Wang Pinghe praised repeatedly, "Okay. Nowadays, you can earn several million a year, which is considered rich. Okay, you earn more than me. Brother, I will go to Qingdao, Shandong in the future. If you have anything to do, You still have to cover me.”

2024/07/0108:31:32 story 1834

Nie Lei and Wang Pinghe were waiting at the expressway exit, smoking and chatting.

Nie Lei asked Wang Pinghe what he did. Wang Pinghe gave an overview of his business. Wang Pinghe asked Nie Lei: "Where are you in Qingdao ?" Nie Lei said: "I am in Qingdao. There is a nightclub, a hotel, two game halls, and many other things."

Wang Pinghe praised repeatedly,

Wang Pinghe asked : "How many meters can you earn this year?"

Nie Lei said lowly: "I can earn a few million this year, almost a few million."

Wang Pinghe praised repeatedly, "Okay. Now this In these days, you can earn several million a year, which is considered a good thing. Okay, you earn more than me. Brother, if you go to Qingdao, Shandong in the future, you have to protect me. "

Nie Lei. Said: "Brother, you are too polite. After that, when I come to Liaoning and Dalian, you have to protect me. Just kidding, kidding."

Nie Lei and Wang Pinghe were chatting here. While chatting, several Toyota Bullets came over from the opposite side. At first glance, it was Kayo coming over. The handsome Kayo, followed by Masan, Wang Rui and Hassen. As soon as Nie Lei stepped forward, he shook hands with Jiadai and others one by one, "Brother Dai, here you come. San'er is here, Wang Rui is here!" Ma San and Wang Rui also greeted Nie Lei. Arriving in front of Hasen, Nie Lei said, "I've never seen this guy before."

Jiadai said, "Let me introduce it to you. Back in Beijing, he opened a rice parlor with me, called Hasen!"

" Hasen, Qingdao Nie Lei! "

"Hello, brother, my name is Hasen."

Wang Pinghe also came up to greet each other, and then said: "You two came early tonight, okay? ? Let's find a place to drink for a while, okay?"

Jiadai said: "There's nothing wrong with drinking for a while."

Wang Pinghe praised repeatedly,

Wang Pinghe said: "Let's go to my club and have some seafood. Let's go to Yiyitian nightclub for a while, okay?"

Jiadai said: "Oh my god, ok, let's go to Yiyitian for a walk." Nie Lei heard this and asked, "Isn't the boss of Yitian the king?" Pinghe said: "Yes. However, Hubao is in college now. But his college dormitory is decorated like a nightclub. He is the same inside the high wall as he is outside."

Jiadai and Wang Pinghe didn't know that Nie Lei I once had a conflict with a tiger and leopard. Hearing that the two of them were in good spirits, Nie Lei didn't say much, thinking that he wouldn't recite it like this! Besides, Kayo has praised Wang Pinghe to the sky, so if anything happens, it should be able to be solved. Besides, it's been two or three years since this happened, so it's not certain whether Hubao and his brothers can remember it. After you go there, keep a low profile, don't spoil other people's happiness, and let people do their best to be landlords.

Wang Pinghe said: "Yitian is the best nightclub in Dalian."

Nie Lei said: "Okay, I'll do whatever you want. How do you arrange it?"

Wang Pinghe led a large group of people directly I went to my own private club . Wang Pinghe's private club prepared a large amount of seafood. A group of people opened their hearts together, When drinking with a close friend, a thousand cups are too little , Wang Pinghe and Nie Lei are heroes who cherish each other. While drinking, we talked about our past lives.

Wang Pinghe: Fuck. In 1991, no matter what the hell, I almost made two million hands at a time, and then Cheng Yaojin came out of nowhere.

Nie Lei: You are still the best! In 1991, I was still selling shoes at the small market on Jimo Road. Unknowingly, I got up little by little.

plus generation: Brother Ping is still quick to get up. In 1991, I was still selling fake watches in Guangzhou.

and the others were having a great time chatting. Kayo's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Li Zhengguang calling. As soon as Kadai answered the phone, "Hey, Zhengguang, what's wrong?"

Wang Pinghe praised repeatedly,

"Brother Dai, where are you? My sister-in-law said you went out, where did you go?"

"I'm here in Dalian."

" Brother Dai, why did you go to Dalian? Why didn't you tell me when you went here? "

" It wouldn't be convenient if you didn't tell me you were going back to the Northeast, so I didn't call you. Are you coming over? You want to come, you come now. It happens to be Wang Pinghe's birthday, so I'll introduce you to you. You are both from the Northeast, so you will definitely have a lot of things in common. "

" Okay, then I'll go over and take a walk, I just have nothing to do. I'll take Xiao Gao, Hong Guang, Qing Hua, Li Yun, and Tian Da Baldy with me, okay? "

" Okay, then come over. "After Kadai finished speaking, he put down the phone.

Wang Pinghe asked, "Who is it? "

" Li Zhengguang. "

" Li Zhengguang? "

Kadai said: "What, you know him?

Wang Pinghe said: "Fuck, everyone who has read the newspaper knows Li Zhengguang. Wasn't that a fish that slipped through the net of the Qiao Si gang in 1991?" A fugitive in the 8.10 major case? What, Li Zhengguang is in Beijing? "

Jiadai said: "Don't yell. He is no longer called Li Zhengguang. He is now called Li Long in Beijing. My documents have been sorted out, and I am getting along quite well in Beijing. I built an entire hotel, including Zhenghe Tea House, which sells tea. I spent over one million to build a Madonna nightclub for him. The business was going well, with an income of one to two million a year. Zhengguang is kind and righteous, always thinking about others. We got along very well in Beijing. "

Wang Pinghe asked: "Oh, damn, why don't you come with him? "

Kayo explained: "I also considered his identity. If you run around like us, it's okay. Wherever Zhengguang goes, it would be inappropriate if someone recognizes him! So I didn’t call him this time. But if people want to come, we won’t stop them, right? "

Nie Lei heard this and said, "What the hell, is Zhengguang coming? "Jiadai nodded.

Wang Ping, Jiadai, and Nie Lei drank in the club until past eleven o'clock. Wang Ping and his next brother said: "Call the manager on duty at Yitian Nightclub and tell him that I Used to play. Let him give me the entire private room. "The brother next to

immediately called over, "Hey, are you doing it? "

" Yes, I am Yu Zhenglong. who are you? "

Wang Pinghe praised repeatedly,

" I am Wang Pinghe's brother. Are there any private rooms? Brother Ping wants to entertain important guests. Please give the entire private room a large private room and prepare all other aspects. We will be over here immediately. "

" OK, OK, here we go, go directly to the 999 private room! "

" Okay, Brother Ping must have face tonight. After we get to the private room, can you bring more brothers to the private room to toast? Brother Long, this is also what Brother Ping told me. I must have spent tens of thousands tonight, so I must give more to save face. "

Yu Zhenglong heard this and said, "Don't worry! When Brother Ping comes to my place, I must give him some respect. After all, he is in the same rank as my eldest brother Zhou Xianwei. Come here! "

As soon as the phone was put down, thirty-five or six people drove to Yiyitian Nightclub.

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