This story has been published by the author: Fan Yuyan, who has authorized the Daily Reading Stories app to publish it. Its associated account "Daily Reading Stories" has been legally sub-authorized and published. Any infringement will be investigated. 1 "Forget it, I'll get marr

2024/07/0208:26:36 story 1941

This story has been published by the author: Fan Yuyan, who has authorized the Daily Reading Stories app to publish it. Its associated account

This story has been published by the author: Fan Yuyan , authorized by the Read Stories app every day. Its associated account "Read Stories Every Day" has been legally sub-authorized and published. Infringement will be investigated.


"Forget it, I'll marry you."

With my words, the sisters stopped crying immediately.

Why don’t you just marry someone? Is that a big deal? I, Di Ji Xiaosha, have been married three times and have not lost any skin.

The world is in chaos now. The emperor was weak and unable to control the kings, so marriage became a last resort.

When the kings disobeyed, the emperor married the emperor's concubine.

The kings were happy to be the son-in-law of the Tang Dynasty royal family. It could increase their status and appearance, and the emperor could also get a generous betrothal gift.

This business, which has the best of both worlds, is all supported by me alone.

Who calls me the eldest daughter? My sisters are still too young.

In four years, I married three kings. If I marry again, my ex-husbands can play mahjong together.

This time, the marriage partner is the king of Min.

Min is located in the southwest, thousands of miles away from Tiandu. My sisters don’t want to go, so I, the old sister, have to step forward.

Anyway, if you can’t adapt to the country of Min, divorce as soon as possible, just like the previous three times.

On the day of departure, my brother, the emperor Chopin, and his family watched me go away. They talked and laughed without any sadness at parting. Anyway, they all knew that I would be back soon.

I was quite calm originally. It wasn't until we were almost out of the Tang Dynasty that we suddenly realized a very serious problem:

To go to Min, you must pass through three countries: Shun, Xu, and Dai.

The kings of these three kingdoms are all my ex-husband!

Although I don’t have any deep hatred towards them, we became strangers after the divorce.

But neither of them is a good person, so don’t make any trouble for me.

My car entered the territory of Shun first.

According to etiquette and law, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty came to the feudal country, and the kings must receive her in person.

In the capital of Shun, I met King Meng Huan, my first husband.

He is still the same, majestic and majestic in appearance.

With such a cute appearance, how could I be willing to reconcile with him in the first place?

Because we are really not suitable.

is not a personality mismatch, but a gender mismatch.

During the wedding night, he didn’t even touch my hand and said he would go to the hut first. Once I left, I didn't come back all night.

Since then, he has never set foot in our bedroom again.

I discovered through observation that this man is a man of few desires and is not close to women. Not only he treats me but also avoids any woman.

This is my first marriage after all. I don’t want to give up easily and want to work hard to cultivate my relationship.

But in the face of my enthusiasm, he neither looked, listened nor spoke, like a monk who didn't understand the style.

A philosopher once said that when you think a man is a "monk", 90% of it may be because he doesn't like you, and 10% of it may be that he doesn't like women.

Unfortunately, Meng Huan belongs to the last ten percent.

One day, I accidentally found Meng Huan hugging a young man and crying, expressing his depression.

At that time, I felt that I shouldn’t marry him, it was my brother who should marry me.

So I proposed divorce, and Meng Huan readily agreed, looking relieved.

Before I left, he gave me a lot of money and looked at me reluctantly. I felt like he had something to say.

He hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I heard that His Highness the Prince has reached the age of weakness, can I be with him..."

Oh, it turns out that it's not that he doesn't want to leave me, but that he has fallen in love with my brother.

I gave him one word: "Go away."

My first marriage ended like this.

This time, after many years, we met again. We were polite, just like the kind of friends who have a good relationship.

Meng Huan hosted a dinner for me. , when he was slightly drunk during the dinner, he looked at me, his usually cold eyes had warmth that I had never seen before.

"Your Highness, Emperor Ji. "He asked me, "How have you been doing these years? "

" OK, a little busy. "I drank tea and said casually: "Either on the way to get married, or on the way to divorce. "

He smiled bitterly, "After all, it was me who hurt you. "

" No, no, this has nothing to do with you. "I asked him: "What about you? How have these years been? "

" I am alone and have no refuge. "He was sad.

I curled my lips. After all, I am the king of a country, but I still need a man?

"By the way, what I told Her Royal Highness Di Ji last time is possible? "He suddenly asked me.

"What's the matter? "I'm confused.

"Your Highness Xiao Chen, I have admired him for a long time. Can Di Ji help us lead? "

Oh, you are still trying to trick my brother!

I sent him the same word again: "Go away. "

He was very well-educated and not angry. He just stood up slightly disappointed, carried the wine bottle, and staggered away.

The next day, I left the Kingdom of Shun. Before leaving, Meng Huan sent many more I refused the money, because I was afraid that it was a gift to buy my younger brother.


Next stop, Xu Guo.

Xu Guojun Shen Chu, my second husband

I feel sick when I think of this person. Ma . I asked the coachman if I could take a detour and cross the border quietly without meeting Shen Chu.

The coachman said: "Your Highness, it's too late, Lord Xu is already waiting for you. "

I opened the car window and took a look, but there was a large group of people waiting at the border.

The leader was wearing a black robe with a jade crown, a sword on his waist, and a heroic appearance. He was none other than Shen Chu.

In terms of beauty, Meng Huan was praised. Shen Chu walked away. This man is earth-shatteringly beautiful, so beautiful that he is outrageously beautiful.

Unfortunately, he is a crazy person.

You will find out later. I got out of the car and walked up to him.

He smiled brightly at me, and my eyes were instantly blinded by his peerless beauty.

"Sasa. He called me by my nickname affectionately, "Finally we meet again, I miss you so much." "

" Chu Chu, I miss you too. "

" Sasa, you are tired from the journey, and we have prepared good meat and vegetables. "

" Chu Chu, you are too polite. "

He held my hand, and I stared into his eyes. It really felt like a long separation is better than a newlywed.

In the palace, Shen Chu kept picking up vegetables for me to eat, and said distressedly: "My poor Sasa, why are you here again? Black and thinner. "

I said casually: "You haven't changed, you are still so beautiful. "

I regretted it as soon as I said it.

Sure enough, Shen Chu's spring-filled peach blossom eyes instantly shot out a cold and violent aura.

He has a Achilles' heel, that is, he cannot listen to others commenting on his beauty.

Who said he was beautiful? He would go crazy when he was stimulated.

My hand holding the chopsticks started to shake.

Unexpectedly, Shen Chu's eyes suddenly turned cold. He restrained himself and regained his smile.

He gestured, and the servant brought a new dish.

I looked at it, and it looked like meatloaf.

"This is the new dish I studied. Try it to see if it tastes good. "

Pancake? What a strange name.

I picked up a piece of pancake and took two bites. Well, the skin is thin and the filling is tender, fragrant but not greasy.

When I took the whole cake into my mouth, Shenchu ​​asked: "Sasa, do you know what kind of meat this is?"

"Deer meat?"


"Bear paw?"


"Haha, could it be human?"


"Hmm... eh?" I stopped chewing.

