Usually when our body experiences discomfort, it will mostly manifest on the surface of the skin, such as pain, itching and other discomforts. This disease is caused by a viral infection and is roughly divided into two categories, namely herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Among th

2024/06/2300:29:33 regimen 1205

Usually when our body feels uncomfortable, it will mostly be reflected on the skin surface, such as pain, itching and other discomforts. Generally speaking, the appearance of small blisters on the skin accompanied by pain is more common in herpes diseases. This disease originates from viral infection and is roughly divided into two categories, namely herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Among them, everyone needs to be careful about herpes zoster, as the pain may continue until the disease is cured.

Herpes zoster mostly occurs in middle-aged and elderly people, and it is related to the age and constitution of the patient. Herpes zoster in middle-aged people is generally caused by overwork, and some may also occur after serious illness. Herpes zoster occurs in people over 64 years old, mostly caused by their own physical decline, and the pain in these people lasts longer.

Usually when our body experiences discomfort, it will mostly manifest on the surface of the skin, such as pain, itching and other discomforts. This disease is caused by a viral infection and is roughly divided into two categories, namely herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Among th - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this kind of pain is caused by stagnation of liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach damp-heat . The damp-heat evil traps the meridians and causes local stasis and blockage, which will cause pain. Therefore, most traditional Chinese medicine will use to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, , cool the blood and activate blood circulation, and detoxify and relieve pain. Common methods include oral administration of decoctions, acupuncture, cupping, and external application of plasters.

These treatment methods can often be used in conjunction with each other. For example, patients with liver meridian stagnation and heat syndrome such as dry mouth upset, constipation, and redness can use gentian. Herba , isatis root , Corydalis and other medicines. For external treatment, Sanhuang Lotion or Erwei Badu Powder can be applied externally.

Usually when our body experiences discomfort, it will mostly manifest on the surface of the skin, such as pain, itching and other discomforts. This disease is caused by a viral infection and is roughly divided into two categories, namely herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Among th - DayDayNews

If the patient has loss of appetite, abdominal and wrist distension and pain, and is accompanied by white coating and other obvious symptoms of spleen deficiency and dampness accumulation, when taking internal medicine, it is necessary to focus on strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. Atractylodes, Atractylodes , Poria , Akebia and other drugs. At the same time, it is combined with purslane , wild chrysanthemum leaves, hosta flowers and leaves and other medicines, decoct it in water and wash it externally, or mash it directly for external application.

If the patient has pain that lasts for a long time, always feels depressed, and cannot sleep peacefully due to pain, he or she needs to activate blood circulation and regulate qi, unblock collaterals and relieve pain. Generally, drugs that soothe the liver and activate blood circulation are used for treatment, such as peach kernel , safflower , chai Hu et al. External treatment can be combined with acupuncture, mainly selecting acupoints such as Ashi point, Neiguan , Yanglingquan and Zusanli , for half an hour at a time.

The above is the content about "What causes blisters and pain on the skin". I hope it will be helpful to you! If you still have other questions, you can also ask questions below!

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