Legend has it that during the Yuan Dynasty, in a remote mountain village, there lived an old man, who was said to be a descendant of Jiang Ziya. This man was proficient in the Book of Changes and Qimen Dunjia. He often told people's fortunes and read the Yin and Yang Houses, whic

2024/07/0112:24:32 story 1590

Legend has it that during the Yuan Dynasty, in a remote mountain village, there lived an old man, who was said to be a descendant of Jiang Ziya. This man was proficient in the Book of Changes and Qimen Dunjia. He often told people's fortunes and read the Yin and Yang Houses, whic - DayDayNews

The story of Zhu Yuanzhang’s mother eating fish heads

Legend During the Yuan Dynasty , there lived an old man in a remote mountain village. It is said that he was a descendant of Jiang Ziya. This man was proficient in the Book of Changes and Qimen Dunjia. He often It is very effective to tell people's fortunes and read the yin and yang house. The old man has three sons who are all married, and his sons and daughters-in-law are all filial. His wife is in good health, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is harmonious. The old man can be considered very happy. One day, the three daughters-in-law were discussing and seemed to express dissatisfaction with the old man: Why do they often tell fortunes and feng shui for others to benefit others, but never tell fortunes and feng shui for their own homes?

After hearing this, the old man said: Our yard is located at the head of the Dragon Vein, a place where the ninety-five nobles are born. But I think the fate of the three of you is that no one can bear it, and no one has the fate of the empress dowager. The three daughters-in-law didn't believe it after hearing this. So the old man ordered his eldest son to weave a fishing net. After weaving the fishing net, he ordered his three sons to go with him to cast a net in the field. The three sons were unwilling and were afraid of being laughed at by others: there were only crops in the field and no water, so they could catch fish. What? But he couldn't resist his father's insistence, so he had no choice but to cast a net in the fields for two days in a row, but found nothing. When he returned home, the villagers pointed out: Are the four fathers and sons crazy? Can you catch fish if you cast a net in the fields every day? On the third day, the three sons refused to go no matter what, but they could not stand up to their father's insistence, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to their own fields with fishing nets.

Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, and it started pouring rain. The father hurriedly took the fishing net from his son's hand and threw it into the sky. He saw the fishing net being thrown round and gently falling down, and a big golden carp appeared. also fell from the sky and got into the fishing net. The old man was very happy, so he caught the carp and took it home. After the stew was finished, the three daughters-in-law were asked to eat it, and they were repeatedly told to finish the fish. But none of the three daughters-in-law wanted to eat the fish head, which was neither chewable nor meaty. It happened that a begging woman came to their door asking for food. When the eldest daughter-in-law saw this, she gave the fish head to the begging woman. The woman thanked him profusely and took the fish head away.

The next day, the old man asked them who had eaten the fish head. The wives said that the fish head was not delicious and gave it to the begging woman. The old man was shocked when he heard this, and said angrily and regretfully: "You are really a bunch of trash. I wasted all my calculations. Whoever eats the fish head will give birth to a son who will be the emperor in the future!" The three daughters-in-law heard this. In the end, it was too late to regret.

Let’s talk about the begging woman. She found a place to boil the fish heads into fish soup and drank it. When she got home, the woman miraculously became pregnant after drinking the fish soup made from the fish heads. At this time, the imperial preceptor of the Yuan Dynasty had already calculated that the future True Dragon Emperor was already pregnant. If the pregnant woman could not eat the sacred soil on Tianzi Mountain, the fetus would be stillborn. Therefore, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty sent heavy troops to closely guard Tianzi Mountain. If anyone crossed the cordon to take soil, he would be killed immediately.

But God can't predict it. This old woman has learned to make tofu in the past few years. One day, the old man of this woman brought tofu to the soldiers guarding Tianzi Mountain. When he arrived at the door of the kitchen on the mountain, a soldier accidentally knocked the tofu on the ground. The soldier felt very sorry, so he paid him some money and asked him to take back the tofu that had been turned over and stained with soil. The old man went back to stew the tofu soaked in soil and gave it to his wife. Even if he ate the sacred soil of Tianzi Mountain, he saved the fetus in his belly, and soon gave birth to Zhu Yuanzhang smoothly.

Zhu Yuanzhang grew up slowly, but because his family was poor, he really couldn't afford to support him. His parents sent Zhu Yuanzhang to a nearby temple to become a monk, so that he could at least have food to eat and not starve to death.

One year, a batch of new Buddha statues were built in the temple. The abbot of the temple gave Zhu Yuanzhang a task: to move the Buddha statues outdoors to dry them every day. When the sun went down, they would move the Buddha statues back to the temple, and then move them out to dry them in the sun the next day. When the mountain goes down, it is moved back to the temple until it is dried in the sun. One day, when the new Buddha statue was drying in the sun, it suddenly started raining heavily. Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was very anxious. While moving the Buddha statue, he said: "Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva! If only you could go to the temple to take shelter from the rain." , to avoid being damaged by rain."As soon as he finished speaking, the Buddha statues miraculously came to life, and he got up and walked back to the temple. Zhu Yuanzhang felt very strange. Could it be that the Bodhisattva appeared to help him?

The next day, the sky cleared, and Zhu Yuanzhang looked at a bunch of He was about to move the Buddha statues out one by one, but suddenly thought of what happened yesterday, he said to the Buddha statues: "It would be great if you could go out and bask in the sun, so I wouldn't be so tired every day." "Sure enough, those Buddha statues walked out of the temple gate and lined up to bask in the sun. At night, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the Buddha statues to go back by themselves. As time passed, Zhu Yuanzhang also wondered why he could make the Buddha statues come alive. That night, Zhu Yuanzhang sat in front of the Buddha statues. , asked himself: "Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, why did you leave when I told you to leave? Do you think I am pitiful and are you afraid of tiring me?" "At this time, the abbot happened to pass by the door. When he heard Zhu Yuanzhang talking, he stopped at the door and listened carefully.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the room, and the leading Buddha statue spoke: "Although we are Buddhas, But you are the Ninth Five-Year-Old, the True Dragon Emperor. Every word you say, gods and Buddhas all over the sky dare not disobey. ”

Legend has it that during the Yuan Dynasty, in a remote mountain village, there lived an old man, who was said to be a descendant of Jiang Ziya. This man was proficient in the Book of Changes and Qimen Dunjia. He often told people's fortunes and read the Yin and Yang Houses, whic - DayDayNews

The Story of Zhu Yuanzhang

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