Continued from the previous article: 1 After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like when she was beaten by her mother when she was a child, she would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged. When the aunt found out a

2024/07/0208:27:33 story 1055

Continued from the previous article:


After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like she was beaten by her mother when she was a child. She would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged.

When her aunt found out about this, she comforted Xiaojing and told her not to think too much, saying that her mother must have been confused for a while, and that her biological mother did not have an adopted mother, but her mother still felt sorry for her.

Her aunt told her that she was ill when she was a child and had a high fever. Her mother carried her and ran to the doctor's house, one foot lower than the other. She fell several times on the way and bruised her knees, but she couldn't bear to let her go. Let Xiaojing get hurt a little.

Listening to her aunt's comfort, Xiaojing's mood gradually calmed down. Indeed, she also knew that if her cousin did not show up, her parents would still love her, but as long as she got in touch with her cousin, she would become completely useless. A beloved child.

But what puzzles Xiaojing is that Yuhui disappeared in those two days. Just when Xiaojing was about to go find Yuhui, she suddenly heard a shocking news: Yuhui and Xiaomei were married.

This moment made Xiaojing confused: How is that possible? Yu Hui is her boyfriend, the boyfriend she has been dating for a long time, why can she suddenly be with Xiao Mei?

Actually, Xiaojing still doesn’t understand Yuhui very well. Yu Hui was willing to be with Xiao Jing in the first place because Xiao Jing accidentally said that her father had a car accident and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

One sentence made Yuhui immediately abandon his original girlfriend and choose Xiaojing instead.

Continued from the previous article: 1 After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like when she was beaten by her mother when she was a child, she would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged. When the aunt found out a - DayDayNews

Xiaojing didn’t think much about it at the time, thinking that Yuhui broke up with his girlfriend peacefully. Xiaojing also knew that Yuhui’s girlfriend’s home was in another place. Just like Yuhui said, the distance was too far and it was inappropriate to break up. . And Xiaojing's family is close to each other, and they are all fellow villagers.

When Yuhui came back with Xiaojing, he originally wanted to keep the money from Xiaojing's father. He had his own little calculation: if he kept the money, it would belong to Xiaojing and himself in the future.

But he didn't expect that after arriving, he found out that her mother was so persistent and insisted on giving the money to Xiaomei.

That day, when he heard that Xiaomei was the biological daughter of Xiaojing's parents, his heart suddenly fluttered: It seemed that he didn't understand the truth and made a wrong idea. This Xiaojing was a fake daughter. If you place the bet on her, you will definitely not make a penny in the future, and Xiaomei is a real rich man.

That day, when he looked at Xiaomei and saw her charming eyes, his heart was moved.

Xiaomei was also used to grabbing Xiaojing's things. When she saw that Xiaojing's boyfriend was so handsome, even more handsome than her marriage partner, she went back to break off the engagement. Originally, her parents had passed away and she was her aunt. While arranging her wedding, when she saw that Xiaomei suddenly wanted to break off the engagement, she didn't dare to say anything, so she returned all the bride price.

As soon as the marriage broke off, Xiaomei openly became Yu Hui's girlfriend and openly dated Yu Hui.

This news was like a bolt from the blue to Xiaojing. She never expected that she would bring Yuhui back and actually make Yuhui her cousin's boyfriend.

She was so angry that she rushed out. When she rushed to her cousin's house angrily, she opened the door and saw her cousin and Yu Hui sitting in the yard, joking.

Seeing this, Xiaojing had a gloomy face, walked over, pointed at Xiaomei with trembling hands and yelled: "You are so shameless, you rob everything, even people."

Xiaomei gave Xiaojing a white look: "I Is there any need to grab it? Look at how ugly you are. No matter how much a man sees me, he won’t want you. "

" You fart because you are always eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. Yes, I like to take other people's things." When her cousin said this, Xiaojing became angry and started swearing.

"You dare to scold me, and you don't even know who you are?"

"I scold you lightly. For a shameless person like you, my mouth is dirty even if I scold you." Xiaojing was really angry.

Xiaomei has never seen Xiaojing lose such a temper. She stopped talking and her face turned red and white with anger, turning into the color of pig liver in an instant.

Continued from the previous article: 1 After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like when she was beaten by her mother when she was a child, she would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged. When the aunt found out a - DayDayNews

After scolding Xiaomei, Xiaojing turned around and walked to Yuhui and said: "Why? Why did you do this?

"I'm not married to you. We have nothing. We are free to love. Whoever I like has what with you. relation? "Listening to the theories of Yu Hui and these bandits, Xiao Jing was so angry that she couldn't stand still.

Xiao Jing looked at Yu Hui's appearance and suddenly felt uncomfortable in her stomach. A burst of sour air rolled up from her esophagus. She coughed twice, then took a sip at Yu Hui: "I'm so blind, I fell in love with you! I bother! "

After saying that, she turned around and prepared to walk out.

As soon as she reached the door, her mother ran over. Seeing the situation in front of her, she stood there dumbfounded.

