Li Zhenxian is a very courageous person who dares to do things. She was not intimidated by the other party. This word "bitch" evoked Zhenxian's bitter pain. Women have no status at all in the Korean nation. If it weren't for the fact that the North is now a socialist country, wom

Li Zhenxian is a very courageous person who dares to do things. She was not intimidated by the other party. Instead, the gun was raised straighter. "Do you really want to keep General Li's wife out? Don't think I don't dare to shoot!" How could a lieutenant colonel be frightened by a woman and take his life back? He also yelled. "Please put down your gun. If you are still a Korean soldier, I order you to put it down or you have to consider the consequences! Miss!"

Li Zhenxian will never compromise! "I promised to let them and their son board the ship. I'll pay the price of the ticket. Please don't force me, Lieutenant Colonel! I'm executing the Brigadier's order!" The Lieutenant Colonel was furious when he saw that this woman refused to comply. "You threatened me, you bitch, put down the gun, I order you again!" This "bitch" evoked Zhenxian's bitter pain. Women have no status at all in the Korean nation. If it weren't for the north, it would be now. women in socialist countries also participate in construction and are the masters of society just like gay men. She and all women are still feudal slaves in the old society! Unexpectedly, this kind of scum that discriminates against women is everywhere in the South Korean army. It turns out that this handsome lieutenant colonel is also a bastard. She angrily brought the muzzle an inch closer and shouted: "Lieutenant colonel, let me ask you one last question. "Let me in or not?"

The lieutenant colonel was timid. He was worried that the female lieutenant would actually shoot, so he would arbitrarily drop Zhenxian's gun. He thought that the girl was just bluffing and was simply spoiled by the brigadier general. Shen Zhizhi was not afraid at all, but she was very powerful when she started tearing her apart. The two men started fighting. Zhenxian always couldn't resist a woman, so she bit, kicked, and grabbed her hard. As a result, the gun went off instantly during the struggle between the two. With a "bang" sound, a top-loaded bullet was fired from the Colt pistol, hitting the target. The lieutenant colonel gritted his teeth! The bullet passed through his molar bed and cracked his jaw. He was bleeding profusely and half of his face collapsed. The lieutenant colonel whined and fell to the ground in pain.

Zhenxian's face was splashed with blood. She clenched the pistol tightly and was not afraid. After the shooting and wounding, the crowd was in chaos. In normal times, Li Zhenxian's vicious shooting at the military police would definitely have been captured. Even if the South Koreans hadn't arrested him, the American patrols would have come to argue with him. However, the war is coming, let alone your lieutenant colonel's cheek, no one cares even if the person dies. These people are the family members of the government officials. Everyone wants to escape. Seeing the lieutenant colonel lying down, those family members She stepped over his body and rushed over. Li Zhenxian did not care about her own safety and shouted to Mrs. Li Dewu: "Sister-in-law, take the children and rush, don't look at me!"

Li Dewu's wife was confused and hugged her. The child was trembling all over. She didn't expect that Lieutenant Shen actually fired. She was moved but also worried about the girl. The situation was extremely chaotic at this time, and it was indeed a chance to escape. Li Zhenxian was anxious, rushed over, picked up the suitcase, and rushed over. The military police immediately surrounded her. Many people saw Li Zhenxian wearing a red CIC armband, and suddenly realized that this woman was actually a CIC agent, not just an agent of the Security Bureau, and they backed away in fright.

In fact, Li Zhenxian was also anxious for a moment. After the shooting, she took out the CIC armband from her arms. It was a commemorative thing given to her by Lin Xiang. She had no chance to wear it normally and it was useless. Today she had to wear it. Li Zhenxian fired a shot into the sky as a warning to the military police. "I'm from CIC! The lieutenant colonel grabbed the gun and resisted my order! He's looking for death!" Seeing that Zhenxian was so powerful, the military police did not dare to be reckless. No one was left to maintain order, and the family members took advantage one by one. Some of them, including those without tickets, rushed to the trestle.

Li Dewu's wife rushed to the trestle . Li Zhenxian threw the suitcase to her and evacuated the crowd. "Miss Shen, what should you do?" the wife cried. "Leave me alone, watch the kids!" Li Zhenxian waved to his wife and ran back immediately. At this time, the nearby US military police seemed to think that the place was chaotic. The dock was adjacent to the ammunition depot area. Something serious had happened, so they came over to maintain order.

Lieutenant Colonel's face was covered in blood, his jaw was damaged, and his chin was drooped. His face was covered in blood and he was extremely miserable. Some people also complained about him. Why the hell did he have to do this! In order to protect the family members of an official, he could not be punished by being shot. The bullets made two holes in his face, and his tongue was damaged. Even if he was cured, he might not be able to give orders in this life.

At this time, the officials of the Ministry of National Defense heard the gunshots and got off the boat. After asking, they felt that they were wrong. After all, if this matter is publicized, it will be a scandal. I originally wanted to avoid the Security Bureau and Seoul military agencies, and the family members of the president and important officials to escape. Now that Li Dewu knows it, who else doesn't know it! He had no choice but to calm down the matter and take the lieutenant colonel away to the hospital.

Two people from the Ministry of National Defense walked over and explained to Li Zhenxian the reason for issuing the ship tickets. Li Zhenxian holstered his gun and listened coldly. When the two officials were frothing at the mouth, Li Zhenxian shouted: "Despicable, are you leaving Seoul to the enemy like this?" Zhenxian scolded them angrily, his eyes full of contempt. "If you leave, who will have the heart to defend the city!"

