Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know?

2024/06/2208:08:32 regimen 1399

Many people know that Shenling Atractylodes Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness , but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? Next, let’s take a look at it:

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

1. If you have a bad appetite, especially in summer, you should consider using Shenling Atractylodes Powder

because this is mostly caused by moisture trapping the spleen. The spleen and stomach are trapped by moisture. If it is blocked, you will be less energetic when working, and naturally your appetite will be bad. So Shenling Baizhu Pills are perfect for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness.

2. Indigestion, diarrhea caused by eating.

Many people have this situation. It is mostly caused by a strong stomach and a weak spleen. The stomach is okay, but the spleen is not. A weak spleen cannot effectively process the food that is eaten. It becomes Qi, blood and body fluids nourishes the whole body, and as a result, you will eat whatever you eat. Then Shenling Baizhu Powder contains ingredients that strengthen the spleen. The transportation function of the spleen and stomach is improved, and food can be converted into qi and blood, improving eating habits. What is the problem?

3. People who are too lazy to move their limbs can also use Shenling Baizhu Powder

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen governs the limbs and muscles. To make the limbs strong and strong, the muscles must rely on the strength of the spleen. Therefore, once the spleen is deficient, the limbs will definitely be affected, and you will feel weak and unwilling to move. In addition, people with spleen deficiency have heavy moisture , and people with heavy moisture feel like walking while carrying heavy objects. So Shenling Atractylodes Powder, on the one hand, strengthens the spleen, and on the other hand, it removes dampness, , which fundamentally strengthens your strength and makes your legs and feet relaxed.

4. Shenling Atractylodes Powder can also treat chronic diarrhea

People who often have unformed stools, or will have diarrhea if they eat the wrong food, are mostly related to spleen deficiency, so Shenling Atractylodes Powder contains both spleen-strengthening medicine. , there are also medicines to dispel dampness and medicines that directly stop diarrhea to solve your chronic diarrhea in many ways.

5. I don’t have diarrhea, but my stool is very sticky and sticks to the toilet. I can’t flush it clean no matter what. You can also use Shenling Atractylodes Powder

Let’s think about it, why the stool is sticky? Is it related to moisture? This is very consistent. If moisture is heavy, turbid, sticky, and greasy, then Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. When the moisture is gone, the intestines will be dry, and stool will still stick to the toilet.

6. If you have big bags under your eyes, you can also try Shenling Atractylodes Powder

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

Bags under the eyes are controlled by the spleen, so if the spleen is deficient and the Qi in is insufficient , the bags under the eyes will droop. At this time, moisture will take advantage of it, which will cause swollen bags under the eyes. If you are big, then Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and improve Qi, and can also remove the moisture in the bags under the eyes, and the bags under the eyes will naturally improve gradually.

7. People with slight edema all over the body can also try Shenling Baizhu Powder

There are many reasons for edema, which are mainly related to three organs, the Xuanhua of the lungs, the transportation and transformation of the spleen, and the qiification of the kidneys. Generally speaking, edema on the head and face is related to the lungs, and edema below the waist is related to the kidneys. However, in both cases, the spleen must be strengthened. If it is systemic chronic edema, the focus is on strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. You see, edema is basically at the skin and flesh level. The spleen governs muscles, and all dampness and swelling belong to the spleen. Therefore, when the spleen is strong, its ability to transport and transform water and dampness will be stronger, and the moisture will be squeezed out, and the edema will disappear.

8. For people who drool frequently, Shenling Baizhu Powder can also regulate

The fluid in the spleen is saliva, which is the relatively thin part of saliva, commonly known as "saliva". Therefore, a deficiency of the spleen will lead to the retention of saliva. If the effect decreases, symptoms of involuntary drooling will occur. Therefore, at this time, it is still necessary to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and Shenling Baizhu Powder is just right.

9, Chronic eczema , with broken water and clear water. This is mostly caused by spleen deficiency and heavy dampness. It can be slowly treated with Shenling Baizhu Powder, and the effect is very good.

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

, You may not have thought that Shenling Baizhu Powder can both lose weight and gain weight. It can be used by both obese and thin people. It has two-way adjustment

because people who are too thin and those who are too fat have a common characteristic, that is Spleen deficiency. As long as the spleen is strong and the transportation and transformation are good, the body's moisture and waste can be easily discharged, and of course you can lose weight. When the spleen and stomach are well, the food eaten becomes the essence of water and grain, which is well absorbed and nutritious. Every cell in the body is nourished and nourished by Qi and blood, and it is difficult not to gain weight. Shenling Atractylodes Powder can strengthen the spleen, lose weight and gain weight.

11. People with gastrointestinal ulcers can also try to use Shenling Baizhu Powder to slowly repair them.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, when repairing wounds, you must have strong spleen and stomach functions, because only when the spleen and stomach are well, can you New qi and blood are continuously produced to repair ulcers, and the spleen governs muscles. Only when the spleen and stomach are well will new muscles be produced to continuously replace old and ulcerated dead muscles.

11. People with chronic liver diseases , such as hepatitis, fatty liver , alcoholic liver , cirrhosis , etc., can also add Shenling Atractylodes Powder to assist in conditioning

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

According to traditional Chinese medicine, see Diseases of the liver will definitely spread to the spleen, so the spleen should be strengthened first. This means that if the liver is diseased, it will most likely lead to spleen disease, and long-term illness will lead to deficiency. To replenish deficiency, you must strengthen the spleen, because the spleen is the foundation of acquired , and only the spleen’s ability to transport, transform and absorb is strong. , whether in terms of treating or preventing diseases, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

12. People who can’t wake up all day long can also try Shenling Baizhu Powder

This situation is mostly related to spleen deficiency and heavy moisture. Too much moisture in the body hinders the rise of Qingyang Qi. , just like the sun is covered by dark clouds, people will be dizzy and don't want to move. Shenling Baizhu Powder can remove the moisture, and the drowsiness will slowly improve.

13. People with anemia should not forget Shenling Atractylodes Powder

Because the production of Qi and blood comes from a strong spleen and stomach in the final analysis. The spleen and stomach are acquired and the source of Qi and blood biochemistry. The regulation of the spleen and stomach, Shenling Baizhu Powder is a good choice.

In short, Shenling Baizhu Powder is particularly easy to use. Of course, in order to enhance its efficacy, we can also use acupuncture point matching to achieve twice the result with half the effort. The most compatible ones are Zusanli point and Sanyinjiao point.

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

Zusanli point: It has a relatively good effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi.
Sanyinjiao point: It is mainly used to remove moisture.

Many people know that Shenling Baizhu Powder can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but do you know? In addition to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, it can also be used to treat 18 of the most common diseases in our body. So, how much do you know? - DayDayNews

The two are combined, one strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, and the other removes dampness . Then, after taking the medicine, about half an hour to an hour, at this time, the acupuncture points are stimulated to promote the return of the medicine to the menstruation, and the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort can be achieved .

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