Luzhou District Central Hospital. It takes advantage of the "dog days" when the outside world is hottest and the human body's yang energy is the strongest. It applies pungent, warm, phlegm-removing, channeling, stimulating, menstrual, and asthma-relieving drugs to specific acupoi

2024/06/2614:11:32 regimen 1345

Luzhou District Central Hospital. It takes advantage of the

Luzhou District Central Hospital

Summer treatment for winter diseases

Sanfu patch


What is Sanfu patch?

"Sanfu Tie", also known as " Dog Day Moxibustion ", is a classic external treatment method of "winter disease and summer treatment" of traditional Chinese medicine. It takes advantage of the "dog days" when the outside world is hottest and the human body's yang energy is the strongest. It applies pungent, warm, phlegm-removing, channeling, stimulating, menstrual, and asthma-relieving drugs to specific acupoints to warm and unblock yang energy and disperse the body's yang energy. The purpose of cold evil is to warm the lungs, strengthen the spleen and nourish the kidneys, enhance the body's disease resistance, and treat or prevent diseases caused by deficiency and cold that occur or worsen in autumn and winter.

Precautions for Sanfu Tie

1. Winter diseases and summer treatment " Sanfu Tie" indications are diseases of deficiency and cold, suitable for constitutions with yang deficiency and excess of yin or phlegm-dampness and so on.

2. There are clear indications for "Sanfu Tie" to treat winter diseases and summer diseases. Most of the diseases treated are chronic diseases that are prone to relapse. After the curative effect is obtained, treatment must be continued. After the effect is achieved, "Sanfu Tie" needs to be continued for three to five years or every year. treatment to improve clinical efficacy.

3. The application time for adults is generally about 2 hours, and for children it takes 20 to 30 minutes. If you feel local itching, heat, or stinging after applying the medicine, the application time can be shortened appropriately.

4. After applying the medicine, the skin will appear red, and those with sensitive skin may develop blisters, or even leave shallow scars after the medicine is removed. This is normal. If slight blisters appear on the skin after applying the medicine, the wound should be protected to avoid scratching and causing infection. If the blisters are large or the skin allergies are obvious, you need to go to the hospital for treatment.

5. During the "Dog Days" period, you should try to avoid eating raw, cold, fatty, sweet, and greasy foods. You should quit smoking and limit alcohol. On the day of applying the medicine, do not eat shrimps, crabs, seafood, beef, sheep, goose and other fatty foods as well as other hot foods to avoid symptoms. Severe allergies or internal heat may affect the efficacy.

(Source: Changzhi Cancer Hospital Luzhou District Central Hospital)

(Editor: Zhang Wenwei)

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