Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did

2024/06/1809:56:33 regimen 1764

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even vague pain when he went to bed at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which led to some problems with the digestive system. Then he took some digestion aids. After taking the medicine, not only did the abdominal pain not improve, but the fever also began to increase intermittently.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

He began to notice danger signs, and hurried to a nearby clinic to inquire. Although the clinic in this community did not have particularly high-end equipment or famous doctors, after some questioning, the doctor at the clinic realized that the matter should not be that simple. Lao Lin asked Lao Lin to quickly notify his son to be taken to a major hospital in the city for further treatment and diagnosis. He did not dare to make a conclusion, and could only say that it might be a sign of malignancy.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

Sure enough, Lao Lin completed a full set of examinations accompanied by his son. He was diagnosed with liver cancer and was informed that he needed to be hospitalized. He would undergo surgery after a period of observation and treatment.

This frightened Lao Lin. It is said that the elderly are very fragile, not to mention the mortality rate of liver cancer. In addition, the risk of surgery for the elderly is always 30 to 40% higher than that of the young, not to mention the sequelae after the operation. .

Fortunately, the doctor comforted him by saying that Lao Lin was quite vigilant, and when he felt something strange in his body, he sought medical attention promptly. It was only the early stage of liver cancer, and the cancer cells had not spread or seriously worsened. The cure rate was quite impressive, and the prognosis was also relatively good.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

At the same time, the doctor also taught Lao Lin and his son that in fact, if there is cancer in the body, the body will give a warning in time, but it will be ignored by many people. Especially at night, if three types of discomfort occur while sleeping, you must be more vigilant . Rather believe it, go to the hospital for examination in time.

1. Three nighttime warnings of cancer in the body

Type 1: Wake up early Even insomnia

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

Some people wake up after sleeping until three or four in the morning, believing that their livers are diseased after listening to rumors on the Internet. This leads to abnormal liver detoxification. The essence of liver detoxification is that harmful waste, toxins, drugs, etc. in the human body are decomposed and metabolized in the liver. People may panic because they think there is something wrong with their liver or even have cancer , but this is not the case.

Although waking up early does not necessarily indicate liver cancer, it may indicate lung abnormalities.

Because severe lung diseases such as lung cancer may affect the quality of sleep. For example, some people will wake up due to coughing at night. At this time, timely examination of the lungs is required to rule out the risk of lung cancer.

In addition, insomnia requires more attention. If you only have insomnia for an occasional day, it may be due to some external factors, such as the intake of , caffeine, or other substances that can cause excitement in the nervous system. However, if this happens for many consecutive days without any reason, you need to pay attention, because cancer cells Surviving in the human body consumes human energy and makes the human body often feel tired and weak. However, tumors compress human organs, making patients tired, sleepy, and insomniac.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

Type 2: Nocturnal spinal pain

Bone metastasis usually occurs in patients with malignant tumors at an advanced stage. At the same time, the occurrence of tumor metastasis is a complex development process. After cancer cells flow through the bone marrow, they interact with osteoclasts , osteoblasts and bone matrix cells interact to destroy bone tissue and release a large amount of growth factor , which promotes the proliferation of cancer cells and the formation of metastases.

Cancer cells will continue to seek new places to live for themselves during their growth process, and bones are the favorite "place to settle" for malignant tumors.According to statistics, the incidence rate of bone metastasis of cancer cells is as high as 70 to 80%, and it is more common in lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, etc.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

There are three common types of bone metastasis in cancer: osteolytic, osteoblastic, and mixed. Bone metastasis in patients with malignant tumors is usually osteolytic, mainly due to bone resorption by osteoclasts. At this time Patients experience obvious pain, which is closely related to the continuous release of tumor-related factors and increased activity of osteoclasts, resulting in osteolytic bone destruction. The cancer cells themselves also secrete lactic acid, interleukin , tumor necrosis factor , etc. Pain mediators invade the periosteum, nerves and soft tissues, affecting the patient's quality of life and sleep, and causing patients to feel anxious and depressed.

At the same time, bone metastasis is most likely to occur on the patient's spine. The pain caused by this transfer will constantly harass the patient at night, making it sleepless all night and the pain is unbearable.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

Type 3: Night fever

In the current epidemic, the word "fever" is more "frightening" than in the past; fever not only means that the body has to endure unbearable discomfort and the risk of epidemic infection, but it may also be Cancer fever . For cancer patients, clinically almost all patients will have varying degrees of fever to alert them to the occurrence of the disease.

There are three reasons why cancer patients have fever:

First, the human body itself has a complete body temperature self-regulation system, and the generation of cancer cells will greatly affect the body's ability to regulate body temperature.

Secondly, cancer patients can easily have their immunity reduced due to some treatments, or they may also have fever caused by infection.

Finally, there is the malignant impact of the cancer cells themselves. Cancer cells grow and spread extremely fast in the human body, and the human body is completely unable to adapt to the rapid growth of such foreign cells, causing them to liquefy and necrosis due to insufficient blood supply. , thereby releasing pyrogenic substances and causing the patient to have a fever.

