The neck is the "lifeline" that connects the head and the trunk. Its length and thickness not only affect the individual's temperament and appearance, but are also closely related to our health. Does a thicker neck indicate that the internal organs are getting fatter? Is a thicke

2024/06/3013:16:32 regimen 1651

The neck is the "lifeline" linking the head and the trunk

Its length and thickness not only affect the individual's temperament and appearance

but are also closely related to our health

Does a thicker neck indicate that the internal organs are getting fatter?

Is thickening of the neck "linked" to the risk of various diseases?

1. Does a thick neck mean an increase in visceral fat ?

More and more studies are paying attention to the neck circumference, because the neck is the part that can be directly seen from the appearance. If you wear a shirt that you have not worn for many years, and suddenly when you wear it, you will find that the collar of the shirt is very tight, strangulating your neck, and causing you to breathe. Being out of breath or unable to fasten the buttons is often caused by the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

2. What health risks will a thick neck bring?

Thyroid enlarged

If you find that your neck gradually becomes thicker over time, you first need to consider whether the local thyroid gland has become enlarged, or there are some problems in the local neck, including goiter and other related neck diseases that cause neck circumference. Thickness has nothing to do with fat accumulation throughout the body.

The neck is the

Increased blood lipids

If the neck circumference becomes thicker, pay attention to whether the blood lipids increase, because high blood lipids can easily lead to fat accumulation throughout the body, making the neck appear thicker.

The neck is the

It is recommended to draw blood to check blood lipids to see if there are any abnormalities.

Fatty liver

The thickening of the neck may be due to fat accumulation, and the liver is the organ most likely to accumulate fat . It is recommended to use ultrasound or other examinations to check whether the liver has mild, moderate or severe fatty liver. , and can also be used in conjunction with blood tests to check liver function.

The neck is the

High blood pressure , cardiovascular disease

Due to the accumulation of fat in the neck, the neck circumference increases. At this time, attention should also be paid to systemic metabolic problems, such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

The neck is the

Related research suggests that people with thicker neck circumference have a significantly higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and hypertension.


Diabetes is caused by glucose metabolism disorder . When your neck circumference becomes thicker, you need to pay attention to monitor whether your blood sugar is within the normal range.

The neck is the

includes monitoring whether fasting blood sugar has increased or whether postprandial blood sugar has increased, and whether the average blood sugar for three consecutive months has increased, that is, whether the glycosylated hemoglobin indicator in the physical examination report has increased.

Sleep apnea

As the neck circumference becomes thicker and fat accumulates, you need to pay attention to whether breathing is affected, that is, whether you snore at night, wake up after snoring, or even temporarily suspend breathing.

The neck is the

Decreased cardiorespiratory endurance

When your neck circumference becomes thicker, you should pay attention to whether your cardiorespiratory endurance has decreased. For example, if you climb stairs, you can climb three or five floors without any problem, but now you may feel that you are not strong enough and you are holding your breath after climbing two floors.

The neck is the

3. How to self-test whether the neck circumference has changed?

When sitting or standing, do not raise your head or look down. Keep your eyes level. Take a thread or a soft measuring tape from the bottom of your Adam's apple to the most prominent part of the cervical spine when you lower your head. Circle it around to measure yourself. What is the neck circumference in centimeters?

The neck is the

Generally speaking, men’s neck circumference is not recommended to exceed 38 cm, and women’s neck circumference is not recommended to exceed 35 cm .

The neck is the

4. How to adjust the thick neck due to fat accumulation?

The neck is the . Reduce intake and control your diet. The total amount of food is very important. Do not exceed the standard.

The neck is the . Do not eat high-sugar, high-fat, and high-salt foods.

The neck is the . Maintain good exercise habits. Just increase your heart rate slightly and sweat slightly.

The neck is the

Comprehensive from: CCTV Life Circle

Editor: Chen Siyi

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