After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much.

2024/03/2221:22:33 baby 1743

Some people say that the fate between children and their parents is destined. There is a beautiful legend that every child is a little angel before he is born.

Before they are reincarnated, they will lie on the clouds and carefully choose their favorite parents, and then they will be reincarnated as their parents' children. Therefore, the fate between the children and their parents is already determined.

We often say that parents’ love for their children is selfless and the greatest, but in fact, children love more tolerant and magnanimously than we do.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much.

As for us, because of the heavy work pressure and the trivial things in life, we are agitated and restless, so we become very depressed and irritable.

Many times when children are disobedient or naughty, we can't help but vent our anger on the children, and we forget that they are just children.

Children are playful and naughty by nature. After we vented our anger, we found that the children were already looking at us with tears in their eyes and fear.

We let us vent our dissatisfaction, but our children did not hate us afterwards because they loved us deeply.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

event review: Li Qian (pseudonym) and Wang Xiaowei (pseudonym) have been married for more than five years. After marriage, she and Wang Xiaowei (pseudonym) have a son (Xiaoxi) together, and the family lives together happily.

After taking maternity leave, because there was no one to take care of the child, Li Qian had no choice but to quit her good job and become a full-time wife at home wholeheartedly.

Because Wang Xiaowei is busy with work and often travels for business and socializing, Li Qian is basically responsible for Xiao Xi and the housework alone.

Because both parents were not in good health and could not help Li Qian and his wife, Li Qian and Wang Xiaowei decided after discussion that they would never have a second child no matter how anyone persuaded them.

Li Qian said frankly that in the past few years when she was raising her children alone, she had transformed from a sophisticated working woman who had to dress up when going out, and who would not go out without dressing up.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

For the sake of her family and children, not only is she unable to return to the workplace, but she has also become a slovenly housewife who goes out unkempt. The more Li Qian thinks about it, the more she becomes heartbroken.

So she was determined not to have a second child. She planned to go out to work after Xiaoxi went to kindergarten. So when Xiaoxi was a few months old, she got the IUD , in order to prevent accidents from happening.

But in many cases, God's calculations are really not as good as those of people. When Xiao Xi was four years old and had just gone to kindergarten for a few months, Li Qian found out that she was unexpectedly pregnant.

When Wang Xiaowei learned that Li Qian was pregnant, he was immediately confused because Li Qian had the IUD inserted. What they never dreamed of was that Li Qian could still get pregnant with the IUD.

For this reason, Li Qian and his wife had some conflicts in their hearts, and the question of whether their children would stay or go became a big stone weighing on their hearts.

It’s okay to have a child, and it’s okay not to have a child. Although the arrival of a child is not the result they want, after all, the child is a living life.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

If you don't want to be too cruel, they can't bear it. But if you leave your children behind, your life will be much more stressful and your quality of life will be reduced.

The important thing is that Li Qian can no longer go out to work, because she has to take care of two children, and she can't get away at all.

But just when Li Qian and his wife were hesitant about whether to leave or leave their child, Li Qian's father-in-law and mother-in-law suddenly stood up and spoke out.

Her father-in-law and mother-in-law said that if Li Qian is willing to give birth to the child, they will definitely find time to take care of the child with Li Qian in the future and share housework with her.

Li Qian thought for a long time, and finally decided to keep the children. No matter how hard life was, she still had to raise her two children.

In order to take care of Li Qian's daily life, her father-in-law and mother-in-law immediately moved in with their family, and took the initiative to pick up and drop off the children, as well as buy and cook food.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

The family gets along very harmoniously. Under the careful care of her mother-in-law, Li Qian gained twenty pounds in just a few months. She just concentrates on raising her baby every day.

Not long after, Li Qian gave birth to her second child safely in the hospital. The second child was also a cute baby boy. Although the family felt a little sorry, everyone was very happy for Li Qian and his wife.

But something happened later, which made them and everyone around them feel a little incredible, and at the same time they also lamented how tenacious Erbao's vitality was.

Because the second baby had been holding on to his left hand tightly since he was born, and was unwilling to open it, the doctor who delivered the baby slowly opened the second baby’s hand, and then took a closer look. The doctors and nurses immediately felt that it was strange.

Because the thing Erbao was holding in his hand was nothing but a birth control ring. Only then did the doctor realize that the IUD in Li Qian's body had slipped, which was why she was pregnant.

Netizens expressed their opinions on this. Some netizens said in the tone of Erbao: "Break through the resistance and come to the world. If you want to kill me, there is no way."

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

Some netizens also said: "The baby is born based on strength, and it will definitely not be easy in the future."

At the same time, some netizens said bluntly: "The baby came into the world with evidence in his hand and wanted to lie to me. It's not that simple."

To be honest, these words are just netizens teasing Erbao about this interesting life experience.

But no matter what, I think it is not easy for a baby to be born safely, but it is also a happy event worth celebrating.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

Conclusion: The world of is so wonderful. Unexpected things often happen, and many of them are unexpected surprises.

Let's make peace with it as it comes. After all, some couples have their own reasons or are affected by some external factors.

They had not given birth to a son or a daughter for many years after they got married, and it was inevitable that they would feel a little uncomfortable. However, they tried their best, but they still couldn't get their wish.

In fact, it’s not that their character is bad, nor is it that they are unloving. It’s as if their children have no chance with them in this life.

They have worked hard for many years but still have no children. Seeing the people around them having children one by one, it is inevitable that there will be some sense of loss and regret in their hearts.

And some women are naturally prone to pregnancy. If they are not careful, they will have unexpected surprises. Sometimes they are forced to give birth to children.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

They don't want to have children, but they can't get over the hurdle in their hearts, because aborting a child is a cruel thing, so in the end they can only give birth to the child unwillingly.

From time to time, I see news about child abuse from netizens. Some even see parents or other people in the family abusing their children, which makes me feel unspeakable heartache and anger.

Some people who have children do not know how to cherish their children. Because they are under great pressure at work and their life is not satisfactory, they beat and scold their children at will, completely ignoring their children's feelings.

As for those who have no children, it is so difficult to have a child of their own. This is really unfair.

I hope we can treat our children well, because children are a blank slate when they are born, and they need us as parents to guide and educate them.

In fact, children are better than we imagined, and they love us more tolerant and magnanimously.

After they make a mistake, no matter how desperately we yell at them, they will only look at us silently, but never remember it in their hearts. They still love us very much. - DayDayNews

article/Huang Xiaoguai

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