Will being moderately cold make a man love you again? I tell you "yes". Heat can promote relationships, and sometimes cold can also promote relationships. However, the role of indifference must be exerted within limits, conditions and means. As long as you understand these 3 poin

2024/05/1911:43:33 emotion 1965

Will moderate indifference make a man love you again?

I tell you "yes". Heat can promote relationships, and sometimes cold can also promote relationships.

However, there are limits, conditions and means to play the role of indifference.

As long as you understand these 3 points, you can achieve the purpose of making a man care about you more and love you more.

1. Conditions for indifference

If you want to use indifference to change a man's attitude and feelings towards you, there are prerequisites.

This method works for some men. For example, there is a wife who treats her husband in all kinds of ways without any bottom line, so that the husband gets used to it and cherishes her less and less. At this time, the sudden coldness will make the man uncomfortable, and he will want to know you. Why have you become colder and not as caring about him as before? At this time, through in-depth emotional communication, you can make a man realize that he not only wants to enjoy love, but also give love.

And for some men, being cold will only make him stay further away from you. For example, those men who have changed their minds, or even men who have illegitimate children outside, they hope that you will be cold to them. The colder you are, the crazier he will be, and the more reason he will feel to betray you.

2. Limits of indifference

Governing a big country is like cooking small dishes, and cultivating marriage is like cooking small dishes. It must be done in a moderate degree, neither too high nor too low. The same goes for indifference.

If you remain indifferent to a man for too long, it will make him feel that you are desperate for this relationship, and he will also lose the motivation to work hard.

If the cold time is too short, the man will think that you are just pretending and don't dare to be serious, and then he will continue to play the same old tricks.

So this degree is very important. How much strength is appropriate depends on the personality and emotional depth of the two of you. This is a technical job. If you want to know how to do it, you can leave me a private message.

3, cold means

The means here are divided into two types.

One is total indifference, which is to cut off all contact with him.

The other is partial indifference, which is to greatly reduce contact and interaction, but maintain a small amount of interaction.

Use different methods in different situations to achieve the best results. This is also a very complicated technical job.

If you are confused and don’t know how to do it, you can leave me a private message.

Will being moderately cold make a man love you again? I tell you

@爱精品 Zhao Yuechen Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Master of Psychology, National Level 2 Psychological Counselor , Marriage and Love Relationship Counseling Expert, Director of Social Mental Health Service Guidance Center of China Social Workers Association, Psychological Assistance of Social Mental Health Service Guidance Center Deputy director of the workstation, co-founder of the Heart Help Psychological and Emotional Platform, and specially invited psychological expert by CCTV Beijing Radio. Over the past 15 years, he has helped more than 20,000 visitors solve their problems.

has been interviewed many times by radio, television, newspapers, magazines and other media, and has given psychological lectures on stress management, parent-child education, marriage and love, etc. to more than 20 companies.

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