After she told the truth that day, she felt a little regretful.

No matter what, she had raised Xiaojing since she was a child. It was nonsense to say she had no feelings.

She also did not expect that Xiaomei would steal Xiaojing's boyfriend. In order to steal her boyfriend, she even broke off the engagement willfully. . This made her regret a little: Did she do something wrong?

Looking at Xiao Jing with empty eyes, she walked over with some distress and wanted to hold her daughter's hand.

However, Xiao Jing felt resentful towards her at the moment. Before she could get rid of it, she just avoided it, gave her a cold look, and started to walk out.


Xiao Jing's mother had been pushed hard by Xiao Mei in the past two days, and she was anxious to get her to give her money.

Xiao Meizhi. The reason for urging was because Yu Hui was also working hard.

Yu Hui regretted that he had given Xiao Jing such a bad idea and asked Xiao Jing to hide his bankbook and ID card.

However, he did it again. Having an idea, he told Xiaomei to ask the old lady to apply for a new ID card, and then he could withdraw the money.

But it would take a month to apply for a new ID card. During this month, Xiaomei was in a hurry every day. Like an ant on a hot pot, she felt panicked when the money couldn't reach her hands.

Waiting and looking forward to it, Xiaomei waited for her aunt's ID card to come down quickly, and then took her aunt to the bank to collect the money. Take out all the money.

Xiaomei thought about it, and then she would give Xiaojing a good laugh so that she would not dare to be so arrogant in front of her in the future.

Xiaojing was not idle, in order to dissuade her mother. She asked her aunt to persuade her mother, and her mother's best friends, and asked them to tell her mother that she couldn't do this, it was wrong.

But. , Xiaojing's mother was determined to give the money to Xiaomei.

In fact, the reason why she did this was because she felt ashamed that she and her sister-in-law had the same child. , the reason why she and her sister-in-law went to the same hospital to give birth was because she had Xiao Jiujiu in her heart.

When her daughter Xiaomei was in her belly, the doctor told her that there was something wrong with her daughter's health. If she insisted on giving birth, she would be pregnant. Treatment may cost a lot of money.

Their family is so poor that they simply cannot afford the cost. She thought that her brother's family was in good condition, so in order to let her daughter get good treatment, she secretly exchanged the two children when no one was around that day.

Continued from the previous article: 1 After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like when she was beaten by her mother when she was a child, she would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged. When the aunt found out a - DayDayNews

The two children originally looked very similar. Besides, the newly born children had no obvious marks and no one could tell.

Sure enough, the doctor was right. Xiaomei had been frail and sickly since she was a child. If she hadn't been under the careful care of her brother, who often went to a large hospital in the province to see a doctor, she might have died a long time ago.

It was this debt that made her feel that she owed her daughter. Every time Xiaomei came to her home, she would bring out all the delicious food and drink, and she would feel relieved when her daughter ate all the food.

Now that she heard that her daughter was getting married, she felt that she owed her daughter even more.Her brother and sister-in-law passed away a few years ago, so she desperately wanted to give all the compensation money from her husband to her daughter to make up for all the debt she owed her.

When she did this, she never considered Xiaojing's feelings.


Finally, Xiaojing’s mother’s ID card came down, and Xiaomei happily took Xiaojing’s mother’s arm and went to the bank.

had just arrived at the bank and was queuing up when suddenly Xiaojing rushed in.

"Mom, you can't do this!" As soon as Xiaojing entered, she ran directly to her mother, pulling her mother to go out.

Xiaomei saw that Xiaojing dared to ruin her good deeds, so she rushed over, punched Xiaojing in the heart, and shouted: "Get out! Stop meddling in other people's business!"

Xiaojing was beaten by Xiaomei. He punched me without showing any signs of weakness, and roared: "Let's all comment and see if she did the right thing. My dad is crazy about compensation. She insisted on deceiving my mother and taking it as her own!"

watched everyone talking, Security came over and started to stop it.

Seeing this, Xiaojing quickly pulled her mother out.

But Xiaomei quit. How could she run away just looking at the fat in her mouth? She stretched out her arm to stop Xiaojing and said: "What are you doing? You can just go out by yourself. Auntie's money, if you are willing Give it to whomever you want, who are you?"

Xiaojing pushed, Xiaomei pulled, the people around were talking, the old lady looked at the scene in front of her, her vision suddenly went dark, and she fainted.

In the past few days, she had been urged by Xiaomei to the point of becoming anxious and angry. Xiaomei was urging her on one side, while Xiaojing was urging her not to give it to her. She couldn't eat and couldn't sleep well. This morning, Xiaomei was dragged here as soon as she got up. She didn't even eat. She had low blood sugar and fainted immediately.

Seeing her mother fainted, Xiaojing panicked and quickly asked everyone to help take her mother to the hospital.


As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Xiaojing took good care of her mother. Seeing her mother's sad face, Xiaojing felt really distressed.

