Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro

2024/06/2414:48:33 regimen 1736

Ms. Yang found that her hands and feet were weak since October last year. The initial examination at the hospital showed that she was anemic. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move around quickly recently.

Due to the phenomenon of shortness of breath, Ms. Yang went to the hospital for examination again. It was found that Ms. Yang's hemoglobin was only 41 grams per liter, which was severe anemia.

The doctor suspected that her fecal occult blood was positive, so he arranged a colonoscopy and found that there was indeed a tumor in the intestinal lumen. Behind the anemia, it was actually colon cancer.

"Anemia" is familiar to many people, and they think it is a small thing and normal. For example, I often hear "I just squatted for a while and felt dizzy. This must be anemia." Or if you feel anemic, eat some brown sugar, donkey hide gelatin can replenish blood.

Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro - DayDayNews

1. After squatting down, I feel dizzy when I get up again. Is it anemia?

Many people will have this experience. After squatting for a long time, or sitting in the same position for a long time, they suddenly stand up, or feel dizzy.

Although anemia does cause symptoms of dizziness, generally speaking, there is not much change with changes in body position. It is often accompanied by fatigue and drowsiness, and the most prominent sign is paleness.

The dizziness caused by this situation may be related to these two diseases:

· Otolithiasis

"Small stones" appear in the ears, that is, otolithiasis. Otolith is a very tiny structure. Under normal circumstances, the otolith is located in the utricle in the upper and posterior part of the vestibule of the inner ear. When stimulated by certain factors, the otolith will break away from its original position and roll into the semicircular canals.

and semicircular canals mainly manage body balance. When otoliths fall off , it will directly affect the flow of ear fluid and provide wrong information to the balance nerves, which may cause vertigo. generally lasts no more than 1 minute .

· Orthostatic hypotension

is mainly caused by people squatting or sitting, bending the waist and legs for a long time, the blood vessels are compressed, and the blood is not flowing smoothly. When the person suddenly stands up, the pressure is relieved and the blood is concentrated. If it flows to the waist and legs, there will be temporary insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in a feeling of dizziness.

Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro - DayDayNews

2. 5 symptoms or hints of anemia

Living conditions are getting better and better, but more and more people are anemic. About one-fifth of the patients in the world belong to iron deficiency anemia , which is World Health Organization Confirmed as one of the four major nutritional deficiencies.

The most common cause of anemia is malnutrition. When the body lacks certain nutrients, it may cause anemia. However, the occurrence of anemia may also be related to stomach cancer, colon cancer, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, lung cancer and other cancers. According to statistics, when these cancers occur, the incidence of anemia can reach 50%-60%.

Anemia caused by tumors often has no relevant cause. Since the spread of cancer cells requires a large amount of blood support, the degree of anemia is often very high. If anemia is accompanied by other symptoms, such as upper abdominal discomfort, yellowing of the whole body, itching, dysphagia, occult blood in the stool, etc., the possibility of pointing to a tumor may be high.

Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro - DayDayNews

According to He Zhiying, the attending physician of the Clinical Nutrition Department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, anemia is a common health problem in infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, emaciated people, vegetarians and patients with digestive system diseases.

During anemia, hemoglobin decreases and tissues throughout the body are hypoxic to varying degrees. Therefore, the most common symptom is "pale skin" . Early subjective symptoms include fatigue, weakness, dizziness, memory loss, etc. .

Severe anemia can cause shortness of breath, palpitations , Chronic severe anemia may even cause heart enlargement and heart failure symptoms such as nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal distension, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, nausea and other symptoms.

The severity of anemia symptoms is closely related to the speed of anemia occurrence. If the process is slow and the symptoms are mild, most of them are mild anemia. However, because anemia is mostly secondary to other diseases , patients will also show symptoms of the primary disease. Therefore, cannot rely on the above symptoms alone to determine whether it is anemic. It also needs to be judged by hemoglobin concentration .

Hemoglobin measurement value: adult men are lower than 120g/L, adult women are lower than 110g/L, and their hematocrit are lower than 0.42 and 0.37 respectively, which can be diagnosed as anemia.

Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro - DayDayNews

3. Can eating brown sugar and donkey hide gelatin replenish blood?

Anemia is not an independent disease, but a clinical syndrome composed of a group of symptoms that requires attention. When anemia occurs, the cause needs to be remedied.

Among the anemias, the most common one is iron deficiency anemia. The main method of treatment is to take iron supplement . In terms of diet, eat more foods containing heme iron, followed by foods rich in plant-based iron and vitamin C.

Does eating brown sugar and donkey hide gelatin really replenish blood?

Brown sugar is refined sugar, 96.6% is sugar and contains very little iron. Drinking brown sugar water will only replenish sugar, but not blood.

Donkey hide gelatin is boiled from donkey skin. Its main component is collagen . The collagen it contains cannot meet the body's amino acid needs. Eating donkey hide gelatin can only satisfy the taste and cannot replenish blood.

Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro - DayDayNews

The most important thing to replenish blood is to replenish iron. There are two rules for iron replenishment: The ease with which the human body absorbs iron depends on animals and plants. The degree of iron supplementation effect of animal foods is red and white. These foods are more suitable for replenishing blood.

Red meat: Including pig, beef, mutton, are rich in hemoglobin;

Animal blood : Various animal blood contains high levels of red unilateral iron, which is also beneficial to human body absorption;

Animal viscera : For example Pork liver contains 22.6 mg of iron per 100 grams. Eating animal offal in small amounts can also help replenish blood.

Ms. Yang began to notice weakness in her hands and feet in October last year. The hospital initially found that it was caused by anemia. However, after more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Yang's fatigue has not improved. She even found it difficult to climb stairs or move aro - DayDayNews

Anemia is not exclusive to "thin people". There are many causes of anemia, and it may also be a manifestation of some tumors. Therefore, when anemia occurs, do not take it lightly and find out the cause. For the general population, they should eat more iron-containing foods every day to prevent the occurrence of anemia. #HealthTruthPlan#


[1] "Is dizziness when standing up after squatting for a long time anemia?" These two diseases may be the real culprits and must be guarded against." I am a doctor on the official Weibo. 2019-06-13

[2] "The truth | Does eating red dates replenish blood? These four signs mean you are anemic...》. Guangzhou Health Commission. 2020-10-26

[3] "Red dates, donkey-hide gelatin and brown sugar, things you think are blood-enhancing things are actually ineffective!" These foods can really cure anemia! 》.Health Times .2019-03-22

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