Public account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur

2024/05/2503:50:32 regimen 1288

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Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measure to deepen the strategic cooperation between Qingdao City and Shandong University. The project will start in June 2021 and is expected to be completed in October 2023. After completion, the medical environment in Qingdao and surrounding areas will be significantly improved, and it will be able to better meet the health and medical needs of surrounding residents.

Public account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur - DayDayNews

Qilu Hospital of Shandong University is a hospital directly under the administration of the National Health Commission of Shandong University. The hospital was founded in 1890 and is a century-old famous hospital with a long history in my country. In response to the development goal of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to achieve the development goal of "good doctors for all diseases", in accordance with the requirements of the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the Qingdao Municipal People's Government and Shandong University on the Construction of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao)", Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) ) The first phase of the hospital was officially opened in December 2013. The first phase of the hospital covers an area of ​​36 acres, with a construction area of ​​90,000 square meters, 49 business departments, 1,338 beds, and more than 1,900 employees.

Since the establishment of the Qingdao campus, various undertakings have developed rapidly, forming a cardiovascular center, a brain center, an otolaryngology and head and neck surgery center, an orthopedic center, a medical imaging center, an emergency medicine center, a difficult and rare disease center, an anesthesia center, and an anesthesia center. Together with eight major scientific centers including the Critical Care Medicine Center, the hospital's refined diagnosis and treatment and diagnosis and treatment of difficult and critical illnesses have been continuously improved, and its service level has been highly praised by the people and all walks of life.

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The second phase project of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University (Qingdao) is Shandong Province’s “Building Weaknesses, Strengths and Weaknesses” and Qingdao City’s “Projects” The key breakthrough project of the "Year of Implementation" is an important people's livelihood project in Qingdao City. The second phase project is located to the west of the first phase project, north of Hefei Road and east of Jinsong 4th Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City. It covers an area of ​​about 50 acres and has a total construction area of ​​about 283,800 square meters. The project started in June 2021, and it took only one year to cap the main structure, setting a new pace in the construction of key projects. In the next step, the project will fully enter the decoration stage. The second phase of the

project includes a medical complex, an underground three-dimensional parking garage and supporting ancillary buildings. The total investment is approximately 2.5 billion yuan. The main building of the comprehensive building has 16 floors, the outpatient podium has 6 floors, and there are 3 underground floors. It has 1,104 planned beds and 2,320 parking spaces. The planned completion date of the project is October 1, 2023. It is understood that during the construction of the project, a smart construction site cloud platform was launched, which was listed as the highest standard "AAA-level smart construction site" pilot project in Qingdao by the Qingdao Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.

Public account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur - DayDayNews

After the completion of the second phase project of Qingdao Campus, it can greatly improve the medical environment, enhance the service level, and alleviate the problem of difficulty in hospitalization for patients. This will be helpful for improving the medical conditions of Qilu Hospital and even the city, and further enhancing the level of medical services in Qingdao. Very important meaning. The planned total construction area of ​​the second phase of the

project is three times that of the first phase, with a total planned number of 1,104 beds. It is equipped with advanced hybrid operating rooms, laparoscopic operating rooms, positive and negative pressure operating rooms, etc., which can meet all types of high-end complex surgeries. carry out. The ICU ward is designed according to the "1+N" principle. The comprehensive ICU is combined with the professional ICU to ensure comprehensive rescue and specialist management of critical and critical patients. The ward building is equipped with a helipad, which can realize " air rescue " 24 hours a day to facilitate the treatment of severe emergency patients in other places. The design of the second phase of the

Public account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur - DayDayNews

hospital implements the "patient-centered" service concept and the "medical staff-centered" development concept from beginning to end. The outpatient area adopts a "medical street" layout. The waiting rooms of each department are connected through the medical street, making it complete and independent. The functional examination room and the consulting room are closely related and are set up in the specialist outpatient area. Patients can complete diagnosis and treatment examinations in one stop, reducing the need to travel back and forth during the medical treatment process. The health care wards are unified on the northeast side of each floor of the ward building and are connected through dedicated elevators to achieve the organic integration of special health care services and professional specialties.

At the same time, the ward has set up independent medical office areas, mission areas, and leisure areas to increase medical work space and doctor-patient communication space, and comprehensively improve work comfort and patient medical experience.The project is planned to have 2,320 parking spaces, and medical functional areas such as outpatient services, hospitalization, and examinations have direct access to the underground parking lot to facilitate medical treatment. After completion, the hospital's business development space will be reasonably expanded as a whole, public areas such as outpatient clinics, medicines, examinations, medical examinations, and auxiliary examinations will be expanded, and the diagnosis and treatment environment will be significantly improved. The overall project is expected to be completed in October 2023.

Qingdao campus is an important level in the integrated development pattern of "multi-campus remote locations" of Shandong University Qilu Hospital. Since its opening, it has shown strong development momentum in all aspects of medical education, research and management, and its ability to diagnose and treat difficult, critical and rare diseases has been continuously improved. . The second phase of the project is not only a project for people's livelihood, but also a project for people's hearts and a project for hope. The completion of the project will effectively break the bottleneck of insufficient business development space in the hospital, significantly improve the medical environment for the people, and provide strong support for the hospital to improve the level of medical services and expand the capacity of high-quality medical resources. With the steady progress of the construction of the second phase of the project, the development momentum of Shandong University Qilu Hospital Jinan and Qingdao will be stronger and the development prospects will be brighter, constantly creating a new situation of unconventional, leap-forward and high-quality development of the hospital. , Contribute new and greater strength to the implementation of the Healthy China and Healthy Shandong strategies.

Dean of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University Chen Yuguo said at the topping-out ceremony: He hopes that the Qingdao campus will take the opening of the second phase of the project as an opportunity to make overall plans to promote the construction of smart hospitals and create more humane, functional and intelligent medical services and management. The process system strengthens the scientific and technological innovation collaboration with the central campus, promotes major original scientific research results, continuously creates a new situation of high-quality development of the campus, and makes new contributions to the construction of Healthy China, Healthy Shandong , Healthy Qingdao and the protection of people's health. , greater contribution.

Information and picture source: Qingdao Campus of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Comprehensive Comprehensive Compilation of Medical Platform Information

Hospital Construction "Seeking Medical Consultation"

In order to help hospital builders avoid detours during the project construction process; at the same time In order to lay the foundation for a virtuous cycle of the whole life cycle of hospital construction in the new hospital building, Zhuyi Channel and Glenn Studio of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture launched a live broadcast column [Hospital Construction "Seeking Medical Consultation"]. The column analyzes hospital building "inquiry cases" in different scenarios in an in-depth and simple way, and proposes practical solutions from a third-party perspective, helping hospital builders find correct and suitable solutions for the project problems they are responsible for, and assisting hospital projects. Achieve the goal of "practical, applicable and easy to use". At 15:00 on July 6th, in the live broadcast column of [Hospital Construction "Seeking Medical Consultation"], we will use scientific methods and evaluation tools to find the most suitable solution for the project.

Public account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur - DayDayNews


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Public account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur - DayDayNewsPublic account hot search content Read to the end of the article to view Recently, the main structure of the second phase of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) has been capped. The second phase project of Shandong University Qilu Hospital (Qingdao) is an important measur - DayDayNews

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