1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you

2021/02/2821:51:02 emotion 1126

How to make a man continue to be passionate about you and keep you in his heart at all times. This seems difficult.

But it is the state that most girls have been pursuing.

Many women are very confused. When they first started, they loved each other.

1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you - DayDayNews

I was talking on the phone, making appointments for a meal or a movie, but I couldn't see it for a moment, and I was very anxious and missed it.

But after a long time, you will find that the previous phone porridge is gone, and he wants to turn off the phone after just a few sentences.

is really different from before, why did he become so cold?

This is a problem for many women. When a man is first with you, he is most enthusiastic.

1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you - DayDayNews

As time goes by, their enthusiasm has become lower and lower.

If you want to solve this phenomenon, you must make this man psychologically dependent on you.

so that he will always worry about you.

1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you - DayDayNews

How to make this man depend on you? We need to plant this man with dependence.

To give a simple example, for example, a man thinks of you when he is hungry, why, because maybe you are cooking for him every day.

Every day when it's time to eat, call him out to eat.

So when he gets hungry, he can immediately think of you cooking for him.

But what you think at this time is not what you really want.

He just subconsciously wants to ask you if your meal is ready, I am starving to death.

1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you - DayDayNews

Hearing this, I know you are tired.

But this is indeed the same as relying on psychology.

He will think of you when he is hungry, and we can also create more dependence in our lives.

makes him think of you immediately after encountering this kind of thing again.

1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you - DayDayNews

For example, when you go shopping together, he accidentally stepped on the manhole cover. At this time, you hit his butt, saying that you will be lucky if you step on the manhole cover without tapping the butt.

This kind of thing, you only need to repeat three or four times, and he will see the manhole cover again, he will subconsciously get out of the way and think of you.

Or when he sees other people making such actions, he will also remember what you said to him.

This is the psychology of dependence, and there are many things like this.

1 trick to tell you how to make men be enthusiastic about you - DayDayNews

As long as the scene reappears in his mind, he will definitely think of you.

This kind of relationship is definitely not enough.

Good feelings must be accumulated a little bit in daily life, not that they can be obtained by one method.

It needs to be operated. If you want to ask me a lot of detailed questions, you can leave a message in the comment area. If it is not convenient, you can also directly follow me.


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