"Miss, don't be angry. Please go to Brigadier General Li Dewu and say a nice word. We will take good care of his wife and children. Please don't misunderstand me!" Li Zhenxian didn't want to say anything more. After watching the military police carry the lieutenant colonel away, he also withdrew. The lieutenant colonel was rushed to the US military hospital. The officials, with smiling faces, explained the details of the gun misfire to the US military police who came to inquire. The Americans did not see the real scene, so they ordered the South Korean military police to strictly guard him and then left.

Zhenxian returned to the car and drove back without even wiping the blood on her face. However, the way back is even more difficult. There are already rumors that the First Corps of the Korean People's Army and the Volunteer Army are fighting with the 1st Cavalry Division of the US Army and the South Korean troops on Ganghwa Island . Ganghwa Island is separated from the Gimpo Peninsula by a very narrow road. As long as you land on the Gimpo Peninsula, you will be an arm's length away from Seoul. Gimpo and Incheon Port are a small continent. The arms bases and strategic materials of the United Nations Army in South Korea are all here. Therefore, the US military mobilized urgently, and the reserves of the 1st Cavalry Division, 25th Infantry Division and other units were all here. As we drove up, the Incheon Port and Gimpo Airport were under martial law.

It was already five o'clock in the morning on January 2nd when I returned to Seoul, and Zhenxian almost stayed up all night. At this moment, the frontline troops of the Volunteer Army have marched to both sides of Uijeongbu Highway 33. Sporadic troops of the 24th U.S. Division and the Canadian Princess Patricia Regiment led by the British 27th Brigade, the Australian 3rd Battalion, and the escaped Some troops from the British Rifles Regiment in Gaoyang tried to block the Chinese volunteers, but to no avail.

Secret war to obtain the "Seoul latent list". The defensive perimeter around Seoul began to waver. A large number of American soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division, 24th and 25th Cavalry Divisions of the 1st Army of the US Eighth Army began to cross the Han River and fled to Suwon and the south via the roads around Seoul. Seoul is counting down to hell.

The army was defeated like a mountain. News of the defeat on the front line had long spread to the city. The last psychological defense line of those stubborn old people and brave men who yearned for peace also collapsed. Nothing could stop the attacks of the Volunteer Army and the Korean People's Army. , the people began to flee for the second time. Hundreds of thousands of people formed the second wave of refugees on the Han River. People rushed to the Han River through the snow in the city. Fortunately, this time the ice was thick in winter, and the refugees had multiple options to cross the river. Despite this, some people fell into ice caves , or were shot and killed by US military security forces on the bridge. The power of refugees is infinite. No matter how the US military yells at the people to return, the retreating people still shout for help and roll southwards across the Han River like snowballs.

Li Zhenxian was exhausted and drove her car back to the city. Weaving through the flow of people fleeing, she almost hit and killed a refugee's cattle. But because he was worried that Li Dewu was missing his wife, he went directly to the Secret Service Team of the Security Bureau. There was almost no one in the Little Red Mansion, and the doorman, Old Jin, didn’t know where he was. Under the shadow of war, the secret agents were guilty, and everyone was very nervous. The office door was locked and the corridors were empty.

After searching, I managed to find an officer on duty, who was still in charge of guarding the cash cabinet from the Internal Affairs Division. He was napping next to the switchboard. Seeing that Lieutenant Shen was back, he quickly stood up and rubbed his eyes to stand at attention. "Lieutenant Shen, you are here!" Li Zhenxian looked around in surprise and asked, "Where is Brigadier General?"

"Comrade General Li has gone to the CIC headquarters." The second lieutenant was shocked when he saw blood on Li Zhenxian's face and body. "Are you going too?" the officer on duty asked helplessly. "Ah, I'm going!" Li Zhenxian didn't know what he meant, so she nodded. "Where are Captain Jin and the others?" Li Zhenxian asked Scarface, Pollack and the others. The officer muttered, "They're all gone! There's nothing we can do. Your Excellency, the Security Chief, asked for it." Li Zhenxian then realized that they were going to kill people, so she asked urgently: "Where are they going? Did they go to the Han River to shoot people again?"

"You don't know?" The officer on duty also looked at the blood stains on Li Zhenxian's body in shock. "I just came back from Incheon Port. I got into a fight with a military policeman on the way. I fired, but it was okay. I was not injured. This was blood from his cheek." Li Zhenxian quickly wiped his face. The officer said enthusiastically: "He is asking for trouble. He dares to go against our lady! Let me bring you a basin of water to wash your hands!"

"No need, brother. What's going on?" Li Zhenxian thought. Knowing what happened, he asked eagerly. "I heard that a large number of underground Communist Party members have appeared in the city! Cable reports say that the same group of political prisoners who escaped from the West Gate Prison Break last time colluded with the guerrillas and took advantage of the Chinese to attack the 38th Line . Isn't this another rebellion? "The second lieutenant also raised his hand and flashed his pistol. Only then did Zhenxian realize that this civilian officer who didn't know how to load a bullet actually picked up a gun.

"Where are the Communist troops?" she asked with a frown. "Near the west gate, the team from Itaewon discovered it. The enemy wanted to take the opportunity to rob the prison. The two sides exchanged fire. The communist troops later occupied the prison." Li Zhenxian was shocked and asked: "What about the U.S. Military Police?" Officer Kugua The same face filled with hatred. "Americans! They said they were transferred because the front line was tight!"