I have to say that for me, aerobic training is really more difficult than strength training. In just twenty minutes, I felt out of breath, my mouth felt sweet, and it became difficult to breathe. I gritted my teeth and persisted. It was easy to hold on for half an hour, and then

2024/07/0210:26:33 story 1488

I have to say that for me, aerobic training is really more difficult than strength training. In just twenty minutes, I felt out of breath, my mouth felt sweet, and it became difficult to breathe. I gritted my teeth and persisted. It was easy to hold on for half an hour, and then  - DayDayNews

I have to say that for me, aerobic training is really more difficult than strength training. In just twenty minutes, I felt out of breath, my mouth felt sweet, and it became difficult to breathe. I gritted my teeth and persisted. After finally holding on for half an hour, I couldn't wait to stop.

Because Xiao Ni said, I didn't dare to sit down and rest immediately. Instead, I walked slowly in the gym to restore my heart rate and relax my muscles. In the yoga classroom next to

, Xiao Ni was already taking several students in class. I strolled to the transparent glass and looked at the students, some beautiful, some ugly, some fat and some thin, and I couldn't help but sigh to myself: "They are all parents. When it comes to childbirth, why is there such a big gap between people? It is said that all people are born equal, but some people are born good-looking and some people are born ugly. In many cases, the former will have more opportunities than the latter. , life will naturally be easier. How can such a life be equal? ​​"

Xiaoni saw me through the glass, but turned away expressionlessly and continued to lead the class. I didn't want to disturb her, so Turned around and entered the locker room.

took off my clothes in the dressing room, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. I stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at my body. It seemed that I was a little thinner than a few days ago. Even though I weighed myself on the scale, there was no decrease in the value. , but I was still very happy. I pretended to do some sexy poses in front of the mirror, and then I put on my clothes proudly.

I have to say that for me, aerobic training is really more difficult than strength training. In just twenty minutes, I felt out of breath, my mouth felt sweet, and it became difficult to breathe. I gritted my teeth and persisted. It was easy to hold on for half an hour, and then  - DayDayNews

walked out of the locker room. Xiaoni's class was over and the students had all left. Seeing her arranging the equipment alone, I wanted to get close to her, so I walked into the classroom to help her organize the equipment and clean the classroom.

Xiao Ni saw me helping and smiled and said: "Leave it alone, I'll do it."

I deliberately said casually: "Let me help you. After finishing, we will have dinner together."

Xiao Ni suddenly stopped and was stunned. After a while, he quickly got busy again. While busy, he asked: "Why hasn't Tao Zi come recently?"

I smiled and said: "She is just a three-minute hot person. She can't persist in doing things like fitness. She doesn't even have a fitness card." Give it to me. And,..." At this point, I suddenly thought that Taozi was about to leave me, and I suddenly felt sad.

Xiao Ni saw that I was hesitant to speak, turned to look at me and asked, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and said, "It's okay. She was transferred away and went to Chengdu. It is estimated that she will never come back in the future. "

Xiaoni said, as if she was aware of my sadness, paused for a moment, and then said softly: "Didn't she apply for a yoga card? Here, you also plan to take yoga classes?"

I listen? I thought, yoga is good, there are many beautiful women in yoga. Thinking of this, I nodded seriously and said, "Yes, I think it is good for men to practice yoga, right? Improving the flexibility of the body should also be beneficial to fitness. Can you help me?"

Obviously Xiaoni rarely meets men who are interested in yoga. After hearing what I said, she quickly agreed and said, "Yes, in fact, men can also practice yoga, but in a small city like ours, Many men don’t know enough about yoga, and they even have prejudices, so yoga classes are mainly for women, and there are very few men.”

I nodded and said awkwardly: “But her card seems to be expiring soon. "

Xiao Ni smiled and said: "It's okay. I'll ask the front desk to renew it for you later. Hers seems to be a one-time card. I remember it should be twenty times or how many times. She didn't come back a few times. It's a pity to throw it away. Let's renew it for half a year, okay?"

I was overjoyed and quickly thanked me. When I thought about having more opportunities to get along with this voluptuous fitness coach in the future, I suppressed it. Unable to control the excitement in her heart, she quickly invited her again: "Well, you've helped me so much. It's noon, how about we have dinner together?"

