People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0

2024/05/2608:57:33 regimen 1322

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes! Why is it that a person with a normal figure is more likely to get diabetes than someone who is obese?

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews1What is a "skinny fat man"?

"Skinny fat people" may look normal in appearance, with neither obvious thinness nor obvious obesity. However, this kind of "skinny fat person" with too little muscle and too much fat can also be summarized as sarcopenia. fat.

This body type is exactly the type of body that is most susceptible to diabetes, and this has a lot to do with muscle loss.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews2 Why is it difficult for "skinny fat people" to control sugar?

Why is it easier to get diabetes if you have less muscle? In fact, in addition to maintaining the normal movement of the human body, muscles are also a large consumer of glucose . Glucose provides the energy for muscle movement.

If the muscles are reduced, the metabolism of the muscles itself will be reduced, and the amount of glucose consumed by will also be reduced by , leading to an increase in blood sugar.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

In addition, muscle loss is a chronic inflammatory state, which also aggravates insulin resistance . The glucose utilization of is reduced, and insulin resistance is increased by . Together with a series of mechanisms, blood sugar becomes high and it becomes more difficult to control sugar.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

Muscles are important life organs, but experts say that after People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews0, muscle tissue decreases by 0.8% every year. Over the age of 70, muscle tissue decreases by 1.5% per year.

Subcutaneous fat continues to thicken and muscles gradually decrease, turning into a "skinny fat person". At this time, we also need to be wary of sarcopenia , referred to as sarcopenia .

Muscle atrophy and decreased muscle strength are the reasons why many elderly people are prone to falls . In addition, it will also increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, and hyperuricemia.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

has 3 simple and easy self-test actions to see whether there is muscle loss.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews Walk quickly

Walk a distance of 6 meters at a normal speed. If it takes more than 7.5 seconds, it means that the muscle function may have declined.

Grip dynamometer

Hold grip dynamometer with your main hand, hold it to the end at one time, and look at the value on the grip dynamometer.

Male grip strength is less than 28 kg, female grip strength is less than 18 kg, is considered to have weakened muscle strength. If you can't twist the towel cleanly and your hands are weak, you should be wary of sarcopenia.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

Measure the leg circumference

Use a soft ruler to measure the maximum circumference of both sides of the calf (average both sides).The calf circumference is 34cm for men and 33cm for women, indicating that the muscle mass has decreased.

[Tips] Muscle mass can also be tested with the help of hospital equipment. You may wish to add this item during the examination.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

Recent studies have shown that when body mass index BMI is relatively normal, "skinny fat people" may achieve diabetes reversal if they make lifestyle interventions such as weight loss and muscle gain.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews. Restrict calories

If you want to gain muscle, strict calorie restriction is the key, but it is not a complete restriction. You must supplement high-quality protein to ensure a moderate supply of calories .

Low-fat meat (chicken breast, fish), eggs, milk, soybeans and their products are all high-quality protein sources that are easily available on a daily basis.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

. Reasonable exercise

"Skinny and fat people" can do more resistance training to gain muscle, supplemented by aerobic exercise , and also need flexibility training and balance training.

. Supplementing vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is prone to insulin resistance and metabolic disorders, which will promote the occurrence of sarcopenia and obesity.

People who are overall fat have about a 30% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared to normal people, but people who are very well-proportioned have a 38% increased risk of type 2 diabetes! Why are people with a normal body shape more likely to develop diabetes than obesity? 0 - DayDayNews

And among patients with type 2 diabetes, those with lower vitamin D levels have poorer blood sugar control than those with normal levels. Studies have shown that the combination of vitamin D and hypoglycemic drugs can exert a synergistic hypoglycemic effect and better control blood sugar .

In natural foods, the content of vitamin D is very small, so it cannot be completely supplemented through food. The simplest and most practical way to supplement vitamin D is to bask in the sun .

The correct way to bask in the sun given by experts:

① Time to bask in the sun: The shadow is slightly longer than the body length.

② Place to bask in the sun: bask in the sun outdoors, do not bask through glass or apply sunscreen.

③ How to bask in the sun: Expose your arms and palms to the sun for 15 minutes every day, 5 days a week.

Note: If you are severely deficient in vitamin D, you need to take vitamin D supplements under the guidance of a doctor.

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