Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer

2024/06/1904:43:33 regimen 1799

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. When the name Ye Peiying is mentioned, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer, who performed more than 3,000 performances of "I Love You, China" in his life, passed away quietly.

According to the memories of the person involved, Teacher Ye Peiying was at home alone at the time. After her daughter contacted her mother several times to no avail, she found a student of Mr. Wu Shikai (Teacher Ye Peiying’s husband), hoping to know the details of her mother. Condition. The students contacted Teacher Ye Peiying many times without success, and knocked on the door many times, but no one answered. It was thought that something might have happened to Teacher Ye Peiying.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

The students finally found the neighborhood committee. With their help, they opened the door and found teacher Ye Peiying who had fainted in the toilet . Although they called the emergency hotline immediately and sent Teacher Ye Peiying to the hospital for rescue, teacher Ye Peiying was unable to undergo surgery due to severe intracranial hemorrhage, and she eventually passed away that afternoon.

The death of teacher Ye Peiying was truly unexpected. It not only made people sigh with sadness, but her death also sounded a wake-up call for more elderly people. For elderly people who are alone at home, accidents may happen if they are not careful. If they fall down accidentally, they may easily suffer injuries, and may also be at risk of cerebral hemorrhage. Once cerebral hemorrhage occurs in the elderly, the risk is extremely high. In fact, cerebral hemorrhage is not far away from us.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

How the elderly can prevent accidents is really a topic worth exploring.

1. How terrible is cerebral hemorrhage? Even one second later may be life-threatening. Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular disease, including ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Among them, hemorrhagic stroke is what we often call cerebral hemorrhage. Its incidence rate only accounts for 320%-30% of all strokes, but its fatality rate is as high as 340%. Cerebral hemorrhage is intracranial hemorrhage caused by non-traumatic blood vessel rupture. Its occurrence is closely related to high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, vascular aging and bad living habits.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

Hypertension and Arteriosclerosis are the most common causes of cerebral hemorrhage. When blood pressure is not controlled for a long time, arteriosclerosis and micro-aneurysms are prone to occur. And when the patient's blood pressure rises , these hardened arterioles are prone to rupture and bleeding, Eventually causing intracranial hemorrhage. The reason why the patient's blood pressure suddenly rises may be that is too excited or exercises strenuously.

In addition, vascular malformation , coagulation dysfunction , intracranial venous thrombosis , etc. are all common factors leading to cerebral hemorrhage. Cerebral hemorrhage is more common in middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 350. It poses a non-negligible threat to the health of middle-aged and elderly people. As one of the diseases with the highest fatality rate , cerebral hemorrhage also has a very high disability rate, often leading to a series of complications .

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

Because blood vessels will compress brain tissue and cranial nerves after blood vessels rupture, many patients with cerebral hemorrhage may have body dysfunction after recovery. Limb dysfunction, language dysfunction, and mental disorders are common sequelae of patients with cerebral hemorrhage. patients may have personality changes, irritability, aphasia, sleep disorders, memory loss, and other symptoms, which are severe. Sometimes hemiplegia and may appear.

Therefore, the timing of rescue of cerebral hemorrhage is very important. The earlier the patient gets treatment, the higher the cure rate, and the smaller the chance of leaving sequelae.Generally speaking, when cerebral hemorrhage occurs, the patient is most likely to have typical symptoms such as headache, difficulty seeing, movement disorders, and coma. At this time, the patient should be sent to a doctor immediately.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

Cerebral hemorrhage has a high mortality rate and disability rate. The patient's rescue is a race against time. If the best treatment opportunity is delayed, the patient's life will be in danger.

2. Elderly people must pay attention to these symptoms at home. Cerebral hemorrhage is more common in the elderly group, but for them, they often lack the ability to ask for help independently when they encounter risks. Therefore, for the elderly at home, especially those who live alone, it is particularly important to prevent accidents. The following items are very helpful in preventing accidents for the elderly at home.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

Control blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common chronic disease. One out of every three people in our country may suffer from hypertension. Although high blood pressure is common, its harm is not small. If your blood pressure is not controlled for a long time, it can easily cause arteriosclerosis in various organs. When high blood pressure exists for a long time, the damage caused is systemic .

For heart , high blood pressure can lead to coronary heart disease , myocardial infarction, heart failure and other diseases; for kidney , high blood pressure can lead to renal arteriosclerosis, hypertension nephropathy occurs; and for brain , high blood pressure can lead to cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction .

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

Obviously, controlling blood pressure can not only effectively prevent cerebral hemorrhage, can also prevent the occurrence of a series of other diseases. Hypertension is a chronic disease that requires long-term health management. Patients can start with diet and living habits to control blood pressure.