"This is not an ordinary person." Shen Chu explained to me seriously, "This is the king of Xiang Kingdom."

Only then did I react. The word "Pen" is the character for "äşş" (äşş).

"The old pervert, the king of Xiang Kingdom, had a wrong idea for me, so I sent troops to beat him up. He cut off the flesh from his thighs to apologize, and I let him go."

He said proudly, "I I made him into cakes, waiting for you to taste them together."

I stared at him blankly. Chu Chu, my lovely Chu Chu, I haven’t seen you for several years, why am I even more crazy?

I think of the day we got married -

At that time, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty who was seeing off the bride was shocked by Shen Chu's beauty and sighed: "What a beautiful man!"

Just these six words cost ten lives.

The handsome man who looked harmless to humans and animals suddenly changed his face and stabbed the envoy to death with a knife.

then went on a killing spree and killed all the remaining envoys of the Tang Dynasty.

I was wearing a bright red wedding dress and stood blankly among a pile of corpses.

The handsome man put away the knife, with bright red blood flowers blooming on his fair face and white collar.

He smiled brightly at me, showing his neat white teeth: "Sasa, don't stop, the wedding continues."

I have no other advantages, the only thing is that I am relatively calm. He said that the wedding will go on, so I will go on. I can’t afford to offend him.

After he entered the bridal chamber, I told him that I would go to the hut first.

He was drunk, leaning on the bedside, and said "Hmm".

Once I went to this hut, I never came back.

Everyone drank too much that day, and the guards relaxed their vigilance. I slipped out of the palace and ran around all night. I rode my horse wildly all night without daring to rest.

When he woke up the next day, I had already run out of the Xu Kingdom.

Ten envoys of the Tang Dynasty died because of a wedding. Xu Guo was relatively unreasonable, so Shen Chu did not pursue him and continue to pester him.

This marriage will never end.

Now that I see him again, I have to say that I was lucky to run fast back then. If I had stayed to live with him, I would have turned into a plate of cakes.

"Sasa, is the cake delicious?" His question interrupted my thoughts.

I came to my senses and continued chewing, "It's delicious. The king's meat is indeed extraordinary."

He smiled with satisfaction, like a child who has gained the approval of an adult.

alarm cleared. I breathed a sigh of relief.

The only way to deal with Crazy Pi is to stay calm, follow his hair, and follow his train of thought.

You can't be driven crazy by him, he will always be crazier than you.

Under his kind care, I finished the whole plate of cakes without changing my expression.

He was very satisfied with my performance and reluctantly sent me out of Xu Kingdom.

"Sasha, if the king of Min treats you badly, tell me and I will make him into a cake!" He shouted at me.

I didn’t look back and waved to him from behind, "Goodbye, Chu Chu!"

Cherish life and stay away from crazy comments.


Two days later, I arrived in Daiguo.

Daiguo, Daiguo, my worst nightmare.

html Liao Zizhi, the third king of the country, is my third husband.

Compared with the previous two, this one is relatively ordinary. Although

looks good, there is a gap between the peerless beauty of the first two.He has a gentle and elegant temperament, and is humble and low-key. He was born a concubine, and his biological mother ended up as a concubine.

By the way, he married a queen before, but she later died of illness.

In short, all conditions are satisfactory.

but I'm very satisfied. After experiencing the excitement of the first two times, I have always dreamed of getting married to a normal person!

The wedding was held normally and the wedding was carried out normally. Liao Zizhi and I drank and 卺 wine and made a normal vow to "grow old together".

Everything went according to plan. It was not until Liao Zizhi and I consummated our relationship that he asked me in surprise:

"Is the Emperor a virgin?"

"Well, neither of the first two."

He was a little confused. Probably in his impression, how could those two men who were extraordinary and the most arrogant among the kings... not be able to do it?

He leaned down and kissed me.

I lived with him for two years, an ordinary and happy two years.

Later, we separated.

Compared with the previous two peaceful breakups, this breakup is extremely unpeaceful and unpleasant, and cannot be described as "harmony and separation".

So much so that our hearts have not yet opened up. I hate him, and he probably hates me too.

This time I entered the country of Dai, but there was no movement from Liao Zizhi.

didn’t come to greet me personally, or even send someone to ask, and he didn’t even teach basic etiquette.

is fine. If you want to break it off, break it off cleanly, and we will never see each other until death.

I persuaded myself in this way, but it made myself even more sad.

I can look at the cut sleeves and crazy comments indifferently and laugh them off.

But Liao Zizhi, an ordinary person and an honest man, moved my feelings and even broke my heart.

My car is driving alone in the wilderness of Zhongzhou in Daiguo. This piece of fertile plain for hundreds of miles is full of flat rivers and the fragrance of wheat is fragrant.

Once upon a time, Liao Zizhi and I rode horses galloping in the wilderness of Zhongzhou to share the prosperity of the world, living a carefree life with the company of the world of mortals.

When we were tired of playing, we caught wild rabbits in the wheat fields and Liao Zizhi grilled meat over the fire.

He is so ingenious that a wild rabbit can be roasted with a magical flavor even if he sprinkles some salt on it.

He is an indifferent and casual person. He is very satisfied if he reads and spends time with me every day.

I am also a bitch, why should I stand when I can lie down flat? I just want to live a good life with him without any hassle.

One day, I was riding a horse with him in the park, and the horse suddenly went crazy and threw me off.

My butt landed on the ground, and soon there was a pool of red under my skirt.

Only then did I realize that I was pregnant.

Liao Zizhi panicked and ran back to the palace with me in his arms. He called for a doctor and spent the entire night scrambling. My life was saved, but the fetus that was more than a month old was still dead.

And here comes the bad news: I can no longer get pregnant.

Liao Zizhi’s white clothes were stained with my blood. He didn’t bother to change them all night. When I felt a little better, he held my hand tightly and said, “It doesn’t matter whether we have children or not. As long as the queen is fine, Just hope the queen is fine..."

For a moment, the grief in my heart was diluted a lot by being moved.

If a husband is like this, what else can a woman ask for?

About half a year later, suddenly one day, Liao Zizhi brought a child.

The first time I saw the child, I was shocked.

is a little boy, and his facial features seem to be carved out of the same mold as Liao Zizhi.

"Queen, otherwise, let Liao Yun be your son." Liao Zizhi said to me.

I am completely confused.

I asked him: "Is this your child? His biological child?"


"Who is his biological mother?"

"My former queen."

This, this, this, too sudden.

All this time, I only knew that Liao Zizhi’s ex-wife died of illness, but I didn’t know that they had a child.

He hid it too deeply.

"Why didn't you bring this child to me earlier? Why did you tell me now?"

Liao Zizhi thought for a while and said to me calmly: "Before, I thought that if the child you gave birth to was the eldest son, he would be the acting king. "The most suitable heir. But now that you can't give birth, you can only settle for the next best thing and let Liao Yun be our child and inherit the throne in the future."

He is absolutely right, I just think there is something strange about it. .

Although he hid his ex’s child in order to make the child born to me the undisputed eldest son, I vaguely felt that this was a bit cruel.

Moreover, the age of this child is a bit strange.

Liao Zizhi said that he was almost three years old, but I quietly asked the palace maid who had taken care of children. The palace lady said that the young master was less than two years old at most.

