With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes, "Hot in the Dog Days", Dog Days usually appear between the Minor Heat and the End of Heat. They are the hottest, humid, and sultry period of the year. Futian, also

2024/06/0806:58:32 regimen 1837

With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes,

Xiaoshu is coming, and we have truly entered the hottest and humidest season of the year~

The so-called "hot days are in the three volts". Dog days of summer usually appear between Xiaoshu and summer , which are the highest and hottest temperatures in the year. Humid and muggy times.

Dog Days, also known as 三volts, are divided into the first, middle and last days. They are the hottest days of the year.

Three Volts schedule in 2022:

Early Voltage: July 16, 2022 ~ July 25, 2022, lasting 10 days in total;

Middle Voltage: July 26, 2022 ~ August 14, 2022, lasting 20 days in total Days;

Mofu: August 15, 2022 to August 24, 2022, lasting a total of 10 days.

In the dog days of summer, people often suffer from loss of appetite, boredom and irritability, and heavy head and body due to the hot and humid weather. At this time, you must pay attention to adjusting your lifestyle and maintaining your health correctly.

With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes,

11 Taboos in Dog Days Don’t Break!

1. Don’t: Blowing air conditioners indoors with the windows closed and not opening windows for ventilation

Humid, stuffy and poorly ventilated indoors can easily cause heatstroke. Moreover, if air conditioners are used without opening windows for ventilation, the air quality will deteriorate, which can lead to illness.

2. Avoid: Don’t be willing to throw away overnight vegetables, often eat overnight vegetables

Leftovers left over in summer are left for a long time, and it is easy to produce sulfites and other harmful substances. Eaters are prone to gastrointestinal discomfort, and in severe cases, they may be food poisoning.

3. Avoid: Sweating a lot and drinking water urgently.

Picking up the cup and pouring water is not advisable. Drink water in small amounts many times, about 200 ml (an ordinary tea cup) each time. Don't wait until you feel uncomfortably thirsty to drink water.

4. Avoid: Keeping cold drinks in your hands

With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes,

Keeping cold drinks in your mouth will cause the stomach and intestines to be intolerable.

5. Avoid: taking cold showers

In hot summer, taking a cold shower can lower the body surface temperature, but it is not good for the body. Because the pores are fully opened after sweating, it is easy to catch cold when cold water is poured, and the cold air enters the body, which is very bad for the body. Note: Blow dry your hair before going to sleep.

6. Avoid: Sitting for a long time without sweating all day long.

Sitting for a long time makes people tired easily. Do some exercise, let your body work up a sweat, and you'll feel refreshed. You can choose to exercise outdoors for half an hour in the morning and evening when the weather is cool, and choose exercises according to your own conditions to achieve the effect of sweating.

In addition, it is recommended that people who sit in offices get up and move around every half an hour.

7. Avoid: Not taking a break at noon

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. Many people go to bed late at night and are prone to lack of sleep. After a busy morning of study and work, take a short break at lunch to replenish your energy.

With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes,

8. Avoid: Insufficient dietary intake

In summer, the body sweats a lot, consumes a lot of energy, is prone to fatigue, and has no appetite. Many people choose to eat some fruits and vegetables.

However, insufficient dietary intake and insufficient nutrition will affect the body. In summer, you should still eat some lean meat, fish, soy milk, eggs, etc. appropriately. When you have a bad appetite, you can change your taste and eat summer foods such as lotus root, winter melon, loofah, watermelon, and lentils.

9. Don’t: Turn on the air conditioner all night

Many people like to turn on the air conditioner all night when sleeping, but if you do this, it is easy for cold air to enter the body, so don’t be greedy for cold. Also, be careful not to blow directly into the air conditioner.

10. Avoid: Being too excited.

The weather is too hot, and people's emotions can easily fluctuate. Do something that interests you to divert your attention, such as exercising, talking on the phone with friends, etc.

With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes,

11. Taboo: Blindly taking supplements

The hot weather is not suitable for eating nourishing products. If you are not careful during this period, you will easily get angry if you eat inappropriate foods

. ’s dietary recommendations are mainly light.

Suggestions for the dog days of summer:

Ventilate regularly in air-conditioned rooms;

Take a warm bath to feel refreshed;

Eat less cold drinks and drink more warm water;

Eat a balanced diet , replenish physical strength;

keep exercising to strengthen your body.

With the arrival of Minor Heat, we have truly entered the hottest and humid season of the year. As the saying goes,

Pay attention to these small details of life and spend the dog days in a healthy way

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