In terms of diet, patients with hypertension should eat less salt and less oil, and appropriately supplement dietary fiber and vitamins. In terms of lifestyle , patients with high blood pressure should strengthen exercise and measure their blood pressure regularly. In addition, regular maintenance of a good mood is also of positive significance for blood pressure control .

portable communication equipment

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

For acute cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage , the prime time for rescue is often very short. Therefore, for the elderly who live at home, they also need to carry communication equipment with them so that they can seek help in time when they feel uncomfortable or fall down. However, in view of the fact that many acute cerebrovascular diseases can cause patients to lose consciousness or even fall, the significance of the existence of communication equipment has become limited at this time.

Therefore, for elderly people who are at home alone, it is necessary to install alarm devices at home and wear anti-fall bracelets on their wrists. This type of monitoring and alarm equipment is very necessary to ensure that When an accident occurs, you can call for help from the outside world as soon as possible.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

Do not use too much force when defecating.

If you use too much force when defecating, there will also be a risk of cerebral hemorrhage . This is not alarmist. In fact, it is not uncommon to report that an old man suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and collapsed in the toilet because he used too much force when defecating. This is mainly because most patients with cerebral hemorrhage have varying degrees of hypertension and arteriosclerosis. When they defecate too hard, blood pressure will rise further, causing blood vessels to rupture. risks of.

Therefore, constipation will not directly lead to cerebral hemorrhage , but prevents constipation and avoids excessive force during defecation, is also very important for the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health of the elderly. In daily life, drinking more water, supplementing with foods rich in dietary fiber and exercising more are very helpful in preventing constipation.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

In addition, in addition to avoiding excessive force during defecation, the elderly should also try to avoid strenuous exercise to prevent blood pressure from rising rapidly in a short period of time.

Regular physical examination is very important

If you want to avoid the occurrence of acute cerebrovascular disease such as cerebral hemorrhage , regular physical examination to check for hidden dangers is necessary. Because normally, no patient suffers from sudden cerebral hemorrhage when he or she is completely healthy. Cerebral hemorrhage is the final result of the long-term presence of many high-risk factors. Regular physical examinations and active cooperation with treatment can eliminate these high-risk factors to a large extent.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

3. When the elderly stay at home, their families must fulfill their obligations.

If we want to prevent accidents for the elderly at home, their families must also fulfill their corresponding obligations.

High-risk factors at home should be eliminated

Older people are not like young people. Once a child falls down, it is likely to have serious consequences. If the child hits a sharp object, it is easy to cause secondary injuries. Therefore, family members should often check whether there are any safety hazards in the home, protective pads should be added to sharp table corners, should also be regularly kept on the ground dry, and remove the debris accumulated in the corners , Prevent the elderly from falling.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

If your family members often go out, it is best to install home monitoring at home and keep in constant contact with the elderly to ensure that the elderly can deal with it as soon as possible when an accident occurs.

Sudden cerebral hemorrhage, how to deal with it is crucial

For the elderly who have signs of cerebral hemorrhage, send them to the hospital in time. And if the elderly suffers from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, or even loses consciousness, what the family members should do at this time is not to panic, but to respond calmly.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

If the old man has fallen down, do not rush to help him up, and do not move the old man at will to prevent secondary injuries. At this time, it is best for the family members to place the elderly person on the nearest sofa or bed. Someone needs to hold up the elderly person's head during the resting process, and it is important to avoid shaking the elderly person's head. After the elderly person has moved to a suitable position, keep the elderly person in a horizontal lying position to avoid sitting or standing.

Daily diet is also equally important

First of all, the food prepared for the elderly must be easy to chew and digest. Furthermore, the elderly should also be reminded to chew carefully and slowly during the eating process to avoid choking and to help digestion.

Some time ago, the well-known singing artist Ye Peiying died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 87. Mentioning the name Ye Peiying, many young people may be a little unfamiliar, but to the older generation, Ye Peiying was a well-known character in that era. This singer - DayDayNews

In addition, many elderly people are very frugal and often eat some overnight meals. Although overnight meals are far less scary than the rumors say, after being left overnight, it is inevitable that will breed a large number of bacteria, especially attention should be paid to listeria which can cause fatal encephalitis . Therefore, try not to eat overnight meals if you can. If you must eat them, you must heat them at high temperature for more than 5 minutes.


The death of teacher Ye Peiying is sad, but it also reminds us to pay attention to the home safety of the elderly group . For the elderly, it is necessary to control their blood pressure and have regular physical examinations . They should carry communication devices with them at all times. They should not only avoid strenuous exercise, but also do not exert too much force when defecating.

As for the family members of the elderly, they often check for potential safety hazards at home, and they also need to keep in touch with the elderly. When an elderly person suffers from acute cerebrovascular disease, he should respond calmly, avoid shaking and bumping the elderly person's head, and call the emergency number as soon as possible.


Zhao Xiaoyun. Clinical manifestations and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage. [J]. Chinese Medicine Guide. 2013.11(12)

Zhang Lina, Zhao Xiuling. Clinical analysis of common complications of cerebral hemorrhage. [J]. Modern remote Chinese medicine Education.2010.04

Zhao Yunsheng. Harm, prevention and treatment of hypertension.[J] Guangming Traditional Chinese Medicine.2017.00(05)

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