During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi

2024/07/0210:27:32 story 1529

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou . The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone.

Mr. Yuan is a Buddhist, and he repaired the temple outside the city with his own money. He is also a good friend of the abbot of the temple, Wuxiang Zen Master.

Master Yuan has only one daughter, named Yuan Xiaoyan. She has been frail and sick since she was a child. In order for her to grow up smoothly, Master Yuan sent her to live in a temple. Perhaps because of listening to the sutras every day, Yuan Xiaoyan's health gradually improved and she grew older. Perhaps she had developed a habit. After being taken home, Yuan Xiaoyan went to the temple every few days to burn incense and listen to Zen Master Wuxiang's lectures.

In the evening of this day, Yuan Xiaoyan, who had stayed in the temple all day, was about to go home. When passing by a forest path, a burst of white mist suddenly rose around her. At this moment, she suddenly heard a burst of sobbing. She followed the sound to a big tree and found a girl.

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi - DayDayNews

The girl looked about the same age as Yuan Xiaoyan, but her body was covered in bruises and bruises, obviously she had been beaten. Yuan Xiaoyan was kind-hearted and quickly stepped forward to ask what happened.

During the conversation, we learned that the girl’s name was Baguio, a foreigner who had just married here a few years ago. Life was okay at first, but her husband was uneducated and addicted to gambling all day long. All the family's money was spent, and he would beat and scold Baguio at every turn. Baguio felt aggrieved and would sneak out of the house and cry every time after being beaten.

Yuan Xiaoyan was very angry after hearing this, and immediately reported it to the police, saying that she would seek justice for her, but Baguio shook her head repeatedly and said that she was a weak woman, and if she really broke up with her husband's family, she would not be able to survive. Now, You can only live one day at a time. Yuan Xiaoyan felt helpless after hearing this, but since her family was well off, she offered to help Baguio.

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi - DayDayNews

Since then, the two have met under the tree every night, and Yuan Xiaoyan will bring Baguio some food and money to meet her daily expenses. Baguio was so moved that she sewed a light yellow dress herself and gave it to Yuan Xiaoyan. She is very good at her craftsmanship. Yuan Xiaoyan likes that dress very much and wears it every time they meet.

But for some reason, Yuan Xiaoyan's mental state has become very bad since she put on this dress, and her body has become weaker and weaker. She thought she didn't have a good rest, but she didn't take it to heart.

That night, Yuan Xiaoyan and Baguio met under the tree again. Maybe her help was effective. Baguio's complexion has improved a lot recently, and the scars on his body are gone. However, at this moment, Baguio has a sad look on his face. , Yuan Xiaoyan thought she was being bullied by her husband again, so she hurriedly asked. But Baguio said that this time it was because of Zen Master Wuxiang.

Baguio told her that her father was once a goods merchant. When she was young, her father once asked her for a string of Buddhist beads to keep her safe. After her father died, she married far away, and the string of Buddhist beads was stolen. Not long ago, she went to a temple outside the city to offer incense and saw Zen Master Wuxiang. The string of Buddhist beads in his hand was exactly Baguio's father left it to her.

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi - DayDayNews

Baguio wanted to ask for it back, but was rejected by Zen Master Wuxiang, and was even kicked out by the disciples in the temple as a thief. She felt aggrieved, but knowing that Yuan Xiaoyan was a frequent visitor to the temple, she wanted to ask her for help in stealing the beads.

Yuan Xiaoyan looked embarrassed after hearing this. Stealing things was not an honorable thing after all. Upon seeing this, Baguio quickly stepped forward to hold her hand, saying that she was a good sister, and said that this was not considered stealing. After all, the beads were hers. At most, things can be considered as returning to their original owners.

In the end, Yuan Xiaoyan was persuaded by her, and early the next morning, wearing the dress given by Baguio, she came to the temple.It was still early in the morning, there were no pilgrims in the temple, and there were no people in the main hall. After Yuan Xiaoyan got in, she saw the Buddhist beads of Zen Master Wuxiang next to the wooden fish. She quickly stepped forward to put them in her arms and turned to leave.

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi - DayDayNews

But as soon as she walked to the door, a familiar figure appeared in front of her, it was Zen Master Wuxiang. Without waiting for her to explain, Zen Master Wuhua dragged her into the room in the backyard, and then reached out to take back the prayer beads she had just stolen. Yuan Xiaoyan pouted and her cheeks turned red. Just when she was about to leave, Zen Master Wuxiang stopped her again: "Miss Yuan, there is something wrong with the dress you are wearing. If you want to survive, take it off quickly!"

After that, , Zen Master Wuxiang left a set of casual clothes and walked out of the room. Yuan Xiaoyan was confused. This dress was sewn for her by Baguio herself. How could something go wrong? But Zen Master Wuxiang watched her grow up and was the best person to her besides her parents. He would never lie to her. she. After much thought, she decided to listen to Zen Master Wuxiang and changed out of the dress.

Afterwards, she held her clothes and found Zen Master Wuxiang and asked him the reason. Zen Master Wuxiang did not explain, but silently took the dress, placed it in front of the temple, meditated on the spot and recited Buddhist scriptures.

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi - DayDayNews

With just a cup of tea, wisps of black smoke came out of the dress, and its shape also changed, turning into a black and purple shroud. Seeing this scene, Yuan Xiaoyan was frightened to death. If so, wouldn't it be that Baguio who gave her the dress...

It turned out that Baguio had died a long time ago, and her grave was near the big tree. She did not deceive Yuan Xiaoyan. She was indeed married from out of town and was bullied by her husband, a gambler. Until later, her husband was unable to repay the debt and mortgaged her to the creditor.

Baguio was humiliated and died unfortunately. However, her resentment persisted and she turned into a fierce ghost, killing many people. After Zen Master Wuxiang learned about this, he immediately took action and sealed his soul in the string of Buddhist beads and placed it in the main hall of the temple to receive salvation from Buddhism day and night.

During the Song Dynasty, there was a family named Yuan in Yangzhou. The head of the family, Mr. Yuan, was a successful and wealthy businessman. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He often helped local people in need and was respected and loved by everyone. Mr. Yuan is a Buddhi - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, during the sealing period, a remnant of Baguio's soul escaped and has been looking for opportunities to make a comeback. Not long ago, Yuan Xiaoyan met her. In order to regain her strength, she gave her the shroud she wore when she died, so as to absorb the essence in her body, restore her strength, and beguile Yuan Xiaoyan to steal the sealed The beads of other remnant souls. Fortunately, Zen Master Wuxiang discovered it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

On the second night, Yuan Xiaoyan took Zen Master Wuxiang to the tree where she had an appointment with Baguio. When Baguio saw Zen Master Wuxiang, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately turned into a cloud of smoke and tried to escape. Zen Master Wuxiang had quick eyes and quick hands. , immediately threw out the Buddhist beads hanging in front of his neck, opened his cassock, meditated and chanted sutras. The beads automatically tracked and blocked Baguio's path, while the cassock successfully bound her.

After that, Baguio's remaining soul was all sealed in the string of Buddhist beads. After several years of salvation, the resentment in her heart was dissipated, and she could finally re-enter the reincarnation.

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