During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty, a farmer named Hong lived in a remote mountainous area. He was known as Hong Laohan because he was honest and honest. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty. That night,

2024/07/0218:08:32 story 1758

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty , in a remote mountainous area, there lived a farmer named Hong. Because he was honest and honest, he was known as Hong Laohan. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty.

That night, Hong Laohan went to the river in front of his door to collect his net, but found nothing. He sighed, got up and went home, and suddenly found an old man lying by the river, humming from his mouth.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty, a farmer named Hong lived in a remote mountainous area. He was known as Hong Laohan because he was honest and honest. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty. That night,  - DayDayNews

Hong Laohan looked at it and found that he was unfamiliar. He asked with concern: "Uncle, what's the matter with you? It's so late, why don't you go home?" The old man said with difficulty: "I have a severe stomachache and can't go back. Home." Hong Laohan was kind and helped him up and said, "My home is not far away. Let's take a rest at my house and drink some hot water." When he arrived at home, Hong Laohan brought a deck chair for the old man to lie down. Next, he brought a bowl of hot water. After the old man finished drinking, his expression softened a lot, and he said: "I have a gracious request. Please fry a bowl of meat and bring a pot of wine. After eating the wine and meat, the stomachache will be relieved. It has been like this for many years."

Hong Laohan said awkwardly: "There is a pot of turbid wine, but not meat. My family is poor. Except for the Chinese New Year, there is basically no meat star. I can only eat fish in the river. Beat teeth as a sacrifice.. It's strange, these days. I set the net in the river and didn't catch a single fish. I'm really sorry."

The old man sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll just stay with you for one night and go home tomorrow morning." Han said: "I don't have an extra bed at home, so you can just spend the night on the recliner."

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty, a farmer named Hong lived in a remote mountainous area. He was known as Hong Laohan because he was honest and honest. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty. That night,  - DayDayNews

After a while, the two chatted. Hong Laohan asked the old man his name and where he lived. Why do you suffer from stomachache? The old man endured the pain and spoke intermittently.

His surname is Tu, and he lives in the mountains. A few years ago, he accidentally practiced Qigong and went crazy. He injured his spleen and stomach and suffered from a strange stomachache. Once it happened, it was heartbreaking. However, as long as there is wine and meat, the pain will be relieved. He didn't know why this happened.

However, in recent times, the number of attacks of strange diseases has increased, and the pain has become more severe. He sighed and said, "If this continues, I'm afraid I won't live long." After that, he turned over and lay on his side to relieve the pain.

Hong Laohan was shocked. He found a furry tail exposed under the old man's clothes. Then he suddenly realized that the old man was an old fox in disguise. No wonder he called himself Tu, and no wonder he wanted to practice kung fu. Hong Laohan didn't dare to provoke him, so he got up and went to the bedroom on the pretext of sleeping.

After a while, Hong Laohan heard Old Man Tu's moans getting more and more violent, and he couldn't bear it. He said to his wife Liu: "He is a fox fairy. Now he is in trouble. I can't just sit back and watch. I cut it off on my leg." Fry him a piece of meat and temporarily relieve his pain."

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty, a farmer named Hong lived in a remote mountainous area. He was known as Hong Laohan because he was honest and honest. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty. That night,  - DayDayNews

Mr. Liu said: "You are crazy. You are so stupid. You are willing to sacrifice your life for the old fox to eat. Is this necessary?" Hong Laohan said in a low voice. : "He is a fox fairy. I took this opportunity to make friends. I hope he can give me some advice." He ignored Liu's objections and got up and went to the kitchen. He took a kitchen knife, gritted his teeth, and cut a strip of meat on his thigh.

Hong Laohan fried the meat and brought it limpingly to Old Man Tu along with a jug of wine. When Old Man Tu saw Hong Laohan's scene, he understood everything. He took the wine and meat with tears in his eyes and said, "I'm determined to be your friend." , and his complexion became normal. He sat up and said to Hong Laohan, "You are a kind-hearted person. If you need any help, just ask."

Hong Laohan scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "It's nothing big, I just want to ask for your advice." How can I change my family's luck and get rid of poverty? If you have a way, just help me. If you don't have a way, forget it. Don't force it."

Old man Tu nodded and said: "As the saying goes, one fate, two fortunes, three feng shui, four. Jiyin Dewu is studying. The only way to change your family's fortune is to study."

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty, a farmer named Hong lived in a remote mountainous area. He was known as Hong Laohan because he was honest and honest. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty. That night,  - DayDayNews

Hong Laohan suddenly became disheartened and said, "I am not good at studying, and my son is not good at studying. Besides, there is no way. Money to study.From this point of view, it may be difficult for my family to escape poverty. Old man Tu comforted him and said, "Don't worry, let me think of a solution in the future." "

The next morning, Old Man Tu said goodbye and never showed up again. Mrs. Liu blamed: "I ate your meat in vain and didn't give you a good way to change my luck. Now you are hiding and you don't even see me." . Hong Laohan said: "If he has no other choice, just forget it. Can you blame him?"

In the blink of an eye, two or three years passed. One night, Hong Laohan suddenly dreamed that Old Man Tu walked in. He raised his hands and said, "Last time, I said I would find a way for your family. Now I have thought of a way. I will reincarnate." I will be reincarnated as your son, study to become an official, and change the face of the Hong family. "

Hong Laohan said in surprise: "Aren't you a fox fairy? Will the fox fairy die too? Old Man Tu smiled sadly and said, "I was seriously ill a few days ago and died." "After saying that, he turned into an old fox, jumped on the bed, and got into Mrs. Liu's quilt. Hong Laohan woke up and sighed for a long time.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty, a farmer named Hong lived in a remote mountainous area. He was known as Hong Laohan because he was honest and honest. He married his wife Liu and gave birth to a son. The family lived a life of hardship and poverty. That night,  - DayDayNews

Later, Mrs. Liu became pregnant and her period expired in October. , gave birth to a big fat boy. Hong Laohan knew that this was the reincarnation of old man Tu, named Hong Niantu. When Hong Niantu grew up, he liked to read and went to a private school to lie on the window sill to read. The old gentleman liked him very much, so he called him into a private school and took a test on the book he had just taught. Unexpectedly, he knew it by heart, so he taught him for free. After receiving funding from the government, Hong Niantu passed the imperial examination and became an official. He gave half of his salary to his father, Hong Laohan, so that he could purchase property. The rich family finally got rid of poverty.

This is exactly what Hong Laohan is passionate about, and he sacrifices his life to help the old fox; Tu Laohan repays his kindness and is reincarnated into the Hong family. This story adopts an absurd style of writing. It is a metaphor and a warning to the world, and has nothing to do with feudal superstition.

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