Xiaoni glanced at me, but finally nodded and said, "Okay. "Okay, then I'll treat you."

I quickly said: "No, I'll treat you, you are half of my teacher."

Xiao Ni smiled again, shook her head and said, "You are serious." poor.

The two of them talked and laughed and packed up the yoga classroom. They waited for Xiao Ni to change into sportswear and then walked out of the gym.

I have to say that for me, aerobic training is really more difficult than strength training. In just twenty minutes, I felt out of breath, my mouth felt sweet, and it became difficult to breathe. I gritted my teeth and persisted. It was easy to hold on for half an hour, and then  - DayDayNews

got in the car and I asked: "What do you want to eat?" "

Xiao Ni tilted her head and thought for a while and said: "I don't know, just eat whatever you want. "

I suggested: "Can Sichuan food be good?

Xiao Ni shook her head and said, "Goodbye. I've been getting angry recently and have gotten acne. I can't eat spicy food anymore." "

I suggested again: "Then let's have steak. "

This time, Xiao Ni nodded.

I drove to a Western restaurant, and deliberately found a booth near the back and sat down.

The waiter handed the menu, and Xiao Ni took it and handed it to me with a smile. Said: "I'll take it, you bought so many of my classes, I want to thank you. "

I waved my hand, handed the menu back, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, buying a course is not a business. I asked you to help direct, and I'm not taking care of your business, so I sincerely want to follow you. If you make a friend and treat you to dinner, it can be regarded as my sincerity. "

Obviously, Xiao Ni was deeply affected by my words. She lowered her head and looked at the menu and said, "In this case, I'm not polite. You can treat me this time, and I'll treat you next time." "

I was overjoyed after hearing this and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm just waiting for my sister's words. "

Xiaoni tilted her head and looked at me and asked: "Why do you like to call me sister? Am I that old? "

I heard something in my heart, and I thought, you are right. Why do I subconsciously think of Xiaoni as older than me? If she is older than me, she is in her thirties. A woman in her thirties, With such a good figure, can she still withstand such a high-intensity work?

Xiaoni seemed to notice my hesitation, and pointed at the menu with her finger and said to the waiter: "This is a seven-pointer. After that, he handed me the menu and said, "I've made my choice. Take a look." "

I took the order, picked one at random and handed it back to the waiter, saying, "I want it well cooked." "

The waiter turned and left, and I said to Xiao Ni again: "By the way, I don't know if it's convenient or not. How old are you? "

Xiaoni tilted her head, smiled mischievously and said, "No comment. "

I deliberately said with a grimace: "Okay, but don't blame me if you don't know. I called it wrong, so don't blame me.

Xiao Ni smiled and said, "Actually, you're not wrong. I'm indeed older than you." "

I quickly asked: "How old are you? "

Xiaoni stretched out her finger playfully and said, "I told you, no comment. "

I shook my head helplessly and said with a smile: "You are so cunning.

Xiao Ni blinked her eyes mischievously, completely losing her coolness when they first met.

I said tentatively: "Actually, the first time I saw you, I thought you were quite cold." "

Xiao Ni asked: "Really? Actually, the first time I saw you, I thought you were quite..., quite..., how should I say, quite romantic? Haha..."

I frowned and looked at her with a grimace.

Xiaoni quickly comforted me: "But, now I have changed my point of view. In fact, you are quite interesting. "

I asked doubtfully: "Can't you find any other advantages in me? Like handsome? Like having talent? This is interesting, what’s the review? A positive word or a derogatory word? "

Xiaoni was amused by me again. When she saw the steak was served, she thanked the waiter softly and watched the waiter leave. Then she said seriously: "Of course it's a compliment. In my opinion, fun is a compliment to a person. The man spoke highly of it. "

I was overjoyed and said quickly: "Really? Then thank you in advance. "

Shawnie said while cutting the steak: "You're welcome. How should I put it? In fact, many times, interesting is really a very good compliment. "

I vaguely felt the friendliness and even goodwill that Xiao Ni wanted to express, and I couldn't help but feel elated. When I looked at her face again, she seemed much younger than when I first met her.

I have to say that for me, aerobic training is really more difficult than strength training. In just twenty minutes, I felt out of breath, my mouth felt sweet, and it became difficult to breathe. I gritted my teeth and persisted. It was easy to hold on for half an hour, and then  - DayDayNews

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