What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes

2021/09/2723:03:12 emotion 724

What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews

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"What's the taste of the sugar you eat? "We are always curious about the sugar in people's mouths, and then he tells you that it is fragrant.

So, you also ate one and found it smelly! At this time, if someone asks you, of course you will say that it is smelly.

In this way, the sugar itself has no smell or smell. Different people have different tastes.

Marriage is just such a durian candy. Everyone has their own preferences. Only if they have eaten it will they know whether it is fragrant or smelly.

What’s more amazing is that the smell and smell can also transform.

For example, my little niece Mi Li, she originally hated durian the most, but under my guidance several times...she started to like durian and fell in love with durian.

So, also for marriage, it’s not easy to meet someone,It is recommended to have more products.

Sometimes people mistakenly think that their temporary preferences are their lifetime preferences, or mistakenly believe that their lifetime preferences are temporary preferences. Many tragedies are born from this.

What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews

Yuxiang Pork Shredded

I have a friend who puts salted fish every time he makes Yuxiang shredded pork.

strange, isn't it? Everyone on the earth knows that there is no fish in the fish-flavored shredded pork, but she thinks it must be.

The reason is that his husband thinks that fish-flavored shredded pork with some salted fish tastes great.

Correspondingly, his husband must put the toothbrush on the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle each time, and the toothpaste must be squeezed from the bottom, because she thinks this is a basic human ethics.

For this, her husband has corrected herself for a year, just as awkward as she was when she put salted fish in the shredded pork with fish flavor.

This is probably the marriage between them. You will give in for me, I will change for you, and finally maintain a balanced state of mutual integration as a whole.

Marriage is like a dish. Everyone has their own taste. Only the parties know how to make arrangements.

All human relationships, including husband and wife relationships, are just a running-in.The break-in is to make each other comfortable, not to make each other scrap.

One person is willing to practice putting salted fish in fish-flavored pork shreds for you. This is the premise of marriage.

What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews

old cloth shoes

A friend bought a pair of high-end running shoes for her father who was so light and breathable that she didn't want to be scolded by her father.

"I only wear old cloth shoes made by your mother! Where do you buy these are comfortable, it is a prodigal! Prodigal!"

I asked her, do you think the old man is reluctant to spend money, or really just likes it Old cloth shoes made by your mother?

She thought about it for a while and said, "It should not be bad money. He has only worn old cloth shoes made by my mother for decades, so my mother made him more than a dozen pairs of shoes before she passed away."

Then, when the old man wore the last pair of old cloth shoes made by his wife, he also passed away.

I used to think that the old man was just stubborn, but later I realized that it was affectionate.

How many people can finally comprehend: 's deepest affection, but habit becomes natural.

Marriage is like a pair of shoes. Everyone has their own size and wears the most comfortable pair of shoes.

And that comfortable, is to accompany you all the way for decades,There is no substitute.

What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews


Finally, for marriage, the only thing we do is to quote the beginning of 4span _span: _span.

Let me tell you another secret, no one knows what to do from the beginning.

So, you don’t need to ask other people what marriage is. Everyone is just talking about their own feelings. Try to find someone to get married and you will know what marriage is.

What should I do if I try and make a mistake?

It seems that you have made fewer mistakes since childhood. Isn't being alive a process of making mistakes? It's just that some people can make corrections if they know their mistakes, and some don't repent.

The former has happiness in the end, while the latter struggles for life.

Bai Ye nodded and nodded again.

What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews What is marriage? Marriage is durian candy, fish-flavored pork, old cloth shoes - DayDayNews


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