Xiaojing knew why her mother was sad, but Xiaojing couldn't follow her mother. She felt that if she followed her mother now, her mother would definitely regret it in the future.

That day, Xiaojing, who was accompanying her mother and looking through her mother's medical records, suddenly rolled her eyes and had an idea in her mind.

Because Xiaomei didn’t get the money, she visited Xiaojing’s mother from time to time.

However, when she arrived, instead of caring about the old lady's condition, she forced her to accompany her to handle the matter and get the money out.

In the past few days, she was very anxious, thinking to herself, I promised to give you money, but there were twists and turns.

Yu Hui also urged her to take action quickly to avoid unnecessary complications. That's why she kept going to the hospital.

Continued from the previous article: 1 After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like when she was beaten by her mother when she was a child, she would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged. When the aunt found out a - DayDayNews

Seeing Xiaomei's eager look, the old lady suddenly felt heartbroken: Xiaomei clearly knew that she was sick, so didn't she care about her illness at all? I have loved Xiaomei so much since she was a child, why does she not care about me at all?

That day, Xiaomei visited her aunt once. When she passed by the doctor's office, she heard the conversation inside: "What did you say? My mother's illness is so serious?"

"Yes, you should be prepared, it will cost a lot of money." "Money."

"Doctor Liu, how much does it cost?" Xiaomei stopped when she heard this. She heard clearly that it was Xiaojing's voice.

"Several hundred thousand."


Hearing this, Xiaomei became uneasy: What's going on? Aunt is sick? Need hundreds of thousands? What should I do? What would you do if you spent hundreds of thousands on medical treatment? Wouldn’t he not get a penny? no! can not be like this!

Thinking of this, Xiaomei hurriedly walked to the ward. She thought to herself: My aunt definitely doesn't know about her terminal illness. She has to act first and take out the money!

"Gu, how do you feel?" Xiaomei asked as soon as she entered.

"Much better."

"Then I will take you, let's go do that?" Xiaomei said and went to help Xiaojing's mother.

"Stop." Suddenly Xiaojing roared and appeared in front of Xiaomei.

Seeing Xiaojing blocking her way again, Xiaomei was so angry that her eyes could burst into flames: "Get out of here!"

Xiaojing looked at Xiaomei like that and said, "You want money, don't you? I tell you, I have given the money to the hospital for my mother’s medical treatment, and there is not a penny left!”

When Xiaomei heard what Xiaojing said, she looked at her aunt in disbelief. The old lady looked at Xiaomei, and then looked at her again! Xiao Jing finally nodded.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xiaomei was completely angry: "You liar mother and daughter! You lied to me! You lied to me! Where is my money! Give it to me!"

"Listen to me," Xiaojing said When her mother saw Xiaomei like this, she was going to say something to Xiaomei. Xiaojing stopped her: "Who is the liar? You are the liar! My mother is sick, and you don't care about my mother's condition and force my mother to give you the money! You are the most heartless one!"

"I don't care. You said you would give me the money. If you don't get sick sooner, you won't get sick later! You get sick at this time! You didn't mean anything! You two liars! Liars!" Xiaomei roared angrily. As if everyone owed her something.

Looking at Xiaomei like that, Xiaojing’s mother suddenly lowered her head and stopped talking.


Ever since she learned that her aunt was seriously ill and needed to spend hundreds of thousands, Xiaomei never showed up in the hospital again.

Xiaojing’s mother seemed to understand. She knew that Xiaomei was not reliable at all, and she slowly changed her original obsession.

That day, Xiaojing and her mother were sitting in the yard. Xiaojing looked at her mother who had recovered and said, "Mom, are you still angry when I do this?"

"Why are you angry? I'm not angry anymore. I understand." "The only one who really cares about me is you."

The old lady didn't have a terminal illness, and she didn't spend the hundreds of thousands. It was Xiaojing who acted out a show with the doctor in order to let her mother see Xiaomei's true face. It was also to stop Xiaomei from pestering her mother.

Continued from the previous article: 1 After knowing the truth, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore and ran to her aunt's house, just like when she was beaten by her mother when she was a child, she would run to her aunt's house every time she was wronged. When the aunt found out a - DayDayNews

Sure enough, Xiaomei knew that her aunt was terminally ill and had to spend a lot of money, so she was afraid that she would be harmed and never showed up again.

Xiaojing rented a house where she worked and took her mother to live in the city.

That day, Xiaojing met a colleague who used to work together and talked about Yuhui.

After Yuhui knew that Xiaomei had no money, he dumped Xiaomei and went to find a rich woman.

However, this time Xiaomei seemed to have true feelings for Yu Hui. She pestered Yu Hui and refused to let him go, and was beaten black and blue by Yu Hui.

After Yu Hui completely dumped Xiao Mei, he was ready to live a good life with the rich woman. Who knows, the rich woman's husband found out and gave Yu Hui a good lesson.

After hearing what her colleague said, Xiaojing frowned and thought to herself: I hope they can change and stop thinking about taking shortcuts. From now on, they will move forward step by step and down to earth.


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