Today is Saturday, July 16, 2022, and it’s time to announce the financial education’s net worth. If new readers don’t know much about this, you can check out the two links below. For the first time, the real offer of financial and business education has been announced to the publ

2024/07/0212:15:32 finance 1384

Today is Saturday, July 16, 2022, and it’s time to announce the real net worth of the financial education. If new readers don’t know much about this, you can check out the two links below.

Today is Saturday, July 16, 2022, and it’s time to announce the financial education’s net worth. If new readers don’t know much about this, you can check out the two links below. For the first time, the real offer of financial and business education has been announced to the publ - DayDayNews

Details of holdings of each shareholder in the real market

The picture above is the details of each shareholder's account this week.

Today is Saturday, July 16, 2022, and it’s time to announce the financial education’s net worth. If new readers don’t know much about this, you can check out the two links below. For the first time, the real offer of financial and business education has been announced to the publ - DayDayNews

Account cumulative profit and loss chart and investment points (red dots)

The above picture is the real offer situation recorded by accounting software. It can be seen that as the cumulative income of the real offer continues to decline (floating losses expand), the real offer is also increasing investment. The upward trend on the right will not rise in a straight line. There has been a more obvious callback this week. Currently, we are still 14.88% away from the actual return of capital. This week’s investment recommendation index is 83 (note: above 70 is undervalued, recommended investment, 31-69 is normal, continue to hold, 30 and below is overvalued, need to take profits ) The overall market is very cheap, and shareholders with idle funds on hand can invest more.

Note: Because the accounting software internally records the annualized rate of return algorithm is different, it is slightly different from the actual rate of return calculated by myself.

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