Liao Zizhi and I have been married for two years, but his ex’s child is under two years old. What does this mean?

means that his previous queen may have given birth to a child after we got married.

But, wasn’t she already dead?

It’s scary to think about it.

I remained calm and paid attention secretly. Finally one day, the imprisoned woman was discovered in a secret dungeon in the palace.

Her name is Jiang Wei, the daughter of the Yue Kingdom monarch, the first queen of Liao Zizhi, and the biological mother of the young master.

From her mouth, I got to know another Liao Zizhi, a completely unfamiliar Liao Zizhi.

At first, Liao Zizhi was the concubine of the old king of Dai. He was framed by his younger brother and stepmother and fled to the country of Yue.

In the country of Yue, he met and fell in love with Jiang Wei and got married.

With the help of the Yue Kingdom, he fought back to the Dai Kingdom, killed his younger brother and stepmother, and inherited the throne.

Jiang Wei became the queen of the Dai Dynasty and lived a happy life with Liao Zizhi from then on.

html There was an unexpected situation in 3 days. A year later, the country of Yue was attacked by the country of Xiang and almost destroyed the country.

Jiang Nai once begged Liao Zizhi to send troops to rescue him, but Liao Zizhi remained unmoved and watched the fire from the other side.

At that time, he was already planning to get rid of Jiang Wei and marry the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

The "get rid of" does not mean reconciliation, or even abolishing the queen, but killing.

Just when he was about to kill Jiang Wei, he found out that she was pregnant.

Jiang Yao escaped, but she also lost her freedom forever.

He imprisoned her and announced that the queen had died of illness.

Not long after, the Tang Dynasty received a betrothal gift from the king of Daiguo.

In the second month after the new queen came to Dai, when she was newly married to Liao Zizhi, the old queen gave birth to a child in a dark dungeon.

Liao Zizhi occasionally comes to see the children. Perhaps because the child looked like him, which aroused the father's love in him, he did not kill the child's mother.

Without being discovered by me, he gave the mother and son the best possible care.

Jiang Yao said that until a year ago, Liao Zizhi suddenly took the child away from her.

No matter how she cried and begged, he remained unmoved.

I did the math, and it was exactly when I was born a year ago. Liao Zizhi might have decided to let Liao Yun be my son at that time.

He separated mother and child in advance to prevent the child from leaving an impression on the biological mother and exposing her secrets to me in the future.

This person is too thoughtful, too deep, and too well hidden. I was completely blinded by him.

When I came out of the dungeon, I bumped into Liao Zizhi.

He may have known that I was inside, but he didn't come in to disturb me, waiting for Jiang Yu and I to finish talking.

Under the moonlight, he was dressed in white, as holy as a god.

And behind me, the entrance to the dungeon was as dark as hell.

I looked at him. The man I had been with day and night for two years, the man I thought was an "ordinary person" and an "honest person", turned from white to black in just that moment.

He said: "Queen, as long as you pretend that nothing happened today, I can also pretend that nothing happened."

Are you prepared to compromise with me?

I stepped forward, took his hand, and walked with him under the moonlight.

"Liao Zizhi, let me tell you the story of my first two predecessors."

I vividly described the deeds of Meng Huan and Shen Chu to him. I never mentioned them to him in two years and he never asked.

I used to think that Liao Zizhi was not the same type of person as them, and that Liao Zizhi was a normal person.

is available now, haha.

"Liao Zizhi, do you think they are normal? Not normal? So I couldn't stand them and left. And you? You are more abnormal than them. Can I stand you? I can't stand it. So, I still have to Leave."

"Hehe." Liao Zizhi smiled naively, "I think they are quite normal, so they let you go. But I am not normal, so you can't leave."

I paused, "What do you mean? ?”

“Be my queen, and I will treat you as before. But if you want to reconcile,” he pointed to the dungeon where Jiang Wei was imprisoned, “this is the whole world for you for the rest of your life.”

I had an epiphany. . It turns out that I met a ruthless character.


I must have some special physique that attracts perverted men.

The first two are enough for me to drink a pot, but the third one is even more difficult to describe.

I began the long road to "divorce". Then I discovered that Liao Zizhi was a terrible character who refused to take soft and hard advice and walked all the way to the dark side. On the surface, it looks gentle and harmless to humans and animals, but on the inside, it is a cold and hard stone.

I tried all kinds of tricks to leave, moved him with affection, threatened him with harsh words, and alienated him coldly, but it was all in vain. He always stayed there neither far nor near, neither annoyed nor annoyed, but he firmly controlled our marriage.

What he often said: "Give you another month to calm down."

As month after month passed, I became more and more calm, to the point of despair. When the will collapsed, the body also collapsed.

I am sick, very sick. I searched all over famous doctors, but couldn't cure it.

Famous doctors said that the queen had a heart disease.

Finally one day, Liao Zizhi dismissed everyone, leaving only the two of us in the room. He sat in front of the bed and asked me: "Tell me, how can you cure your heart disease?"

"Harmony." I replied, "Otherwise, I will die of illness here and you will get nothing."

What he originally wanted was nothing more than a legitimate son with the blood of the Xiao family of the Tang Dynasty, but his hope was in vain. Now, the "noble-born" queen is also going to die, and his efforts are in vain.

This time, he did not reject me directly. He lowered his eyes and thought for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Okay."

He threw me away with a piece of paper and Li Shu, and regardless of my illness, he drove me out of Dai country with my bedding.

I returned to Tang Dynasty and spent more than half a year recovering from my illness.

The wound in my heart can no longer be healed.

I didn’t want to get married again. I wanted to be myself, not a tool for marriage.

But when the envoy of the Min Kingdom sent the letter of appointment, I looked at my pitiful sisters and thought of what I had experienced, and how I could bear to send my sister to the mouths of those jackals, tigers and leopards.

In front of me, whether it is a quagmire or a pit of fire, I can only sigh: "Forget it, I will get married."

Now, I enter the Kingdom of Dai again, and my mind is in confusion.

This is where I lost my heart.

How sweet it was once, but how painful it became later. How much love I had in the past, how much I hate now.

It’s a good thing that he didn’t see me this time.

Otherwise, when we meet, we don’t know what to say.

My car entered the country from Daiguo Beizhou, passed through Zhongzhou, and arrived at Nanzhou. When

was about to leave the country from Nanzhou, he was stopped by the border guards.

We revealed our identity, but they refused to let us go and said they would report it to their superiors.

My envoys wanted to argue with the defenders, but I stopped them. After all, this is someone else's territory, and it's Liao Zizhi's territory, so it's better to cause less trouble.

We stayed temporarily in Nanzhou City, waiting for negotiations.

waited and waited for five days, but no news.

I woke up on the morning of the sixth day and found that all my people were gone.

Five envoys, twenty attendants, fifty guards, five cars, fifteen horses, and many belongings disappeared without a trace overnight.

I asked the innkeeper what was going on, and he said he didn't know anything.

I went to report to the official, but I couldn’t even get through the official gate.

I returned to the inn and found that all my things had been cleared out. The boss said that my identity was suspicious and I didn’t look like a good person.

