I recently watched the movie "Life Events", which is a real-life movie about a group of people struggling at the bottom, orphans, men in prison, and women abroad. No one cares about them. They don't have a good education, they are vulgar, confused, helpless, and are looked down u

2024/05/2412:47:32 emotion 1558

recently watched the movie " Life Events ", which is a real-life movie about a group of people struggling at the bottom, orphans, men in prison, and women abroad. No one cares about them. They don't have a good education, they are vulgar, confused, and helpless. , are looked down upon and not understood, but they are perseverant, optimistic, upright, kind, love the work they do, conscientious, and responsible. Compared with those white-collar workers who are unkind, profit-seeking, selfish and indifferent, there is no doubt that they are shining with the brilliance of humanity.

Some people have already won since they were born. It is not forced by the reality of the environment. Who is better than others? The film may reveal the meaning of human life? ! We cannot judge based on identity, status, power and money. Kindness, loyalty, optimism, integrity and other traditional virtues of the Chinese people are what should be praised and promoted in today's society, and they will eventually be respected and admired by everyone. Everyone has his own way of living. He knows whether he is living well, whether he is happy or not, and whether he is warm or not. When he comes, he takes nothing with him, and when he leaves, he does not take away a single cloud. When he saves others, he saves himself. Don’t be afraid of living in a materialistic society. , blindly pursue material life and ignore the scenery along the way. The real death of a person is not the moment of death, but the real death when no one remembers you. Borrowing a sentence from Zang Kejia comment on Lu Xun: Some people are dead when they are alive, and they are still alive when some people are dead.

I recently watched the movie

Video starring two actors

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