#summerlifecheck-inseason# Losing weight will definitely lead to muscle loss. How many times have you heard such scaremongering? The human body's main consumption includes four aspects: 1. Basal metabolism: In a quiet state, doing nothing, the energy required for the normal opera

2024/06/1809:55:32 regimen 1175

#summerlifecheck-inseason# Losing weight will definitely lead to muscle loss. How many times have you heard such scaremongering? The human body's main consumption includes four aspects: 1. Basal metabolism: In a quiet state, doing nothing, the energy required for the normal opera - DayDayNews

3. Thermic effect of food The energy required for nutrient absorption and energy conversion during digestion and absorption of food.

4. Growth and development The energy required during the growth and development process from childhood to adulthood. This consumption does not exist in adulthood.

The order in which the human body consumes energy is:

1.Sugar. Including blood sugar, muscle glycogen , liver glycogen .

2. fat. When there is insufficient sugar, fat is consumed.

3.Protein. When too much fat is consumed, ketone accumulation will occur. When there is too much ketone in the blood, it will lead to poisoning, which is ketoacidosis. The body will protect itself, stop decomposing fat, and force the decomposition of protein. Protein exists in the form of muscles. This is commonly referred to as muscle loss, and fat loss continues until the ketones are depleted.

As an ordinary person trying to lose weight, a slight feeling of hunger must exist. What is a slight feeling of hunger? Slight hunger before meals and before going to bed does not affect normal work and daily life. What is excessive hunger? Individuals have different physical constitutions, and there is no clear indication of how long it takes to be overly hungry, but we can judge by symptoms, stomach pain , purple lips, black eyes, and confusion. If any of the above symptoms appear, you should pay attention immediately. , you can use sugar water as an emergency and seek medical attention immediately.

I believe many people have heard about muscle loss. "Not eating this will cause muscle loss", "dieting will cause muscle loss", "not exercising will cause muscle loss". Various voices make it difficult for you to judge. There are many reasons for muscle loss. , which include excessive drinking, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc. As ordinary women, we basically do not have the problem of excessive drinking, so ensuring adequate sleep and balanced nutrition will not cause muscle loss. Only people who are eager to lose weight and want to lose 20 or 40 pounds in a month or two adopt incorrect dieting methods, starve to the point of dizziness, or suffer from hair loss and hair loss , will there be the possibility of muscle loss.

summarizes that to lose weight, a slight feeling of hunger is essential. Such a feeling of hunger does not affect daily life and normal work. Personal testing shows that such a feeling of hunger can make people walk lightly and feel refreshed. Don't be too hungry. In addition to affecting your life, the damage to the body is irreversible and easy to rebound. The gain outweighs the loss.

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