I stood on the street, bustling with people and row upon row of buildings. This is the country of Dai. I used to be the queen here, but now I have nowhere to go.

I thought this was a prank by Liao Zizhi. Sure enough, that shady guy would not let me go easily.

Among the crowd, I saw a familiar figure.

I used to think that Liao Zizhi was very ordinary, but among all living beings, he is still the most conspicuous one.

He looked at me and smiled slightly. Gentle and kind, just like before.

I walked up to him. There were noisy people around, but the two of us seemed to be in a barrier, and we could only hear each other's beating heartbeats.

"Your Highness, Emperor Ji, you are well." Liao Zizhi bowed slightly towards me, elegant and polite.

"Your Majesty, you are well." I returned the greeting.

Then we were silent.

is really weird. My first two exes and I didn't get along very long, so we were almost strangers, but we were very friendly when we met again. It happened that I had been with this person for the longest time and had the deepest affection. Now that we meet each other, I have nothing to say.

He suddenly grabbed me and hugged me very hard.

"Di Ji, let's go home with me."

I smelled his breath and almost fell into his chest. But I still said calmly:

"You are no longer my husband."

He slowly let go of me.

"You are not allowed to marry."

"Can you control me?"

"You can't go to Min. I will not open the border."

"Did you take away my people, carriages and horses?"

"Either you go with me. Go home, or Di Ji will wander around the country by herself. "

She is a noble Di Ji. She divorced three times and remarried. Unexpectedly, she was kidnapped by her ex-husband on the way to get married.

Alas, this is indeed the most difficult thing to deal with. of a master.

I sighed: "Liao Zizhi, the wheat fields in the Zhongzhou wilderness are ripe again. I want to eat your roasted hare."

His eyes brightened, probably recalling the scene of us galloping horses in the Zhongzhou wilderness.


Ever since I had a miscarriage, I have been afraid of riding horses and can no longer ride a horse.

This time, Liao Zizhi and I rode together, and his arms wrapped around me, like protecting a lost and found treasure.

I leaned in his arms, feeling relaxed physically and mentally.

"Originally, I didn't want to care about anything, so I just let you marry the king of Min." He said, "But when I think of you becoming someone else's queen, I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

I smiled and said: " I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and I can become anyone's queen. Please be more open-minded."

He nodded: "Yes, the unparalleled Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is just a small gift from the emperor to the kings."

The tone was cold and disdainful.

I was a little surprised. So, this is how he sees me?

Or maybe, in the eyes of the kings, Emperor Tang of the Tang Dynasty is indeed noble and rare, but she is indeed a relatively valuable small object. .

That’s why they dared to play tricks on me.

Meng Huan dared to covet my brother in front of me;

Shen Chu slaughtered my envoys at the slightest disagreement;

And Liao Zizhi... I can’t even describe it. I left them at the right time, but there is still another unkind person waiting for me.

For example, the King of Min has not yet met. Who knows what "surprise" he will give me?

I narrowed my eyes and looked straight into the field. The red sunset slants above.

Can I change in my lifetime?

"Liao Zizhi, I am hungry and want to eat roasted hare. "

He tightened the reins. He dismounted first, and then took me down. "Wait for me here, and I will catch the hare for you." "

I watched his figure disappear into the wheat field. I turned on the horse slowly, and the horse flew out like an arrow from the string.

He didn't know that I have always been able to ride a horse. This is a must for me as the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

My attitude towards my ex-husbands is: get through life if you can, and run away if you can't.

When I married Shen Chu, it only took one night for me to get married. I ran back to Tang Dynasty. Now, my skills will only become more refined. By the time Liao Zizhi catches the hare, I will have already run for dozens of miles. By the time he reacts and starts hunting, I can run for dozens more miles.

I was indeed very fast. It took me two days to travel here, but only half a day to go back.

I kept going all the way, taking the trail day and night, until I finally ran back to the boundary of Tang Dynasty, and finally fell off my horse and lay down on the hillside. I had a peaceful sleep.

When I returned to Tiandu, I encountered the funeral of my brother, the Emperor Chopin.

It is said that Chopin consumed elixirs for 7749 days and finally ascended to heaven.

Chopin. Xiao Yao, the three-year-old son of Xiao Yao, had no mother. As the eldest sister, I became the regent. On the day Xiao Yao practiced Zuo, I was sitting in the hall filled with envoys sent by the kings. Standing next to Xiao Yao, looking at their hypocritical faces, I thought, your good days are over.


In the first year of the regency, I quietly made some actions

For example, I spent a lot of money to recruit troops to strengthen the Tang Dynasty's army. Strength.

For example, asking the descendants of the kings' clans to live in Tiandu and giving them nominal official positions is actually taking them as hostages.

For example, planning to move the capital away from the powerful western lands and expand eastward.

No. Wrong, I am determined to change the situation. Weaken the power of the kings and restore the authority of the Tang Dynasty.

I have had enough of being manipulated. I cannot let my sisters make the same mistakes as me.

Emperor Ji is not a gift and should not be given casually. Send it.

What's more, how can a dynasty that relies on marrying the emperor Jiwei to rule last long?

In order not to arouse the wariness of the kings, I acted carefully and secretly.

promoted the New Deal bit by bit, but everything was calm for a while.

But eventually something happened.

Daiguo colluded with Shun and Xu and openly rebelled in the name of "King Qin", attacking Tiandu from the southwest, central south and southeast.

In other words, my three ex-husbands have become "three sworn brothers" and want to unite to overthrow me!

My ex-husband is really troublesome.

The initiator of the rebellion was Liao Zizhi. As expected, he was the most difficult one among his ex-husbands.

I calmly calculated and found out that the three kingdoms of Dai, Shun and Xu were all powerful, and together they were even more invincible. If I confront them head-on, I have no chance of winning. They can only be defeated one by one.How to defeat

? Start with their weaknesses.

The good thing is that I know them fairly well as a couple.

Meng Huan, the king of Shun, has little ambition and has no grudge against me. He responded to the rebellion this time, I guess it was for my brother Xiao Chen.

I called Xiao Chen and told him the whole truth.

After listening to what I said, Xiao Chen asked me a strange question: "Sister, I heard... I heard that Meng Huan is a handsome man?"

"Yes, indeed."

Xiao Chen lowered his head and muttered: "Then, my brother is willing to go meet him and help him open his heart."

His face turned red, reaching the roots of his ears.

Well, Xiao Chen’s reaction was a bit unexpected.

My original plan was to let Xiao Chen sacrifice himself and stabilize Meng Huan first, so that I could free up my hands to save him.

I thought it would take some convincing to persuade Xiao Chen. If he was unwilling to sacrifice himself, I would think of another way.

But, it seems that he is very interested in Meng Huan?

"Brother Chen, please tell the truth to the eldest sister." Xiao Chen said, "Meng Huan and brother Chen have been communicating privately for more than five years. We have formed a deep friendship. Brother Chen has always wanted to... really want to be with him. Meet.”

It dawned on me. It turns out that I was naive!

"Sister, please ask me to see Meng Huan. I will definitely be able to convince him to withdraw his troops!" Xiao Chen mustered up his courage and assured me, patting his chest.

Well, if Xiao Chen comes forward, Meng Huan will definitely retreat because of love.

