"come on! "Mom" was a drama that I first saw in a video forwarded on a circle of friends. I was busy and didn't pay attention to it at the time. By chance, I saw a clip of Su Qing going crazy when facing her eldest son, Xiaofu, and the pain couldn't help but rush straight into my

2024/07/0212:13:32 news 1106

《Come on! "Mom" was a drama that I first saw in a video forwarded on a circle of friends. I was busy and didn't pay attention to it at the time. By chance, I saw a clip of Su Qing going crazy when facing her eldest son, Xiaofu, and the pain couldn't help but rush straight into my heart.

As a mother of three children, I understand Su Qing’s choice very well. Do women want a career or a family? As someone who has been engaged in mid-to-high-end recruitment for more than ten years, I understand women’s weaknesses very well. During the interview, if you are a woman over 30 years old, the client will definitely ask about family, children, and how you balance family and work. In fact, it is difficult to balance family and career, and the balance will always shift. Faced with various problems in the growth of their children, couples who are devoted to their careers must slowly return to the family, which is just a game after weighing the pros and cons of both parties. You may feel unwilling, you may feel uncomfortable, you may even feel aggrieved, but if you don't have to teach your children, everything is worth it.

Su Qing, as an excellent lawyer, is as good as her husband Li Xiuping in professional ability. Su Qing is unwilling to resign and become a full-time housewife. In fact, what's more, it's the husband's lack of understanding, support, and respect. In his eyes, himself, his family and his children are all more important than Su Qing. From the beginning to the end, Li Xiuping only had eyes for himself, and all he cared about was his own feelings. He never thought about what Su Qing wanted. He seemed to have forgotten how hard the two of them had worked together in the beginning. He believed that it was natural for the mother to take care of the child, but he forgot that he was also the father of the child and that he had the responsibility and obligation to take care of the child's study and life.

Faced with her husband's incomprehension, Su Qing was forbearing. Even if Li Xiuping cheated on her later, Su Qing chose not to divorce for the sake of her children. She thought that compromise would make her family happy, but she felt awkward, so how could she bring happiness to her family? No one in this family is truly happy. The two children desperately want to please their parents, the father desperately wants his family to live the way he wants, and the mother has to make the best of everything and wants to live the way her family wants her to be. Everyone is unhappy because everyone does not live the way they want.

Fortunately, with his mother's company, the eldest son Xiaofu saw his mother's difficulties and understood her. A rebellious child began to return and began to share and relieve his mother's worries. Li Xiuping also regretted it and wanted to repair his relationship with Su Qing. He asked his second son to tell his mother that he wanted to play in the park, because he and Su Qing often went for walks in the park before, and the park held their fond memories. The sense of ritual is, for some people, dispensable. But most women attach great importance to ritual. Why? Because to a certain extent, the sense of ritual is the sorting out of life, the beginning or the end; it is the remembrance of feelings, warmth or sadness; it is the intimate witness or promise. The fox in " the little prince " said this about the sense of ritual: "It makes one day different from other days, and makes one moment different from other moments."

Su Qing was happy, and the husband told her: "Don't do it for We have wronged ourselves, you have to be our role model for the rest of our lives, and you have to continue to shine." So she divorced her husband, returned to the workplace, and became herself! People should never lose themselves at any time! Even if you are a full-time housewife, don’t wrong yourself. Only you are happy and your children are happy only if you make progress every day!

In life, there are many "Su Qing"-style mothers who are willing to compromise for a while just to return to a better place!

I hope every family, every mother, every child, and every father with love in their hearts can live like a beam of light!

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