In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic "soft drug" that is no less harmful than tobacco and alcohol. However, in the eyes of people who love to eat betel nut, chewing betel nut is the "supreme enjoyment".

2024/06/2416:23:33 regimen 1308

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

| Slow Discipline Hardcore says

edit | Slow Discipline Hardcore says

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic "soft drug" , which is no less harmful than tobacco and alcohol, However, in the eyes of people who love to eat betel nut, chewing betel nut is the "supreme enjoyment" .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Even though they chewed until their faces turned red and their sense of taste was completely lost, they never listened to the advice.

makes 60 million people "unrepentant." What is the magic power of , a betel nut? The secret behind Maybe many people don't know...

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

01 Betel nut has been repeatedly confirmed to cause cancer

Speaking of betel nut, many people will hear it from the Internet or even from people around them..

In southern my country, especially in the Hunan area, many people like to chew betel nuts.

Betel nut can become a medium for to promote people's social chat .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

It's okay to stand on the roadside. It's okay for two people to meet and chat and pass a few betel nuts to each other, just like how men pass cigarettes to each other in other places.

As a addictive food, betel nut has always been controversial .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Many people think that betel nut is a "drug" that can be chewed.

Although is often paired with tobacco and wine, but in places where betel nut is popular, it can even be ranked ahead of tobacco and alcohol..

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

When buying cigarettes, you will always see the words on the package: Smoking is harmful to health . When drinking, there are often social comments: Drinking is harmful to physical and mental health.

Chewing betel nut is also the same .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Most people are aware of the dangers of betel nut due to the propaganda of the media, but this thing is still very popular .

There were rumors in Hunan that chewing betel nuts resulted in the creation of several listed companies .

And in society, it is also common for people to become addicted to chewing betel nut, leading to serious illness and death .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

There is a driver named Wu in Hunan, who drives a long-distance truck. Because he has been working the night shift to transport goods for many years, Driver Wu always needs something refreshing..

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

and betel nut became his first choice. because this thing is equivalent to the legal "addictive substance" of . Just chew with your mouth and will not interfere with driving.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

According to his wife’s description, her husband has been chewing betel nut since he met her in their twenties. He almost never stopped eating three packs a day, and he always said that he would not listen to advice. Until he was 45 years old, he had been chewing betel nut for almost 20 years.

However, in In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic 020 Driver Wu suddenly developed a small lump in his mouth.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

was still very small at the beginning, and became larger and larger later on .

In the latest inspection, there was a lot of in his mouth, most of which had begun to fester, and exuded a stench.

After seeing the doctor, they also said that there was no cure.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Driver Wu suffered from oral cancer, but now the cancer has reached the advanced stage. The cancer cells have spread to the lungs and esophagus, making it difficult to cure.

means that Driver Wu's is equivalent to that can only wait to die.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In the end, less than half a year later, the Wu family had a funeral.

And the result of his suffering from oral cancer basically came from his habit of chewing betel nut which he refused to change despite repeated advice.

Betel nut will constantly pierce the oral skin in the mouth, making it difficult to heal.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Many people have had their families broken up and their lives caused by betel nut.

There is a Mr. Liao who is not from Hunan. He first came into contact with betel nuts through a friend from Hunan. At that time, he was curious about the betel nut handed over by his friend. Because he had heard this thing mentioned before, he put it in his mouth and chewed it.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

However, Mr. Liao did not become addicted to betel nut. In fact, when he tried for the first time in , he felt that the taste of was too exciting, was not delicious, and was not used to betel nut.

So after this time, he has never been exposed to betel nut .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

But not long after, Mr. Liao found a small lump in his mouth.

Because he didn’t know much about betel nut and oral cancer, Mr. Liao didn’t take this small lump seriously.

He felt that this thing didn't hurt or itch, so he didn't need to worry about it. It might just be an oral ulcer and it would get better on its own after a while.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

However, I didn’t expect that this thing would grow bigger and bigger , and finally it would grow directly to the point where could no longer ignore .