When I saw Xiao Chen off, I still felt guilty.

My goal is to make Mrs. Xiao stand up tall so that she will no longer be dominated by kings in the future. But I still had to treat my brother as a "gift" to please the kings.

I am not sure whether Xiao Chen really likes Meng Huan, or whether he deliberately made up a set of lies about being in love with Meng Huan just to reassure me.

However, Xiao Chen did play a great role. Three days later, Meng Huan withdrew his troops.


In the "Three Sworn Brothers", the Shun Kingdom link has been broken. Next, it's time to deal with Xu Guo.

The king of Xu State criticized Shen Chu crazily and was difficult to deal with.

If Meng Huan has a clear goal and is here for Xiao Chen;

then Shen Chu is a mad dog that has no goals at all and bites anyone he sees.

He rebelled purely because of excitement, fun and joy.

Crazy batch is very good at fighting. I sent the strongest troops to block Shen Chu in the middle line, but there was no way to stop his violent iron hoofs.

He killed everywhere, leaving a scorched earth wherever he went.

Given time, if he comes to the densely populated Tiandu, it will be an unimaginable human tragedy.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and go meet this lovely ex-husband.

My family and ministers advised me not to do stupid things, but there was nothing I could do.

I was lucky enough to escape from crazy people the first two times, and maybe I will be so lucky the third time.


As soon as she saw me, Shen Chu gave me a big hug.

He had just finished killing someone, and his hands were still stained with sticky blood. When he hugged me, he nuzzled me and used my clothes as a towel.

I wiped him for a long time before pushing him away, and said sweetly: "Chu Chu, you are so powerful, you beat me so hard that I couldn't resist."

"Haha, I am very powerful, aren't you?" Shen Chu was very happy.

"It's amazing, I like it so much!"

"Just like it!"

"My Chu Chu is the God of War!" I am starry-eyed.

He was so excited by my praise that he said excitedly: "Sasa, I will show you around!"

I trembled, what kind of abnormal skills was he going to show me again?

I still followed him with an expectant look on my face.

The roadsides, corners, and puddles are all filled with dead people. We held hands, stepped over the corpses, waded in the bloody water, and listened to the screams of the prisoners and the lamentations of the people.

I'm going crazy. When I reached a skinning station, I couldn't walk any more. My feet and body seemed to have their own ideas.

"What's the matter? Sasa? You don't like my masterpiece?" Shen Chu was not satisfied with my coyness.

I swallowed, "I like it, I like it so much. It's like a big slaughterhouse here. It makes me hungry."

He asked with concern: "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

"Pancakes .” I smacked my lips, “The last time I tasted Xiang Guojun, I couldn’t forget it.” Right."

"But where can I find the king now?" Shen Chu rubbed the back of his head and looked around.

I looked at him with a smile.

Isn’t this easy to find? Isn't there a young, beautiful and genuine king standing in front of me?

He had an epiphany, turned around suddenly, and stared at me.

Our bloodthirsty eyes collided, and fire flew everywhere.

"By the way, how could I forget." He slapped his head, "Although there is no king here, there is an Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

I was stunned, is he serious?

He smiled brightly, came closer to me, and said slowly: "Emperor Ji, she must be more fragrant and tender than those stinky monarchs."

I probably think it's worse than the worst.

"Chuchu, do you still remember your promise to me?" I forced myself to calm down.

"What promise?"

"A year ago, when I left Xu State, you said, if anyone treats me badly, you will make him into a cake."

At that time, what he said was, "If Min If the king of your country treats you badly, tell me, and I will make him into cakes."

I made some slight modifications to the original words.

He thought carefully, "I seem to have said so."

"Now is the time for Chu Chu to fulfill his promise." I held his bloody hand, "Wise and mighty King Chu Chu, please make the decision for Sa Sa. !"

He became serious, "Sasha, tell me, who is not good to Sasa?"

I slowly said three words: "Liao Zizhi."

Shen Chu was stunned, and his beautiful eyes narrowed.

"The king of Daiguo, bully Sasa?"

"Yes, he bullied me and even scolded you for being more beautiful than a woman."

"So cruel?"

"No way."

Shen Chu was silent, and he was so proud just now. His handsome face was quickly covered with darkness.

The screams of the tortured people all around me came one after another, but I could hear my own rapid heartbeat.

Maybe, the next moment, he will chop me into minced meat.

After all, it is easier to eat me than to eat Liao Zizhi.

However, my bet is that Crazy Batch likes to challenge higher difficulties!

"Sasa, which piece of Liao Zizhi's body do you want?" After a while, Shen Chu finally spoke.

My heart hanging in my throat finally sank back into my stomach.

I made the right bet.

"Anything is fine, any cut of meat is fine." I said.

then quickly added: "Except for the dragon whip."

"Okay." He rubbed my hair, "Wait for me, let me make some cakes for you!"

swung his cloak and swung his sword, majestic. , strode away. That pace is not recognized by the relatives; that pace is full of excitement.

Crazy Batch finally found new fun and has no time to torture me anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

Shen Chu retreated, acting vigorously and resolutely, not taking away a single white cloud.

But he did not return to the state of Xu. Instead, he turned his horse's head southeast and fought against Liao Zi.

Such a crazy beauty, heartless and loveless, conquering and ravaging others is what he loves most in his life. I have dealt with him several times, but I can still avoid being affected by his "love", which shows that I am the same crazy critic as him.

Only Crazy Pi can understand Crazy Pi, just like Boya does to Ziqi.


I cleaned up the mess left by Shen Chu and returned to Tiandu.

Next, just watch the tiger fight from a distance and make the water a little muddier.

I wrote to the king of Xiang State, asking him to send troops to join forces with the Tang Dynasty to exterminate the traitor Shen Chu.

There is a feud between the king of Xiang Kingdom and Shen Chu. I think he should be very anxious to take revenge.

Then, I wrote to the king of Yue and told him that his daughter Jiang Wei was still alive and had given birth to a grandson, but she was imprisoned in the dungeon by her son-in-law. The Tang Dynasty is willing to unite with your country to eliminate the unfaithful man and rescue the princess and the young master.

Almost at the same time, Xiang and Vietnam responded.

Xiangguo is willing to send 20,000 soldiers and horses, and Yue is willing to send 30,000 soldiers and horses.

In addition to the 30,000 soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty, the 80,000-strong army attacked from the north and the south, and the raging fire of revenge burned towards Shen Chu and Liao Zizhi.

The two men were suddenly attacked and caught off guard. After several battles, they were defeated.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shen Chu took the remaining defeated soldiers and ran back to the Xu Kingdom. He closed the city gate tightly and refused to open it for anyone to call.

I took advantage of the situation and harvested five of his cities, which severely damaged my vitality.

Liao Zizhi is even worse. He was too far away from Dai Guo's base camp and had no time to escape, and his entire army was wiped out.

Liao Zizhi was taken to Tiandu to accept the emperor's sanctions.

He stood in the center of the hall, judged by everyone's eyes, neither humble nor arrogant, calm and calm.

I walked down from Danxi and looked at him levelly, "Your Majesty, do you think I still look like a gift?"

He was polite: "The emperor is not a gift, but the widow is a gift."

