A long time ago, there was a king who wanted to touch the moon. But how can I touch it? He didn't deal with state affairs during the day, didn't sleep at night, and thought about it all day long. After much deliberation, he decided to build a tall tower. He ordered a carpenter to

2024/07/0210:24:33 story 1687

A long time ago, there was a king who wanted to touch the moon. But how can I touch it? He didn't deal with state affairs during the day, didn't sleep at night, and thought about it all day long.

A long time ago, there was a king who wanted to touch the moon. But how can I touch it? He didn't deal with state affairs during the day, didn't sleep at night, and thought about it all day long. After much deliberation, he decided to build a tall tower. He ordered a carpenter to - DayDayNews

After much thought, he decided to build a tall tower. He ordered a carpenter to be found and ordered the tower to be built within three days. If the tower was not built, he would be beheaded.

One day passed and two days passed, but the carpenter never started work. On the third day, the carpenter came up with an idea and said to the king: "I have carefully studied this project and figured out how to build it. Now we can start construction."

The king ordered that according to the method proposed by the carpenter, all the residents of the city They all brought the boxes and baskets to the palace square, and under the guidance of the carpenter, they piled them up one on top of the other. When the boxes and baskets were exhausted, the king ordered the trees to be cut down, cut into boards, nailed into boxes, and continued to be piled on top. All the big trees were cut down, and the tower was finally erected. The king climbed to the top of the tower and reached out to touch the moon, but he was still a few inches short of reaching it. The king asked for another box to be brought up. However, the boxes have been used up, and the wood to make them is gone.

The king asked the carpenter to take out one of the boxes and bring it to the top. The carpenter dared not smoke. The king got angry and loudly ordered the carpenter to pull out the box and bring it up. The carpenter had no choice but to follow the king's order and pull out the bottom box.


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