The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the "swollen eyelids" that come with getting up every day... Drinking too much water, eating too salty, or being sick will all make you tired. Eyes slowly become swollen. Among the series of i

2024/06/1102:28:33 regimen 1195

The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the

The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the "swollen eyelids" that come with getting up every day...

The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the

Drinking too much water, eating too salty, and getting sick. Will make the eyes slowly become swollen. Among the series of injuries caused by swollen eyelids, lowering your appearance may be the least serious one.

Why are my eyelids swollen? " life times " interviews experts to analyze the reasons and teach you how to "reduce swelling".

Interviewed experts

Feng Changwei, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University Feng Changwei

Hu Ying, chief physician of the Department of Nephrology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Hu Xitian, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Shijiazhuang People's Hospital

Why are my eyes always so swollen? ?

Randy McLaughlin, professor of ophthalmology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, said that most cases of eye swelling do not require medical treatment.

In addition to the eye changes caused by diseases, people who are born with thick fat around the eyes, coupled with the influence of acquired bad living habits, the eyelids are becoming "swollen and swollen."

There is a lot of fat around the eyes

Naturally swollen eyelids are caused by excessive fat around the eyes. If the fat around the eyes is too thick, the eyes will look swollen.

Loose eyelids

As time goes by and age increases, the fat in the orbital septum of the eyes shifts, accompanied by sagging eyelids. This condition is more common in middle-aged and elderly people.

The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the

Sleep effects

Physiological eyelid swelling is mainly related to sleep. Sleeping too short or too long at night may cause eyelid swelling. However, this physiological swelling usually disappears on its own within an hour or so after getting up.

Diet effects

Drinking too much water before going to bed, eating too much salt, and drinking too much alcohol can also cause eyelid swelling.

Alcohol will reduce the antidiuretic hormone in the body and cause edema; If you eat too much salt, the kidneys will reduce water excretion to maintain the balance of sodium and water in the body.

Tiredness and staying up late

When the body is particularly tired and the mental pressure is too great, upper eyelid edema will occur due to poor blood circulation in the orbit; the same is true for people who often stay up late.

Swollen eyelids may also be the body's "alarm"

If the swollen eyelids are caused by a disease, you need to pay attention. Pathological eyelid swelling is generally caused by eye diseases or systemic diseases.

Acute eyelid inflammation, conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc., can all cause eyelid swelling. At the same time, eye diseases are also accompanied by symptoms such as eye redness, swelling, heat and pain, which are easier to identify.

Systemic diseases that cause eyelid swelling may include kidney disease, heart disease, hypothyroidism, etc.

Kidney disease

Edema caused by kidney disease has a typical characteristic: heavy in the morning and light in the evening. For example, the eyelids are swollen when you wake up in the morning, and slowly subside in the afternoon, making it easy to be ignored.

In addition to edema and high blood pressure, you can usually observe yourself. If there is a lot of foam in the urine and it is not easy to disperse; if the urine is very red, if factors such as diet are excluded, you should pay attention to it and go to a regular hospital for examination in time.

The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the

Heart disease

Eyelid edema caused by heart disease is more prominent at night, and early manifestations are light in the morning and heavy in the evening.

Cardiogenic edema often starts from the sagging parts of the body, is obvious after activity, is relieved after rest, and can spread throughout the body. Patients may also experience weight gain and decreased urine output, accompanied by fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

Abnormal thyroid function

If there is no obvious change in eyelid swelling from morning to night, accompanied by slow reaction, mental fatigue, etc., it may be caused by abnormal thyroid function.

Five thyroid function tests and thyroid color ultrasound examination can help diagnose and exclude.

In addition to the above disease causes, allergy factors should also be considered. The possibility of contact with allergens in life or allergies to drugs used causing eyelid swelling should be ruled out.

5 things to "reduce swelling" in the eyes

If the swelling of the eyelids does not subside for several days in a row, and if eye diseases are ruled out, you must pay close attention to it. It is likely to be caused by systemic diseases. You should seek medical treatment in time and do Early detection and early treatment.

For swollen eyelids caused by lifestyle habits, you can try the following methods to improve them.

Control salt intake

Cultivate light eating habits. The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)" recommends that adults should consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day, and it is recommended to use a salt-limited spoon jar.

The fatigue of adults can be seen on their faces: dark circles, sunken eye sockets, and the

mostly uses cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing. When is cooked, vinegar, lemon juice, onion, ginger, etc. are often used for seasoning.

Control the amount of alcohol you drink

Alcohol in any form is not good for human health. Reduce alcohol consumption, especially in the evening, and limit the amount of alcohol you drink if you have to.

The safest drinking amount is 0. If you have to drink, based on the amount of alcohol, it is recommended that the maximum amount of alcohol consumed by an adult in a day should not exceed 15 grams.

Try to stay up late as little as possible

From an endocrine perspective, going to bed after 23 o'clock counts as staying up late. Since most of the human body's self-repair activities occur before 3 a.m., the quality of sleep between 23 o'clock and 3 o'clock is particularly critical.

Avoid excessive eye use

Excessive eye use can lead to dry eyes, blurred vision and other conditions. You can usually drop some eye drops to relieve visual fatigue, and you can also apply hot compress to the eyes to improve the blood circulation in the eyes and relax the muscles around the eyes.

Moderate strengthening of exercise

Moderate exercise can help improve blood circulation throughout the body, speed up metabolism, and is also helpful for "reducing swelling". ▲

Editor of this issue: Xu Menglian

Copyright statement: This article is original to "Life Times" and any unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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