"The monarch is going to give me a gift." Will you give it to me yourself? "

" I have always belonged to Di Ji. "

He is humble and peaceful, just like the husband I knew a long time ago.

"By the way, I also brought a small gift to Di Ji."

He took out an oil paper bag from his arms and handed it to the attendant.

The waiter presented the oil paper bag to me. I opened it and saw that it was a whole dried hare. It had been specially pickled and exuded a strange aroma.

Liao Zizhi explained: "This is the hare I caught for Di Ji that day. Di Ji walked too fast and didn't have time to eat it."

That day? It’s been over a year. I tricked him into catching hares while I rode away on my own.

Looking back, I still have to thank him.

If he hadn't stopped me and refused to let me go to Min, I still don't know where I would be. Anyway, I wouldn't be as carefree as I am now.

Being anyone’s queen is more chic than being your own king.

"Thank you, Monarch, for the hare meat. Next, let's talk about your ending."

"Has Di Ji thought about it?"

"It's a bit difficult to handle."

"Di Ji, does this work?" Liao Zizhi said calmly. Manchu suggested to me, "I voluntarily abdicate and pass the throne to my youngest son Liao Yun, and Liao Yun's biological mother Jiang Wei will serve as regent."

This is a way to get the best of both worlds.

The succession of the sons of Liao Zizhi and Jiang Wei can prevent the Kingdom of Dai from being annexed by the Kingdom of Yue. After all, I don’t want to see the Kingdom of Yue become dominant;

The princess of the Kingdom of Yue serves as regent of the Kingdom of Dai, and she can give an explanation to the monarch of the Kingdom of Yue.

I asked Liao Zizhi: "Then where are you going?"

Liao Zizhi said sincerely: "I will stay with the Emperor Ji and work as an ox and a horse for the Emperor Ji to atone for my sins."

I actually admire this man in my heart, but he is black Kebai can bend and stretch.

In the evening, I stayed with him in the Emperor's Palace. We sat opposite each other, eating rabbit meat and drinking warm wine.

This is something we often do together as a couple.

After drinking to his heart's content, he asked me softly: "Do you still hate me?"

Under the candlelight, his eyes were warm and affectionate. I stared at him for a moment and whispered: "I don't hate you anymore."

"That's not fun, I like to make you hate me." His smile disappeared, and his affectionate ex-husband instantly turned into a scumbag, "Back then, you wanted to divorce me The way they couldn’t divorce and hated me to the core is something I can never forget.”

I thought to myself, what a fucking pervert.

"I was joking just now, Di Ji, don't take it seriously." In an instant, the smile returned to his face, regaining his affectionate look, "I will work hard in the future to win back Di Ji's heart."


Win back my heart? It's impossible, we can't go back to the past.

I already have someone new.

is a young man seven years younger than me, the youngest son of the King of Min.

Yes, it’s the King of Min whom I almost married before. We were not destined to be husband and wife, but I formed a wonderful bond with his son.

The young master's name is Nanzhen. Last year, the kings sent their clan members to serve as officials in Tiandu, and Nanzhen was one of them.

Among the group of people, I noticed him at a glance. With clear eyes, a moist face, and a confident smile, he is such a cute boy.

The official position I arranged for Nan Zhen is Da Si Palace, which is actually the internal affairs manager of the Emperor Ji Palace.

Nan Zhen is a good boy, he works hard, is generous and decent in dealing with others, is simple, kind and caring, a very considerate little jacket.

After Liao Zizhi came, I asked him to be the deputy chief minister and do things under my nose. This is called reuse, but it is actually under house arrest.

I specially arranged a dinner to introduce him to Nan Zhen.

At the banquet, I took Nan Zhen’s hand and said, "Nan Zhen, this is Zi’s uncle. You will work together from now on, but he is also your elder, so you must not lose your etiquette."

Nan Zhen bowed to Liao Zizhi generously: " I've seen Uncle Zi."

Liao Zizhi's face didn't change, and he gave Nan Zhen the same gift: "I've seen Nan Sigong."

I leaned into Nan Zhen's ear and said in a low-pitched voice: "Goodbye. It seems that your son's uncle looks honest, but he is actually very bad. Be careful, don't let him lead you astray."

Nan Zhen was amused by me, so I laughed too, and pinched his cheek.

In daily life, Nan Zhen and I are just like that. Even if Liao Zizhi comes, I will not avoid him.

What’s interesting is that Liao Zizhi turned a blind eye to the intimacy between Nan Zhen and I, and sometimes even went out of his way to create opportunities for us to be alone.

Once, he half-jokingly asked me: "If you like Nan Zhen so much, have you ever thought about marrying him?"

I laughed and said nothing. I dare not have this idea, reality does not allow it.

My engagement with the King of Min has not yet been cancelled.

Since I took over as regent, the effectiveness of the new policy cannot be achieved without the support of some kings, including Min. This marriage contract is the cornerstone of trust between me and Min Guo.

Therefore, the King of Min is still my fiancĂŠ in name. One day I will marry him, so how can I marry his son...

Let alone get married, even if our affair is leaked, the consequences will be It’s all hard to estimate.

The first day of September this year is the day when kings come to Tang Dynasty to report their duties once every five years.

Kings from all walks of life entered Tiandu one after another, including my previous husbands.

Meng Huan, the king of Shun Kingdom, has completely stopped since he got the prince Xiao Chen that he longed for.

This year he also sent generous tributes to the Tang Dynasty, and our friendship took a further step.

Xu Guojun Shenchu ​​also temporarily stopped after being beaten by me.

It is said that he did not kill anyone on his way to Tiandu this time, and even saved a child who fell into the water.

It seems that my ex-husband needs training.

The new king of the country, Liao Yun, was too young and did not come this time. Moreover, if he came, it would always be a bit embarrassing to meet Liao Zi and his son.

Nan Feng, the king of Min, also came.

I had my first meeting with my fiancĂŠ at the Emperor Hime Palace.

He is over forty years old, mature, calm, wise and prudent. I had a great time talking to him.

Before the meeting ended, he asked me to take care of Nan Zhen. Nan Zhen and I looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.


It was night, and the palace held a grand feast to entertain the kings who came from afar.

This was a grand scene that the Tang Dynasty had not seen for a long time. With the return of power, the honor of the past also returned.

I, the Regent Emperor Ji, am sitting lazily on a high place, holding a golden cup and looking down at the audience.

Liao Zizhi was worried that I would be too drunk, so he entertained the kings for me. He shuttled between the banquets and chatted happily with Meng Huan, Shen Chu, Nan Feng and others.

My ex-husband and fiancĂŠ gathered together and had fun together. It was also a wonderful sight.

Now, I don’t want to care about them, I just want to drink with the teenagers around me.

I clinked glasses with Nan Zhen and drank them all in one gulp. The boy's lips were stained with wine, and my heart felt hot.

I stood up and held my forehead, "I'm a little dizzy, Nan Zhen, please take me back to the palace."

I left the table quietly, but the audience was still busy. They all drank too much and it was a drunken night.

When I returned to the Emperor’s Palace, I was so hot. He took off his coat and accessories and fell into Nan Zhen's arms.

The south pillow is also hot, the sweat is soaked through the brocade clothes, and the faint body fragrance is mixed with the salty fragrance of fresh sweat, which is the unique smell of teenagers.