Mr. Liao hurried to seek medical treatment. All the doctors were shocked. They did not expect that someone could last so long before coming to the hospital.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

One step later, Mr. Liao's cancer may spread , and by then it will really be incurable.

From this case, we can see that Mr. Liao himself is not a long-term betel nut chewer, but he is still targeted by oral cancer.

Mr. Liao's attending doctor said: Among the 50 beds in his hospital, 45 of the 45 patients with oral cancer have the habit of chewing betel nut.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Looking at chewing betel nuts it can be said that the risk is very high .

and The World Health Organization also classified betel nut as a first-level carcinogen in 2003.

In the propaganda we have seen in the past, , chewing betel nut seems to always be . There are some extreme cases . Many people think that will not cause to happen to themselves.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

But in fact it is not advisable to take chances The harm of betel nut is far more serious than the analogies of cigarettes and alcohol.

02 The harm of betel nut

Betel nut is known among the population as It will cause harm from the beginning.

If you eat betel nuts for the first time, many people will find a bit irritating and cannot stand . The most obvious feature of

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

is that is flushed, as if he was drunk..

but betel nut does not make people drunk .

People who are not used to betel nuts often experience chest tightness and breathing difficulties for the first time. In some serious cases, they may even seem to be poisoned.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

This is mainly due to the arecoline in areca nut.

This substance has a great impact on people's spirit and hormone secretion .

Betel nut is a psychoactive substance. Although most people will feel uncomfortable when chewing betel nut for the first time, it itself is easily addictive. When people who are exposed to betel nut for the first time start to chew betel nut for the second or third time, they will become more and more addicted to chewing betel nut and cannot stop.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In terms of causing hormonal disorders, betel nut is mainly reflected in affecting adrenaline .

The arecoline it contains can promote the secretion of adrenaline adrenocortical hormone .

The increase of this hormone in the human body will mainly affect the body's metabolic function . If exceeds the normal amount , it will inevitably easily cause the body's metabolic disorder.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In addition, adrenocortical hormone contains a small amount of androgen .

In other words, if women chew betel nuts, reactions to metabolic disorders may be greater . This is the same reason that people stay up late for a long time and drink alcohol cause their physical condition to deteriorate.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

However, these are not the most serious harm to .

Betel nutThe really frightening thing is that it will cause secondary harm in the process of being chewed.

When chewing betel nut, the human mouth will produce a strong carcinogenic compound - nitroso .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

This compound accumulates in the human mouth for a long time, changes quantitatively and produces qualitative changes, which will greatly increase the risk of inducing oral cells to become cancerous.

In addition, because betel nut is very hard , many people will constantly puncture the mucosal cells in the oral cavity when chewing it.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

If is only once or twice, we can wait until these oral skins recover and grow .

but betel nut is easily addictive This is the fatal key point.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

People who like to chew betel nut often find it difficult to quit it . If things go on like this, the skin in the mouth is constantly punctured and cannot heal in time.

is equivalent to adding injury to , and then injuring , without giving the skin a chance to buffer.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

This process happens over and over again, and the chance of getting cancer will skyrocket..

and the side effects of this process are also very large .

We know that there are many neurons under most of the skin of the human body. These neurons can help us perceive the outside world, the touch of the human body, the taste in the mouth, etc. also come from this.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

But when oral cells are damaged over and over again cannot be healed , the perception in the oral cavity will decrease in the long run.

The manifestation in the human body is that after chewing betel nut a few times, you will feel that the food has no taste when you eat again, and many delicious things have no taste.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

And when the of these cells is injured and superimposed on , there will be another that harms .

that is they will fiberize , and gradually harden .

Many people who have seen the faces of people who chew betel nut for a long time will find that their mouths will become smaller .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In fact, this is because the oral skin becomes hard and has no softness and elasticity, causing the mouth to be unable to open .

