I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t

2024/05/2520:13:33 regimen 1109

"Tick tock..."

I received a call from my old mother early in the morning.

thought it was a caring call, but it turned out that he was busy with farming recently and his workload was excessive and his legs started to feel uncomfortable again. He asked him to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when he got home on Sunday.

I don’t know, have you noticed this situation? As the age increases, after 50 years old, calcium deficiency will appear if you don’t pay attention. Therefore, “calcium deficiency, calcium supplement...” has become a daily routine for middle-aged and elderly people. Things to do.

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews

Why is the phenomenon of calcium deficiency especially obvious after the age of 50?

·The body enters the stage of decline

After reaching the age of 50, it will slowly transition from middle age to old age. At this time, the body will show obvious signs of aging. "People age first." bone". After entering the aging stage, the bones will slowly get older. At this time, the bones' ability to absorb calcium will become worse, and the body's calcium will be lost over time.

·The amount of exercise has decreased

As you get older, your body becomes lazier, and sometimes you are too lazy to go out, let alone exercise. When the elderly exercise less, their bodies will gradually deteriorate. It not only affects the immune system , it may also affect the absorption of calcium , causing the elderly to suffer from calcium deficiency.

·Human body metabolism slows down

As age increases, human body functions will change, including human body metabolism. When metabolism slows down, it will affect the body's absorption of nutrients, thus aggravating the loss of calcium.

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews

When you see this, you will find that these three factors are irreversible. If this is really the case, every middle-aged and elderly people should have calcium deficiency, but it turns out that it is not , which will aggravate the situation in middle-aged and elderly people. What are the causes of calcium deficiency in people?

“Diseases come from the mouth” The incidence of most diseases is related to our usual eating habits. Therefore, after the age of 50, if you want to reduce the phenomenon of calcium deficiency, you need to start from Make changes in your diet.

Which diets will aggravate the symptoms of calcium deficiency?

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews1 Long-term intake of foods with high salt content

Middle-aged and elderly people have a common eating habit - "high salt". High-salt foods are indeed delicious to eat, but they are harmful to human health. Eating too much salt will not only induce high blood pressure, damage the gastric mucosa, and induce gastric cancer, but also affect the absorption of calcium, exacerbating the symptoms of calcium deficiency.

In addition, eating something that is too salty will increase your water intake. Drinking too much water will cause you to urinate constantly, so that the calcium element in your body weight will be excreted through the urine, affecting the body's absorption of calcium.

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews2 Eating too much greasy food

Eating too greasy food is not conducive to the absorption of calcium, because too greasy food contains a large amount of fat, protein and other substances that will increase the absorption burden of the gastrointestinal tract and thus reduce the absorption of calcium. . Therefore, it is recommended that after the age of 50, the diet should be mainly light2 and pay attention to balanced nutrition.

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews3 Coffee

Drinking some coffee appropriately can eliminate sleepiness, so most office workers will develop the habit of drinking coffee in order to work better. If this habit continues, it will affect the health of your bones. Because coffee contains a lot of caffeine . However, caffeine will affect the synthesis of calcium in the body , resulting in the loss of calcium.

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews4 Eat less foods with high oxalic acid content

Elderly people with severe calcium deficiency will choose to take calcium tablets.Therefore, it is recommended that you try not to eat foods containing oxalic acid within an hour before and after taking calcium tablets. Such foods will react with calcium, causing calcium oxalate to precipitate, thus inhibiting the absorption of calcium. Foods containing oxalic acid in daily life include: Spinach, leeks, bitter melon, water spinach, etc.

Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people after the age of 50, if they want to avoid serious calcium loss, they need to "keep their mouths shut" "To retain calcium" try to eat less of the above four kinds of food.

Of course, "keep your mouth shut" can only ensure that calcium loss is not aggravated, but the body's absorption capacity will naturally decrease with age, so just retaining calcium is not enough. It is also necessary to promote the body's absorption of calcium. , so as to better protect bone health.

I thought it was a concern call, but it turned out to be that I have been busy with farming recently and my legs have started to feel uncomfortable due to excessive workload. I asked me to buy a bottle of calcium tablets when I get home on Sunday. I don’t know, have you noticed t - DayDayNews

How to promote calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis?

Expose to the sun appropriately every day

"Exposure to calcium, exposure to calcium" Proper exposure to the sun every day can also indirectly have the effect of calcium supplementation. Because exposure to ultraviolet rays will promote the production of vitamin D, but vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium in the human body, so there is a saying that sunbathing is a calcium supplement.

However, calcium replenishment cannot be done by just exposing yourself to the sun. Human skin also needs to be directly irradiated by ultraviolet rays to achieve the effect of calcium supplementation. However, if ultraviolet rays directly irradiate the skin, it may cause damage to the skin, not only failing to achieve the effect of calcium supplementation, but also causing other diseases.

Therefore, I would like to remind those who want to rely on the sun to replenish calcium. They must choose a good time when basking in the sun. Try to do it between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. and between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. . If it is summer, try to do it at 8 a.m. -9 a.m., 4 p.m.-6 p.m. , avoid too strong sunlight, which may cause sunburn skin.

Proper exercise

If you want to promote the absorption of calcium, you need to do appropriate exercise every day. First of all, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day can promote muscle growth and delay muscle atrophy; secondly, daily exercise can promote blood circulation and accelerate the body's absorption of nutrients. Of course, appropriate exercise can also stimulate bones, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Summary: The main factors that induce calcium deficiency in the elderly are inseparable from daily eating habits and living habits. Therefore, if you want to supplement calcium, you need to take the right medicine, develop good living habits, control your mouth, and eat more foods that are good for calcium supplementation. Such as: milk, beans, mushrooms, and foods containing magnesium, vitamin D, etc.

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