This is indeed a fascinating night.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a noise outside, and the bedroom door was kicked open with great force.

I sat up in a daze and rubbed my eyes.

I took a closer look and saw, good guys, the three fierce gods Liao Zizhi, Meng Huan, and Shen Chu were standing in front of me.

What is going on? My ex-husbands are all here to catch an adulterer?

Emperor Ji was caught having an affair with her fiancĂŠ's son, which was an annual drama.

According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that I will be paraded through the streets.

I pushed the people around me, "Nan Zhen, get up quickly, don't sleep, there is a wolf in the house."

I heard a cry, and a girl with long hair like a waterfall and skin as good as snow sat up next to me.

The three ex-husbands were immediately stunned.

Shen Chu frowned and asked Liao Zizhi, "That's it? It's not exciting enough."

Meng Huan hated seeing a woman's body the most, so she covered her eyes and turned away.

This "catch an adulterer" was extremely lively. Except for the three who broke in, the other kings were waiting outside the gate of the Emperor's Palace to watch the show.

When they found out that the so-called "catch the adulterer" was to catch Emperor Ji sleeping in the same bed with a little maid, they couldn't help but be disappointed.

What kind of annual show is this?

Someone asked the King of Min: "Didn't you say that the one on Emperor Ji's bed is your son?"

Nan Feng denied it: "You are mistaken, I have never sent a son to Tiandu, and Nan Zhen is my daughter. , I asked her to study with Dadiji. "

Now I figured it out, it turned out to be an error. Some people feel bored and want to leave quietly.

Want to leave? Not that easy.

A hundred and ten sword-wielding guards suddenly rushed out from all around and surrounded everyone.

I chased him out with my coat on, pointed at the three men who broke into my bed, and said sternly:

"You three broke into my bed in the middle of the night with evil intentions and plotted rebellion. Take it down!"

In front of everyone In front of the king, the three of them were held down tightly.

I let them give their last words.

Meng Huan sighed: "I am ashamed of Xiao Chen."

Shen Chu smiled evilly: "Sasa, I want to make you into a cake."

From beginning to end, Liao Zizhi said nothing.

I have long known that he is so insidious, how could he be willing to be under house arrest by me? He has long been planning to bring me down.

He has always been able to tolerate my relationship with Nan Zhen I kept looking back and forth, just waiting to give me this fatal blow.

It's a pity that I can't let him get the handle easily.


Tonight, I taught the kings a good lesson.

I used my three ex-husbands as negative examples. He warned everyone that resisting the Tang Dynasty would not end well.

Then he asked all the kings present to sign a letter of loyalty and let each one sign.

King Nan Feng of Min State was the last one to sign the letter of loyalty.

He looked at me with unabashed appreciation. And possessiveness: "Her Royal Highness the Emperor Ji is so wise that everyone admires her so much that she falls to the ground. By the way, when will we get married? "

" This matter will be discussed later. "

He laughed loudly and waved his pen, "Everyone is waiting patiently for the good news. "

In the end, only Meng Huan, Shen Chu, and Liao Zizhi were left. Three ex-husbands and three fierce tigers.

I should kill them to avoid future troubles.

But the Tang Dynasty had no precedent of killing kings, and I didn't want to start this

I proposed that the two parties make a deal: I would keep their feudal status and titles, and they would be hostages in the Emperor's Palace for three years.

The three of them agreed. Stay in the Emperor's Palace.

It turns out that my ex-husband is not just a loser. They are by my side and give full play to their light and warmth.

Meng Huan is rich, and he gives generously when the treasury is short of money.

Shen Chu. He was able to fight when the northern troops invaded.

The troops were ferocious, but I had never seen anyone as cruel as Shen Chu. He was so tortured that he ran away in panic.

Liao Zizhi became my prime minister. The complicated affairs of the government were put into his hands and kept in order, and all the ministers obeyed.

However, except for reporting official matters, Liao Zizhi no longer talked to me, no longer smiled at me, and no longer had me in his eyes.

The relationship was completely dead, and only the value of mutual use was left.

Three years later, the Tang Dynasty's national power increased greatly and it was prosperous.

It was time for me to fulfill my promise: I let the three tigers return home.

I ate together with my three ex-husbands. After a farewell meal.

After dinner, I ordered people to open the palace gate and formally give them their freedom.

"Your Majesty, see you later. "Meng Huan bowed deeply to me and walked away gracefully.

Shen Chu and Liao Zizhi were left. I don't know how they would say goodbye to me.

"Sasha, I promised you something before, but I haven't fulfilled it yet. "Shen Chu looked serious.

"What's the matter? "

Shen Chu wiped the corner of his mouth, suddenly drew the knife, and stabbed Liao Zizhi in the abdomen!

I was shocked.

When I came to my senses, I rushed over like crazy and pushed Shen Chu away.

" Sasa said Yes, I want to eat the cakes made by Liao Zizhi. He said seriously: "Sasa, give me some time, and I will take two kilograms of meat from him." "

" Madman, get out of here! Stay away from him! "I blocked Liao Zizhi behind me, and a group of guards rushed up and took Shen Chu away.

Liao Zizhi bowed his waist and covered the wound tightly. Blood came out from between his fingers, and the ground was already wet with a large puddle.

"Call the imperial doctor! Call the doctor! "I roared, with a cry.

He couldn't hold on anymore and fell to his knees. I knelt down with him, "Liao Zizhi, if you hold on a little longer, the imperial doctor will be here soon. "

"You want my meat? " He asked hoarsely.

I was speechless.

"Then I'll give it to you. "He grasped the handle of the knife and pulled it out suddenly.

In an instant, hot blood spurted out on my face.

My cry was earth-shattering.


I stayed in front of the bed for seven days and nights, and he finally opened his eyes.

I started crying again.

"Why are you crying?" His breath was extremely weak, and I almost mistaken it for gentleness.

"Please, I must live." These words were originally pleading, but they came out in a pleading tone.

"Don't you want my meat?"

"No, I have already started to be a vegetarian."

"That won't work, I still want to hunt hares for you."

"Okay, okay, as long as you get better, I Eat the rabbits you kill every day."

He chuckled. The wound was pulled, and he turned pale in pain.

I laugh too. Our eyes met, and our grudges disappeared with a smile.

At this time, Nan Zhen came in and handed me a letter: "Your Highness, this is an urgent letter from my father. Please open it personally."

I opened the letter and what caught my eye were the four words written on the back of the paper: "When will the marriage be consummated?"

I glanced at Liao Zizhi.

He had no expression on his face and said three words that were familiar to me:

"You are not allowed to marry."

(End of text)


Extras : Liao Zizhi


The first year of being husband and wife to Di Ji was quiet and peaceful.

He tried hard to act like a good husband in front of her and waited patiently for her to give birth to his son.

Looking at all the countries in the world, no one of the current kings has given birth to an heir with the Xiao family of the Tang Dynasty. This will be his great political capital in the future.

The chess game has been set, and unexpected things happen to anyone.

The queen fell from power and accidentally gave birth to a miscarriage. The doctor said that I was afraid that I would never be able to get pregnant again.