At night, not only is body temperature self-regulation and immunity weak, it will also slow down blood circulation, causing the above three reasons to become more significant, leading to night fever. In addition, drug reactions, autoimmune diseases , insufficient secretion of adrenocortical hormone , or cancer itself can cause fever.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

In fact, there are some considerable differences between fever caused by cancer and ordinary fever. For example, cancer fever caused by cancer is generally difficult to obtain special laboratory test results even if the fever reaches above 38°C. In layman’s terms, it is , In addition to abnormal body temperature, the examination results showed no other abnormal indicators ; and fever caused by most diseases is accompanied by elevated white blood cells and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Moreover, patients with fever caused by cancer will not feel cold, but will feel unbearably hot. The body temperature is generally between 37.5℃~38℃, and high fever is rare.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

At the same time, when cancer causes fever, taking ordinary fever-reducing drugs or using anti-pyretic patches, as well as certain antibiotics, have no obvious effect or anti-fever effect. However, if takes anti-cancer drugs, the fever will be significantly improved.

Not only that, in many cases, fever caused by cancer is often the first symptom, and then the tumor grows later. [2]

Don’t blindly worry too much when the above situation occurs, because it is not a complete probability that it indicates cancer, and it may be just an ordinary disease or discomfort. For the sake of safety, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible for a systematic examination to rule out cancer. risk. You can also make your own judgment first and then go to the hospital for examination and confirmation.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

2. Why is cancer difficult to detect in its early stages?

Cancer cells are immature in the early stage and are usually small in size. Currently, except for some hospitals with advanced medical equipment, it is difficult to detect their presence with general medical equipment .

Early cancer screening is through a series of diagnostic techniques. If the occurrence of cancer is detected at an early stage, the subsequent progression of the disease can be more accurately predicted, and corresponding measures can be taken to intervene to reduce mortality and case fatality rates. The purpose of improving prognosis, prolonging survival time and quality of life.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

Domestic and foreign countries attach great importance to the establishment of early screening projects, and have carried out a number of research projects on early screening.

With the advancement of science and technology, new technologies and new projects for early diagnosis of cancer are also emerging one after another, including liquid biopsy technology that can detect tumor cells or related gene mutations in body fluids, or imaging technology, all of which are dedicated to "earlier" stage, "smaller" tumor cells were found.

In addition to the smaller size of cancer cells in the early stage, another important reason is that cancer cells are less destructive in the early stage. The symptoms of pain and discomfort are similar to those of ordinary diseases, making it difficult for people to realize the threat of cancer. .

3. Abnormal screening

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

When you realize that cancer may be quietly threatening your health, symptom screening is also extremely important.

Take the liver cancer suffered by Lao Lin as an example. Almost all symptoms of liver cancer are accompanied by symptoms of liver cirrhosis. It has progressed to a very serious level and is still difficult to detect.

In other words, liver cancer does not develop symptoms until it reaches a certain level. It is difficult for ordinary people to detect physical abnormalities in the early stages of liver cancer. Liver cancer rarely causes conscious symptoms such as pain. It can be said that there are almost no symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer.

Only looming abdominal pain occurs at night, which is easily ignored. Or even if fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite occur, it is considered to be simple fatigue and is easily ignored, and other diseases may also have these symptoms.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

In addition to symptoms that can be felt by the naked eye and body, screening with the help of medical equipment is more accurate and scientific.

Not only should you go to the hospital for a check-up in time when you find abnormalities, but you should also go to the hospital for a routine physical check-up about once every six months. This is not only a better understanding of your physical condition over the past month, but also the diagnosis of some diseases. Hidden dangers are kept out.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

For the diagnosis of liver cancer, medical equipment is required for screening, which is " liver function test ", which determines the current status of the liver through a variety of more scientific, effective and accurate biochemical tests and liver function indicators.

Due to the diverse functions of the liver, there are many ways to check liver function. Selecting a group or several liver function test items based on medical history and symptoms can help diagnose and evaluate liver function.

Liver nodules are a typical indicator in liver function tests. If the test results show that liver nodules are ≤2cm, at least two further imaging tests are required. If there are obvious typical symptoms of liver cancer, the diagnosis can be made. for liver cancer.

4. Precautions

Take liver cancer as an example. In an era of advanced medical treatments, unlike a hundred years ago, we already know that the hepatitis B and C virus is the main culprit behind liver cancer, and we have also developed a drug that can effectively prevent some cancers. The vaccines , such as cervical cancer vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine , etc.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

In addition to some congenital hereditary cancers that we cannot control, cancers caused by acquired work or living environment also need to attract people's attention.

As early as 1775, British surgeon Percival Porter pointed out that scrotal cancer was particularly common among chimney sweeps. Through examination, it was also found that it was inseparable from the chemicals in soot particles, and prevention The method only requires to pay attention to the cleanliness of the body .

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

and so on. There are many things that we only need to improve or develop some healthy habits in our daily lives to take a big step towards health. However, what is sad is the lack of cancer knowledge among some people and the inertia in thinking about disease prevention. What's more, when the body sends warnings, it is repeatedly ignored and leads to disaster.

Lao Lin's surgery was very successful, and his earlier discovery allowed the spread of cancer cells to be well controlled. The recovery after the operation was also very fast. This was due to Lao Lin's careful observation of life and the blessings he planted for himself.

Lao Lin found that he kept feeling upper abdominal discomfort and even looming pain when sleeping at night. At first, he thought it was just some fatigue and an irregular diet, which caused some problems in the digestive system. Then after taking some digestion aids, Not only did - DayDayNews

In short, although most cancers are very harmful to the body, once abnormal cancer cells invade the body, the body's defense system will do its best to resist and send many warnings to the body.

When the above three situations occur at night, you must pay attention to , maybe you, or maybe your family and friends around you. Pay more attention to the details of life, and you may be one step closer to health and safety.


[1] Percutaneous vertebroplasty for the treatment of spinal metastases, Ding Lianghua, Wang Qi, He Shuanghua, Wu Weicheng

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