10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good?

2021/08/1718:49:11 emotion 664

10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good? - DayDayNews

The focus of this article:

1. Interpersonal satisfaction measures do not always accurately reflect the quality of people's daily interpersonal relationships.

2. A new level 10 test can be used to quickly understand the health of the relationship.

3. By comparing the cut-off points, people can identify the problem areas that affect the health of the relationship.

10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good? - DayDayNews

Maybe for a few days, you feel that you can no longer continue with your partner, and other times, you feel that you are in harmony.

What is the decisive factor for the change in your feelings about your partner?

Do you quarrel because your partner forgets a small housework? Do you think your partner can't kiss you often?

Maybe the responsibility is on you.

Maybe you have overlooked something,This may be housework or your reaction to close contact. Or maybe things are better than ever, and you just had a romantic evening. You feel that your relationship is stronger than ever, at least for now.

These changes in daily satisfaction with a partner are a normal characteristic of a relationship-there are bound to be good days and bad days.

However, now consider this scenario: When researchers ask people to rate their relationship satisfaction, what will they find?

If you must now use 1 to 5 to evaluate your relationship, would you come up with a number that can cover all the daily complications?

1. It is normal for relationship satisfaction to change every day

Shayne Anderson of Brigham Young University and his colleagues developed a new relationship monitoring scale in 2021, based on which they proposed The new view of may change every day, even at any time .

In view of marital and family issues counselors need to track the progress of the counseling process,The Brigham Young University team tried to propose a scale , which can be measured instantly and repeated at different times so that the consultant can ensure the effectiveness of the consultation.

As the notes of researcher Anderson and others write:

"It needs to be clear that there is no lack of effective and reliable scales for improving the relationship between husband and wife... but the consultant is worried about these. If the scale is too long, it will bring a burden of time or energy to the client. After all, their work schedule is already very busy."

In addition to setting aside time to arrange the consultation, 3 or 4 questionnaires must be completed.

10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good? - DayDayNews

In addition, Anderson and his researchers also raised the question of "relationship improvement".

Are you more satisfied with your relationship? Is your communication clearer and clearer? Are you more intimate in physical contact? These are the dimensions of the relationship. A single relationship quality rating scale may not be able to measure clearly even if it has many items to measure satisfaction.

Even if you have not been consulted, the ability to examine your relationship repeatedly is helpful.Once you stop and think about how you feel in a few key areas, you can gain insights into the areas that need to be acted upon, which will make your relationship with your partner more harmonious. More importantly, maybe you can persuade your partner to try this method too.

2. The development history of the 10-item Couple Relationship Scale (CRS)

Before entering the real couple relationship scale CRS, it is useful to understand the author's large amount of work to determine the final scale . After consulting a large amount of literature on interpersonal relationships, the author turned to 23 experienced couple counselors to rank 14 potential dimensions that capture the key elements of relationships. In order to make the measurement as comprehensive as possible, these consultants come from a wide range of professional fields, including emotional focus therapy, cognitive therapy, feminist couple therapy, and consultants with expertise in LGBTQ+ relationships.

In this context, the author then captured the 10 dimensions that emerged from this analysis in a visual analog scale or continuous line rating.

Couples do not have to answer questions, just point out their position in each dimension. Researchers will test and refine the scale to ensure that it does not exceed the reading level of 5th grade, and it only takes one minute to read it.

10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good? - DayDayNews

Anderson and his colleagues tested their metrics in an online sample of 300 nationally representative adults, all of whom are in a loyal partnership, and Did not accept consultation. Most people are in heterosexual relationships, and 14 are in same-sex relationships. The average number of years of relationship between couples is 14 years.

3. Self-check the 10 rating scales

Now,Let’s look at 10 rating scales.

During the research by the Brigham Young University team, the scale appeared on the screen. However, you can also imagine yourself as a line for testing (about 100 mm in length).

Describe your views on your relationship with your partner in the past week:

01, distance ---> closeness _span8p pspan 5 Invest in

03, suspicious--->trust

04, completely unsafe--->completely safe 5 span

people Molecule

06. Criticism--->accept

07. Always quarrel---> get along in harmony 0p 0p 08, I have no need for intimacy with my body. Satisfied--->All my physical intimacy needs are met

09. Very unhappy---> Very happy

10. In general (not only Only in my relationship),The worst feeling I have ever had-->The best feeling I have ever had.

The key dimensions measured by these items are as follows (in order):

01, emotional intimacy _span0 span8, emotional intimacy _span0 span8, span5 _span0 trust

04, security

05, cohesion

06, acceptance

07, conflict

08, physical intimacy

09, overall happiness

10, personal happiness _p5span think about the span line that p0100p mm now.The score range for each dimension is 0-100. If you place the imaginary cursor below 71%, then your score is already lower than the cut-off point between the " couple " and " problematic couple" found by the author. It is based on the scores of other relationship indicators. However, the score varies from project to project, with conflicting items having the lowest cut-off point (73%) and the highest level of security (88%).

After developing this scale, the author compared couples who received counseling ("couples in distressed relationship") with couples who did not receive consultation. Based on this analysis, the authors report slightly different critical scores for each dimension. Due to the nature of this comparison, you can use these percentages of distress and non-distress as a guide to understand your own relationship:

critical scores for each dimension:


span 01. Emotional intimacy: 69%

02. Commitment: 73%

03. Trust: 77% 0 span5 0 05, cohesion: 71%

06, acceptance: 72%

07, conflict: 63% _span8 pspan

pspan 0 span

pspan 0 span

pspan 0 09. Overall happiness: 71%

10. Personal happiness: 66%

4. Use it in your own relationship (CRS)

you are not on a computer This test,You may find it difficult to interpret these thresholds . Nevertheless, if you spread your fingers within 100mm, you know whether you are in the lower, middle or higher range of these percentages. Then, the lowest ones will be the areas you are looking for ways to improve.

10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good? - DayDayNews

The most important thing is that CRS can help you connect your current feelings of the relationship between the highs and lows of your recent events. After that night of intimacy, you may be emotionally high, and after ridiculous quarrels about household chores, you may be depressed.

If you decide to continue to use CRS to check the quality of your relationship, the author recommends that you "complete the measurement regularly and honestly." In addition, in couples counseling, it is very useful to start discussing problem areas from CRS. Even if you are not receiving counseling, you can use CRS scores to help explore areas of concern in your relationship.

In short, as couples feel better or worse with their partner every day, the relationship will develop with the natural ebb and flow. As the years go by, making a quick gauge may be exactly what you need to achieve satisfaction.

10-item partner relationship scale (CRS): self-test whether your relationship is good? - DayDayNews

author | small fish (159)

edit | cup of coffee all media newsroom editor Lily week


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