His heart suddenly became cold, and a cruel idea came to his mind: He might as well let her die, just like Jiang Wei. He will marry another emperor in the future.

walked to the bed and looked at her. His heart, which was as hard as a knife and stone, was as soft as a persimmon.

He held her hand and kept repeating: "As long as the queen is okay, it's okay as long as the queen is okay..."

He compromised with himself. Forget about the eldest son or something, it doesn't hurt if he doesn't have it.


The identity of his legitimate son has always been a knot in his mind.

He had always hoped that the Queen of the Xiao family would give birth to his eldest son, which would make up for his regrets in the first half of his life.

Although Liao Zizhi was the eldest son of the monarch, he was a concubine. His biological mother served the king for ten years but failed to correct him.

When the monarch had only one son, Liao Zizhi, he raised Liao Zizhi as his heir.

But when Liao Zizhi was ten years old, the king married the sister of King Xu as his queen. The next year, the queen gave birth to a son.

The legitimate son took away everything from the concubine.

In the lonely days, Liao Zizhi's only friend was the young brother brought by the new queen from Xu State, the young master Shen Chu.

Shen Chu was ostracized in the Xu palace because of her strange appearance and weird temperament, so she could only live with her half-sister at her brother-in-law's house.

Sister has no tender feelings for Shen Chu, and she is a burden that cannot be shaken off as her younger brother.

Two extra children can only comfort each other.

On weekdays, Shen Chu likes to catch frogs from the pond, or catch wild cats and dogs to play with.

While he was playing with these things, Liao Zizhi was reading a book at the side. The screams of the small animals did not disturb his thoughts at all, but made him feel that the world was a little more alive.

Later, Shen Chu got tired of playing and was troubled that he could not find new fun.

Liao Zizhi told Shen Chu: "Killing animals is meaningless, killing people is interesting."

Shen Chu's eyes lit up, as if he had found a new pursuit in life.

Not long after, a maid in the queen's palace disappeared. Later, the body was found in the latrine, and his death was miserable.

The queen was furious, it must be Liao Zizhi who did it.

The king was also old and confused at that time. In order to protect his beloved wife and young son, he dealt a cruel blow to the eldest son. Liao Zizhi was expelled from the state of Dai and went into exile.

Shen Chu was also sent back to Xu State.

The fate of this pair of good friends is unpredictable.

During the days of exile, Liao Zizhi was homeless and once hovered on the edge of death.

Until he met Meng Huan, the prince of Shun Kingdom.

Meng Huan took pity on him and saved him from danger.

The two spent more than a year of quiet time together. Later, under the recommendation of Meng Huan, Liao Zizhi took refuge in the Kingdom of Yue and married Jiang Wei, the daughter of the monarch of the Kingdom of Yue.

Marrying Jiang Ai was just the first step on his chessboard. He had already calculated the next ten moves -

regained the throne, then married the Tang Dynasty's empress, gave birth to his eldest son, and as the son-in-law of the Tang Dynasty, he would dominate all the kings. They annexed one by one...


Not long after, the old king of Dai died and his youngest son succeeded him. Liao Zizhi finally waited for this moment.

He borrowed the troops of Yue State and joined forces with Meng Huan, who was already the king of Shun State, and effortlessly wiped out the rule of his younger brother and stepmother.

The throne has been regained. Next, it’s time to marry the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, the Xiao family was withering away, and there was only one emperor at that age - Xiao Sa.

The kings who wanted to marry her lined up in a long line. Dai's country was weak, and Liao Zizhi was born a concubine, so he couldn't get involved.

The Kingdom of Shun was one of the earliest feudal states in the Tang Dynasty, with seniority and strong national power. Meng Huan's mother was the eldest princess of the Fen Kingdom, so he could be at the forefront of any good deeds.

Liao Zizhi asked Meng Huan for help to seize the pit of Di Ji first and not let others take it away.

Meng Huan was very righteous. Although he was fond of the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he still married the emperor.

Half a year later, the two reconciled, as Di Ji requested.

Liao Zizhi asked Shen Chu for help again and continued to occupy the hole.

Shen Chu said: "Brother, little brother, I am different from Meng Huan. Aren't you afraid that I will fake it and really take possession of my sister-in-law?"

Liao Zizhi said: "As long as you hold back, don't kill her and eat her. The rest is up to you."

On the day of the wedding, Shen Chu was addicted to murder. He killed ten envoys of the Tang Dynasty and didn't touch a hair of the emperor. This was considered to be righteous to his friends.

Unfortunately, Di Ji was scared away by Shen Chu and the marriage fell through.

Both marriages ended in failure, and the kings stayed away from the emperor. Finally it was Liao Zi's turn.

He was fully prepared and succeeded in one fell swoop, and successfully entered into an engagement with Tang Chao. The third step on the

chessboard has also been completed.

The young king at that time had great ambition hidden under his humble appearance.

He looked at Tang Chao's wedding car coming with smoke and dust, and he was afraid that he would not have expected that the emperor he had worked so hard to marry would be the biggest variable on the chessboard in the future.


The queen could not give birth to her eldest son, but after all, the family still had the throne to inherit, so he could only take out the son from his ex-wife.

He knew that this would definitely arouse her suspicion, but the matter had come to this, hiding it for a while was easy, but hiding it for a lifetime was difficult. Between husband and wife, there must be a time for disclosure.

The result was worse than he expected, she was going to leave him.

He didn’t know how to persuade her to stay, so he could only forcefully express: He was not allowed to leave.

This obviously cannot retain people.

In the days after he separated from her, he was almost autistic.

Until he heard that she was going to marry to Min, he cheered up and immediately sent a message to Meng Huan and Shen Chu: "Open the border and let her come over."

He set a trap and waited for the hare to catch it.

did not expect that he was the little rabbit being played around.


cannot be outwitted and can only attack by force.

He teamed up with his two friends Meng Huan and Shen Chu to attack Tiandu in the name of "King Qin".

However, the seemingly unbreakable alliance was first broken with Meng Huan.

Meng Huan is a man who forgets his true love. He got the Xiao Chen he dreamed of and forgot everything else.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Chu also rebelled, for a reason that ordinary people could not understand: Di Ji wanted to eat the monarch's meat pie.

Liao Zizhi had to sigh: papery brotherhood!

actually doesn’t blame them either. Both of them have no intention of fighting for power and gain. They don't care about the world and are content with themselves.

The alliance collapsed, and Liao Zi was defeated inexplicably.

He thought, this is probably one thing destroys another, he will be defeated by her in this life.


Shen Chu stabbed Liao Ziyi.

Xiao Sha was stunned, then pounced over and pushed Shen Chu far away.

She was as fierce as a tigress, howling and roaring: "Madman, get out of here! Stay away from him!"

If Liao Zizhi hadn't been in too much pain, he would have laughed out loud. I didn't expect her to care about him so much.

When Shen Chu was carried out by the guards, he and Liao Zizhi made eye contact.

Shen Chu's eyes clearly said: "Brother, I can only help you so far."

Liao Zizhi responded with his eyes: "Thank you, brother, for working hard for the brotherhood."

Yes. He will work hard to regain Di Ji's heart.

(End) (Original title: "The Ex-Husband Is Not Easy to Deal with")

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