In addition, betel nut is extremely harmful to teeth. It becomes very difficult to eat after chewing betel nut frequently.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Because teeth become sensitive , anything cold, hot, spicy, sour, anything that is more irritating all cannot be eaten , Eating that is so simple has turned into torture People's affairs .

In addition, chewing betel nut has a more direct harm, that is, it will make people look ugly.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Just open a browser and search for pictures of people who chew betel nut for a long time. Most people are prone to feeling physical discomfort .

These people's teeth are black, but the lining of their mouths is blood red, just like a "ghost in the world" .

After reading this, do you still want to chew betel nut?

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Many people may ask, since chewing betel nut has so many horrific harms, why doesn't the country directly ban it? Like banning drugs.

But in fact, things in are not that simple . The betel nut market in our country also has interests and backgrounds that you cannot imagine .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

03 The industrial profits of betel nut

Speaking of betel nut, we have to start from Hainan.

Most of my country's betel nut comes from Hainan.

However, the largest number of sellers gathering is in Hunan.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

After betel nut became popular, there has been a saying "Betel nut is grown in Hainan and betel nut is sold in Hunan".

and planting betel nut is still in Hainan. Since ancient times, has the habit of .

Do you still remember the story of Su Shi who was demoted to but still lived an active life, and even became a big foodie who ate all over the country?

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

1097, Su Shi was demoted to Danzhou , which is my country's Hainan Island today.

Local people are accustomed to using betel nut to resist the humid climate and have the habit of chewing betel nut. Su Shi, who is optimistic and open-minded and likes to try new things, will inevitably start and learn to chew betel nut..

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

From a bitter taste at the beginning to a hint of sweetness, Su Shi, like the locals, developed a love for betel nut, and named his room "Betel Nut House".

Because has always been popular among people, , betel nut chewing has been passed down from to in Danzhou.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

Today, betel nut has been promoted to other provinces and even all over the country, especially in Hunan, where it is the hottest seller.

So far, the number of people who have the habit of chewing betel nut in our country has exceeded 60 million.

The demand for is huge, and what follows is the betel nut industryhuge profits.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In 2017, the betel nut industry brought an output value of more than 30 billion to Hunan, directly becoming the economic pillar of Hunan. There are more than 3 million workers engaged in betel nut processing, and the betel nut industry has also solved a large part of Hunan's employment problems.

As time goes by, Betel’s sales market expands to , and its unit price continues to increase .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

During the period from July to October 2021, the unit price per kilogram of betel nut market soared from 6 yuan to 22 yuan, and the profit was extremely considerable.

And , a merchant selling betel nuts, , is also afraid that he will not be able to get the goods. is constantly buying .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In Hunan, there are many companies that produce and areca nuts. has successfully listed on the basis of extremely high profits.

Although the media promotes that betel nut is very harmful, the result is that the more harmful the betel nut is, the more people eat it .

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

When the news came out that betel nut causes cancer, the betel nut industry was hit hard, but soon there were relevant associations and organizations that questioned and refuted the news that it caused cancer.

In the end, consumers' preference for of betel nut did not decrease. On the contrary, people's awareness of of betel nut was greatly increased. A situation like

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

is not easy to manage.

In fact, there is a province in China that has banned the consumption of betel nut, that is, Xiamen, but this is the only region that has substantial ban on betel nut.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In areas where Betelgeuse is prevalent, may be banned, may not be banned, and may not be banned.

04 Summary

Although betel nut is a lot of people like to eat , its addictiveness and cancer risk indicate that it is not a food that is beneficial to the human body.

In the eyes of the public media, betel nut is an addictive and carcinogenic

In fact, betel nut has always been used as a medicine in ancient Chinese records. It can deworm and treat malaria, but it cannot be regarded as a food or fruit.

Everyone still cherish your health, stay away from betel nut.

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