"I finally got rid of the trouble of 2000 degrees myopia. It's great!" "My friend also has a very high degree of myopia, 2600 degrees. I came here after seeing that her postoperative results were very good. I have been myopic since I was very young. I I have had hemolytic anemia

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"I finally got rid of the trouble of 2000-degree myopia. It's great!" Ms. Peng said with a face of joy. The ICL lens implantation surgery at Chengdu Aier Eye Hospital gave her a new look. She is very satisfied with the results of the surgery and is full of confidence in the future.

Ms. Peng is from Mianyang. She came to Chengdu Aier Eye Hospital for examination on the recommendation of a friend. "My friend's degree is also very high, 2600 degrees. After seeing that her postoperative results were very good, I came here. I have been myopic since I was very young. I have had hemolytic anemia since I was a child, probably from birth. "

Although hemolytic anemia will not directly cause vision loss, due to the decrease in the number of anemic red blood cells , the body's oxygen-carrying capacity will also decrease, which may cause the optic nerve to not receive sufficient oxygen supply for a long time, causing Optic nerve function decreases, resulting in blurred vision.

After conducting more than 20 professional and meticulous preoperative examinations, the doctor found that Ms. Peng’s eyes had reached 2,000 degrees of myopia. It is understood that Ms. Peng discovered that she was nearsighted when she was in the third grade. She was equipped with glasses, but she didn’t wear them much.

Ms. Peng is undergoing a preoperative examination

"We don't understand in rural areas. My parents don't let me wear them and say not to wear glasses. After wearing them, they will become less and less invisible in the future. Who was not a good baby when they were young? Whatever my parents said was fine. "

" I don't know what I insisted on. It was true that I couldn't see clearly when I was studying, but I never wore glasses. Later, when I finished reading and went to work, I couldn't see clearly and it was inconvenient to work. , I went to get my glasses, but by that time it was already 1,000 degrees. I wore invisible lenses for a long time and loved playing with mobile phones, so the degree kept increasing. "

When myopia occurs, wearing glasses in time can actually effectively control the growth of myopia. When the naked eye vision is poor and the eyes are not controlled by wearing glasses, the eyes themselves have been undergoing high-intensity refraction adjustments, making the eyes more susceptible to the influence and leading to an increase in power.

“I can’t actually see clearly when I walk. I fell down while walking on the road some time ago and broke my knee meniscus . I had a knee surgery just one month ago. I immediately decided to do it as soon as I was discharged from the hospital. The eyes were treated. "

has been suffering from myopia for a long time, and now something life-threatening happened. Ms. Peng learned from the pain and made up her mind that she must come to Aier Eye Clinic for lens removal.

Dean Zhou Jin conducted an interview for Ms. Peng.

Upon examination, Ms. Peng’s eye conditions met the surgical standards. Dean Zhou Jin of Chengdu Aier Refraction Department conducted a follow-up consultation with Ms. Peng. Because her ultra-high myopia cannot withstand corneal resection, laser surgery cannot be performed. The doctor suggested ICL lens implantation to correct myopia through customized lenses. The purpose of the light state.

"Make" the incision through femtosecond laser

Dean Zhou Jin performed ICL lens implantation for Ms. Peng

Two days later, Ms. Peng's double eye surgery was successfully completed and the lens was successfully removed.

"The visual acuity of my left eye can reach 0.8, which I never dared to think about before. It is so clear. Thank you Aier Eye Clinic and Zhou Hospital for the surgery. I was very nervous at the time. Zhou Hospital kept talking to me to comfort me. After the operation started, there was nothing It didn't take long for it to be over. Now the quality of life has improved immediately, it's really great!"

Ms. Peng said in surprise when she saw the scene in front of her became clear after the operation.

Ms. Peng takes a group photo with Dean Zhou Jin

Myopia surgery not only improves the visual quality of myopia patients, but also helps people whose normal lives are affected by myopia to regain their confidence in life and regain their pace in life.

html With 120 years of history and experience accumulation, continuous research in academic and medical technology, and continuous popularization of eye health knowledge to the public, Aier Eye Clinic has won the trust of more and more patients in Sichuan.

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