Many people are particularly averse to dietary restrictions when losing weight. They always feel that it is too painful to not eat this or that. Some people grit their teeth and persevere, but there is a lot of resistance and unwillingness hidden in their hearts. The process is v

2024/06/2412:35:33 regimen 1927

Many people are particularly opposed to dietary restrictions when losing weight. They always feel that it is too painful to not eat this or that. Some people grit their teeth and persevere, but there is a lot of resistance and unwillingness hidden in their hearts. The process is very difficult. Once they reach their weight loss goal, their first thought is: "I have to have a good meal to make up for the suffering I have suffered during this time." Make up for it.” Driven by this subconscious mind, it won’t take long for the backlash to come uninvited. At first, I always focused my thoughts on foods that should be taboo for weight loss. Unexpectedly, the more taboo, the more I crave for it. Strong repression brings stronger cravings. If I can’t bear it for a few days, I will break the habit, and then I will regret it.

Our stomach is not infinitely large and has a limited capacity. If we eat what we should eat, we will have no appetite for what we shouldn’t eat. You need to get that feeling back.

If you try to describe the guilt caused by "eating too much today", you will find that no matter how you express it, it is inseparable from the "temptation" of the food itself - "This is delicious, but I accidentally eat too much." "I really love eating it, I must quit it!"

When you are immersed in guilt and guilt and try to make yourself "reflect" on all this, you are invisibly strengthening the food. The temptation reminds the brain that the act of eating brings happiness. More importantly, after this, when you want to do something to get rid of negative emotions, you will find that the cheapest and fastest way is the knowledge you have established over and over again in the past - eating.

Many people are particularly averse to dietary restrictions when losing weight. They always feel that it is too painful to not eat this or that. Some people grit their teeth and persevere, but there is a lot of resistance and unwillingness hidden in their hearts. The process is v - DayDayNews

The real loss of control does not appear at the first moment when we feel that we have eaten too much. It is normal to simply eat too much and eat too much. The problem lies in the inner feelings of shame, guilt, loss of control and despair after eating too much. The emotion of self-blame makes you overwhelmed for a while, and in the end you can only resist while losing control completely - eating non-stop.

If you eat too much, you eat too much. I don’t blame you if you eat too much. It is most likely due to high work pressure or some romantic relationship that affects you. It is recommended to change your job or lover. Or look for ways to change the problem, or improve yourself instead of blaming yourself for being inattentive. The sky is falling, how can you blame the father-in-law of the land? Your mouth is just an organ of yours, and it is not independent. It is led by your brain and heart. If you want to blame the boss, they are all part-time workers, so stop blaming each other.

People have no way (and no need) to suppress the body's instinctive needs. The more you try to fight your cravings, the more you're heading in the wrong direction. Appetite comes from you. Appetite is your true thoughts - you are hungry, you want to eat, and you need to replenish energy. All this does not even require logical thinking, it is a bottom-level need. Mantises and spiders will even eat their own mates in order to reproduce. Do you think they will think, "What am I thinking when I eat my mate?"

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