Wuxinfang-heat refers to a symptom of deficiency and fever in which the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are warm and the heart and chest feel irritated and hot, while the body temperature may rise in some cases but not in others. "Su Wen" states that "there is less Yin Q

2024/06/2220:14:33 regimen 1694

Five upset fever refers to the symptoms of fever in the palms of the hands and soles and conscious upset in the chest and chest, while the body temperature may rise in some cases but not in others.

"Su Wen" has the discussion of "there is little Yin Qi and abundant Yang Qi, so heat and irritability are full" and "Yin deficiency generates internal heat", and the symptoms of irritability and heat at the same time are attributed to Yin deficiency.

If kidney deficiency damp heat bet, hot soles of the feet accompanied by heat and pain in the shins are not within the scope of this section.

Wuxinfang-heat refers to a symptom of deficiency and fever in which the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are warm and the heart and chest feel irritated and hot, while the body temperature may rise in some cases but not in others.

Common syndromes:

1. Yin deficiency and five upset fevers: Five upsets and fever, severe fever in the afternoon, often wanting to hold cold objects, and stretching hands and feet outside the quilt when lying down, night sweats, spermatorrhea, red cheeks, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dry mouth and throat , the tongue is bright red, with little fur peeling off, and the pulse is deep and is county.

2. Blood deficiency, five palpitation and heat: Feeling hotness in hands, feet and heart in the afternoon, aggravated by minor irritability, mental fatigue, lack of appetite, laziness to talk, palpitations, , dizziness, light tongue, weak or stringy pulse.

3, Xiefu Yin is divided into five types: upset and hot: Hands, feet and heart heat , upset and poor sleep. There is low-grade fever, which is hot in the evening and cool in the early morning. The fever subsides without comment. He can eat and is thin. The tongue is red and has less coating. pulse is stringy and thin and is slightly less.

4. Fire stagnation and five upset fevers: five upset fevers, chest tightness, emotional discomfort, irritability, bloated head, bitter mouth , red urine. In women, menstruation is not smooth, red tongue, yellow coating, weak pulse Shen number.

Identification analysis:

Wuxinfang-heat refers to a symptom of deficiency and fever in which the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are warm and the heart and chest feel irritated and hot, while the body temperature may rise in some cases but not in others.

Common treatment types of five-heart upset fever, mainly include the following types:

1, Yin deficiency and excess fire type five-heart upset fever

Cause: Lung yin depletion, or overwork, or Liver yin deficiency, liver and gallbladder If the fire is strong, or sexual intercourse is inappropriate, kidney essence will be lost.

Symptoms: Five upsets and fever, especially in the afternoon, often wanting to hold cold objects, and like to stretch out the hands and feet when lying down, nocturnal emissions and night sweats, red cheeks, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dry mouth and throat, bright red tongue, peeling light coating, weak pulse Count carefully.

Treatment method: nourish yin, clear away heat and relieve troubles.

Prescriptions: Qinggu Powder ("Criteria for Treatment") Turtle Armor

Digupi Anemarrhena Silver Bupleurum Artemisia annua Qingen Huhuanglian Licorice

2, five upsets due to blood deficiency and liver fire type Cause of heat

: Damage to the liver and spleen, failure to produce and store blood, resulting in blood deficiency excessive liver fire.

Symptoms: Hotness in the hands and soles in the afternoon, aggravated by slight exertion, tiredness, shortness of breath and laziness to speak, palpitation of the heart, unsatisfactory food, dizziness, pale tongue, weak or stringy pulse.

Treatment method: regulate the liver and spleen.

Prescription: Bugan Decoction ("Jinjian of the Medical Emperor")

Angelicae Chuanxiong Rehmannia glutinosa White peony root, jujube kernel, papaya, Ophiopogon japonicus and licorice

Wuxinfang-heat refers to a symptom of deficiency and fever in which the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are warm and the heart and chest feel irritated and hot, while the body temperature may rise in some cases but not in others.

3, evil fuyin type five upset fever

Cause: exogenous infection cannot be treated , mistreatment, residual evil remains in Yin Yin.

Symptoms: hotness in the hands and soles, restlessness and insomnia, fever in the evening and coolness in the morning, no sweating after the fever subsides, weight loss after being able to eat, red tongue with little coating, stringy and thready pulse.

Treatment method: Nourishing yin and removing evil.

Recipe: Artemisia annua and turtle decoction (" Treatise on febrile disease")

Turtle shell, Qinghao and Anemarrhena Raw rehmannia Paeonol

Wuxinfang-heat refers to a symptom of deficiency and fever in which the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are warm and the heart and chest feel irritated and hot, while the body temperature may rise in some cases but not in others.

4, Fiery internal stagnation type with five upset fever

Cause: unfavorable cardinal function, lack of yang stagnation Da, or external evils have not been resolved, excessive use of cold and ice to subdue the evils, or excessive eating of raw and cold foods suppresses stomach yang and prevents diarrhea.

Symptoms: Five upsets and heat, chest tightness, emotional discomfort, irritability, bloated head, bitter mouth, red urine. In women, menstruation is not smooth, red tongue with yellow coating, and slow and rapid pulse.

Treatment method: rising yang and dispersing fire.

Prescription: Shengyang Sanhuo Decoction ("Yizong Jinjian")

Pueraria lobata Cimicifuga Vitex officinale White peony root Fangfeng Qianghuo Duhuo Ginseng Bupleurum Cyperus rotundus Fried silkworm Ligusticum chuanxiong Licorice ginger Jujube

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