Mao Qun'an, deputy director of the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee and director of the Planning Department of the National Health Commission, said that currently, my country's average life expectancy has increased to 77.93 years, and its major health indica

2024/05/2704:00:33 regimen 1076
Mao Qun'an, deputy director of the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee and director of the Planning Department of the National Health Commission, said that currently, my country's average life expectancy has increased to 77.93 years, and its major health indica - DayDayNews

At the press conference of the National Health Commission on July 5. Photography by cover news reporter Shao Meng

Cover news reporter Shao Meng

html On July 5, the National Health Commission held the ninth press conference in the "Everything for People's Health - Our Ten Years" series to introduce the progress and progress since the implementation of the Healthy China Action Effectiveness. Mao Qun'an, deputy director of the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee and director of the Planning Department of the National Health Commission, said that currently, my country's average life expectancy has increased to 77.93 years, and its major health indicators are at the forefront of middle- and high-income countries.

In 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the " "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline ", proposing to "build a healthy China" by 2035 and build a healthy country compatible with a modern socialist country by 2050. In order to implement the Healthy China strategic deployment, in July 2019, the State Council launched the Healthy China Action to target the main factors affecting health, protect key groups, and prevent and control major diseases. The National Health Commission, together with the Ministry of Education, the General Administration of Sports and other relevant departments, have focused on solving the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment, accelerating the shift from disease treatment to people's health as the center, highlighting disease prevention and health promotion, and implementing multiple measures simultaneously Healthy China Action promotes the construction of a healthy China.

At the press conference of the National Health Commission on July 5. Cover News Reporter Shao Meng Photography

Mao Qun'an said that currently, the 2020 phased goals of the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline have been generally achieved as scheduled, and the main goals of the Healthy China Action in 2022 have been achieved ahead of schedule. The implementation of the Healthy China Action has achieved obvious phased results:

First, the health promotion policy system has been basically established. The State Council established the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee, forming a working mechanism for collaborative promotion among multiple departments. Education, sports and other departments actively participated and took the initiative to establish and improve mechanisms for meeting scheduling, work supervision, monitoring and assessment, local pilots, and the cultivation and promotion of typical cases. , to realize the coordinated promotion of provinces, cities and counties.

Second, health risk factors are effectively controlled. establishes a national health science popularization expert database and resource library, and an all-media health science popularization knowledge release and dissemination mechanism, focusing on the popularization of health knowledge, reasonable diet, national fitness, tobacco control and alcohol restriction, mental health, healthy environment promotion, etc., to comprehensively control health-related issues risk factors. The health literacy level of residents has increased to 25.4%, and the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise has reached 37.2%.

Third, the health maintenance capabilities throughout the life cycle have been significantly improved. focuses on key groups, improves the health security system, and continuously improves health service capabilities. The goals of the "Two Outlines" and the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" for women and children have been fully realized. The coverage rate of children's eye care and vision examination services has reached 91.7%. The average annual decline in the overall myopia rate among children and adolescents is basically close to the expected target. New cases of occupational diseases have been reported across the country. keep falling.

Fourth, major diseases have been effectively contained. Continue to strengthen comprehensive prevention and control measures for major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , cancer , chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes , as well as various key infectious diseases and endemic diseases to effectively curb the rising trend of incidence rates and major chronic diseases. Premature mortality is below the global average.

Fifth, the atmosphere of national participation is becoming increasingly strong. popularizes health knowledge extensively and deeply through various online and offline methods, new media and traditional media channels. Promote the construction of a dedicated Healthy China action network, and organize activities such as "Healthy China Doctors First", Knowledge and Action Competition, and "Health Master". In the process of preventing and controlling the COVID-19 epidemic, it is precisely because of the active participation of the public that the social foundation for epidemic prevention and control has been laid.

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