When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted, "Now that our industrial development is so strong, China is It is the world’s

2024/05/1920:37:33 education 1548

On May 18, in a science and technology museum in Beijing, several students were looking at the science and technology exhibition in front of them under the guidance of their teacher.

At the moment, the teacher is explaining to him an overview of the world's three top industrial powers, the United States, Germany, and Japan.

When the teacher explained that the United States is now the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted, "Now that our industrial development is so strong, China is the world's largest industrial power. "

However, is this really the case?

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

Seeing the classmate say this, the teacher did not get angry but smiled and said, "Actually, you are right to say that."

In fact, according to the actual situation, China's current industrial development level, in all aspects, is actually not as good as If you go to in the United States, Japan, and Germany, the teacher naturally knows this fact, so why does the teacher say this?

In addition, among the three top industrial powers, who is at the top of the list? What is the level of our country's industry among them?

To answer these questions, first we need to mention a concept, that is, how industrial power is defined.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

How to define "industrial power"?

For everything in the world, there is no strong or weak distinction between and everything is just a human definition of . In the human definition, anyone who is strong must be at the forefront of the times. Anyone who is strong will look down on others. Anyone who is strong must always have the strength to resist the outside world and protect himself.

The same is true for the definition of an industrial power.

Relatively speaking, has the following two criteria to evaluate whether a country is an industrial power.

First, Does this country currently have the most advanced modern industrial system in the world? Under this system, can it produce the highest quality industrial products. Second, whether the country of occupies an effective weight in the world and whether it has a certain market-leading role.

If a country meets the above two criteria, then this country can be called an industrial power. According to this standard, there are three countries in the world today that can be called top industrial powers, namely the United States, Japan, and Germany.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

Speaking of this, some people are not happy, "Switzerland, Sweden, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and other countries are also very strong in industry. Aren't they becoming industrial powers?"

It is normal for everyone to have this question. The reason why is attributed to is that everyone only understands one but not the other.

These countries can also be said to be industrial powers to a certain extent, but they are only industrial powers with obvious local advantages of . There is still a certain distance between and the top industrial power we are mentioning now.

From the above statement, we can clearly know that only a country that is extremely superior in all aspects and has strong comprehensive strength can be called a top industrial power.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

The United States, Germany, and Japan are all the world's top industrial powers, so who is stronger?

There is no doubt that the United States is the best among the three countries.

In this regard, some people have questioned that Germany's major national manufacturing industries are also very powerful. Why is Germany not ranked first?

Germany is very powerful, but relatively speaking, the United States is better in the following aspects. So, overall, the United States still ranks first.

Specifically, including Japan, the differences between the three countries mainly lie in the following aspects.

America first. It can be said that almost all industries in the United States are high-end manufacturing and high-tech industries. Half of the world's manufacturing and technology in the fields of chemical industry, military industry, computer, and medical care are fully controlled by the United States. We are familiar with GM, apple , Intel , Boeing , etc.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

In addition, the United States has strong industrial production strength, complete categories, and abundant resources, which has created a strong basic production line in the country.Because of this strong foundation, the United States has always been far ahead in production in the fields of oil, natural gas, automobiles, and aircraft.

Secondly, the United States is also in a leading position in bioengineering technology , laser technology, aerospace technology, microelectronics industry technology, and the most feared aspects of nuclear energy utilization and core material research and development.

Of course, Germany also has its merits. What is most praised by the world is Germany's rigorous production quality . The well-known industrial giants such as , Siemens , and KUKA are all subordinates of Germany.

Specifically, Germany is strong in these areas.

is the first to bear the brunt of its medical equipment and industrial control technology . Siemens, which we mentioned before, has become popular all over the world with these two technologies.

Secondly, Germany’s Phoenix Contact Group is also very powerful. This group is mainly responsible for the global supply of interface products and is a leader in the field of automation.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

In addition, Germany's optical industry is also worthy of praise. Among them, the two most representative companies are Carl Zeiss and Leica cameras . It is no exaggeration to say that these two companies dare to be called the second largest optoelectronics company in the world, but no one dares to be called the first.

ultimately wins with strength. Let’s take Carl Zeiss as an example.

Carl Zeiss mainly manufactures optical systems, industrial measuring instruments and medical equipment. In all aspects, it has achieved the best in the industry.

Furthermore, Germany’s robot level is also very good. The most famous of is the German company KUKA. KUKA is one of the four major German industrial robot families. Most of the production models, production systems, molds and spare parts of robots in various countries in the world are provided by this company.

Furthermore, Germany is also extremely superior in renewable energy and yacht manufacturing.. According to relevant statistics, among the 2,764 leading medium-sized companies in the world, Germany alone accounts for 47%. One thing that needs special mention is that some of the 47% of German companies still occupy global monopoly positions.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

The last one is Japan. Due to its special geographical location, Japan ranks first in the field of shipbuilding. In addition, Japan's high-precision lathes, precision instruments, electronic production and other fields are also extremely powerful. , the well-known , Mitsubishi , , Sony , etc. are all companies that Japan is proud of.

Our country is also making progress. Compared with them, where are we at now?

Due to various reasons in the past, our country has been lagging behind in industrial manufacturing. Although we are currently trying to catch up, relatively speaking, our strength is still not as good as those of the three major world industrial powers.

Some people retorted that in terms of industrial production scale, our country is already ranked first in the world. Isn't this enough to be called an industrial power?

This is certainly the case. In terms of industrial scale, we are indeed number one in the world. This is why the teacher praised the classmate at the beginning and said he was right. Just because ranks first in industrial scale, it does not mean that the overall industrial strength is strong.

When the teacher explained that the United States is the world's largest technological power, the classmate made the above expression. Later, before the teacher could speak again, the classmate refuted,

In some core technologies, such as high-end manufacturing and high-tech industries, we still have big deficiencies. For most of the high-tech technologies in , we still need to rely on foreign imports to meet our own needs.

It's just that if you live dependent on others, you will be easily controlled by others. For this reason, in order to embark on our own high-tech industry and high-end manufacturing route as soon as possible, we have to invest heavily in education and develop scientific research.

This is why our country has always emphasized that education is the foundation of the country.

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. I believe that in the near future, our country will surely achieve remarkable achievements in the field of industrial manufacturing.

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