Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience: "I dreamed that I became a martial arts master, flying over walls and walls, but unfortunately I jumped at the critical moment and scared myself awake..." "My wife said I was snoring loudly, but I didn’t

2024/06/2306:17:33 regimen 1344

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience:

"I dreamed that I became a martial arts master, flying over walls and walls, but unfortunately I jumped at the critical moment and woke myself up..."

"My wife said that I was snoring loudly, but I didn't feel anything."

"There was thunder in the middle of the night? I didn't hear it at all."

"I fell asleep at the head of the bed at night, but woke up at the end of the bed. Did I sleepwalk ?" "

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience:

is obviously my own body, but it is not under my control after I fall asleep. The most important thing is that after sleeping all night, I still feel tired and sleepy. I feel like I had a false sleep and my energy is low.

Is it so difficult to get a good sleep?

Those difficult things that are uncontrollable during sleep


Hypnea myotonic syndrome

I was already about to fall asleep,The body suddenly shook like an electric shock,There was also an obvious falling feeling, so I suddenly woke up, clinically named It is called "hypnea twitching syndrome".

There is currently no definite explanation in the medical community. Some experts speculate that when our brains are about to fall asleep, they fall into a state of chaos, and the brain’s conscious control of the body weakens, but the nerves under the cerebral cortex are still active and will Make your muscles move without control.

Generally speaking, this is related to factors such as excessive mental stress and lack of calcium in the body. However, if you will have symptoms of headache and dizziness when shaking, you need to consider brain lesions, and it is recommended to get a timely diagnosis.

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience:

Night travel

Sleepwalking disorder

Night travel is clinically called sleepwalking syndrome. Usually within 2-3 hours after falling asleep, suddenly sits up from the bed, with dull eyes, and aimlessly performs simple and stereotyped movements (such as moving objects on the bedside, etc.), and then lies down again. Some people occasionally Get out of bed and walk, wander back and forth and then return to bed. In a state of nocturnal wandering, it is difficult for a person to be awakened, and the whole process cannot be recalled after the person is fully awake.

At present, there is no particularly good method for nocturnal wandering . The main methods are psychological treatment and spiritual suggestion. Family members need to pay more attention to prevent dangerous behaviors when wandering at night.

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience:

ghost on the bed

sleep paralysis

" ghost on the bed " sounds scary at first. In medicine, it is called sleep paralysis. Many people have such an experience. After waking up, their body does not listen to commands, and they feel paralyzed all over. They cannot speak or open their eyes, let alone move their limbs at will.

In fact, the reason why ghost sleeping occurs is that a sleeping person happens to wake up suddenly during the dreaming period, that is, the consciousness is restored, but the body is still in the most relaxed state, so the hands and feet are disobedient and cannot move even if they want to. .

If this happens, don't panic, slowly wait for the body to wake up naturally.


Sleep apnea syndrome

Snoring is the most common thing that happens during sleep. In recent years, everyone has gradually realized that snoring does not mean good sleep quality. At the same time, it causes the greatest sleep disturbance to the people around you. One person snores and two people cannot sleep well.

Snoring is clinically a typical clinical manifestation of sleep apnea syndrome. When snoring, the negative pressure in the human chest increases, prone to chronic intermittent hypoxia and other conditions, which brings many health risks to the body. It not only damages the brain, affects hormone secretion, but also induces the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and . Need attract attention.

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience:

The Troika of Good Sleep

There is no doubt that no matter which of the above situations occurs, it will affect the quality of sleep and wake up feeling exhausted. But there is a worse situation where people are sleepy but unable to fall asleep, and the quality of sleep is impossible to talk about. What exactly do you need to do to get a good night’s sleep? A troika is indispensable.

Sleeping pattern

Adjust your sleep schedule, adhere to a regular schedule, fall asleep at a relatively fixed time, and get up at a regular time. Especially on weekends, don't sleep too late. If you occasionally interrupt, you should adjust back in time to allow the body to form its own sleep memory.

Sleep well

Sleep well, sleep well. Create a better sleeping environment, use curtains with good shading, turn off the lights when sleeping, avoid eye contact with light sources, help the brain pineal gland secrete melatonin, shorten the time to fall asleep and wake up, reduce the number of awakenings, thereby extending the time Deep sleep time.

When possible, adjust the indoor temperature to 16-18°C. Do not use mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products before going to bed, so as not to affect sleep and activate the cerebral cortex.

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life. Most people have had this experience:

Sleeping enough

Sleeping enough does not mean sleeping long enough, but whether you sleep enough for four to five sleep cycles. The sleep cycle goes from light to deep, then rapid eye movement sleep (dream stage) appears; then from light to deep, rapid eye movement sleep appears again. There are usually 4 to 5 sleep cycles per night, with each cycle lasting 90 to 110 minutes.

Therefore, when setting the alarm clock before going to bed, give yourself 15 minutes to fall asleep, and postpone the time by adding 6 hours or 7.5 hours. This can ensure that you wake up after the complete cycle and regain your high energy.

Please remember: your body is your own. Control what you can control. Try your best to sleep well and gain a healthy life.

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