Today, there are three major killers that affect people's health: high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If high blood pressure and diabetes are preventable and controllable, then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are very danger

2024/06/2214:06:32 regimen 1320

Today, there are three major killers that affect people's health, high blood pressure , diabetes , and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If hypertension and diabetes are preventable and controllable, then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are all serious problems when they occur. It is very dangerous, such as stroke , coronary heart disease , myocardial infarction, etc. Once the disease occurs, if the rescue is not timely, it is likely to be life-threatening, or even cause lifelong disability, and the future will be bleak.

In fact, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are preventable and controllable. The biggest factor leading to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is hyperlipidemia.

Today, there are three major killers that affect people's health: high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If high blood pressure and diabetes are preventable and controllable, then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are very danger - DayDayNews

What is hyperlipidemia? As the name suggests, there is too much grease in the blood vessels, which causes the blood concentration to become thicker and the blood to become too viscous. These greases are metabolic "garbage" in the body. These things cannot be metabolized and enter the blood, eventually causing blood disorders. becomes sticky.

What are the dangers of thickening blood?

You can imagine the heating in your home. In winter, the heating company will add water to the heater in our home. What if our heater adds oil instead of water?

First of all, in order to transport these greases to every household, the heating company must increase the pressure, which will lead to high blood pressure ; when the pressure increases, the danger that comes with it is the bursting of the heating pipes, which is brain The terrible reason for bleeding ; then, these greases are sticky and thick. If they stick to the inner wall of the pipe for a long time, they will narrow the pipe, so that the heating cannot be transported, and the heating in the home will not be hot. This is reflected in the human body. Insufficient blood supply leads to myocardial ischemia , angina pectoris , and palpitation ; and too thick oil can easily block heating pipes, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular thrombosis , resulting in stroke, myocardial infarction, and cerebral infarction .

Today, there are three major killers that affect people's health: high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If high blood pressure and diabetes are preventable and controllable, then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are very danger - DayDayNews

Not only that, long-term blood viscosity will also make blood vessels thin and brittle. The heart will run at high load for a long time and will eventually be overwhelmed, leading to heart failure and inducing various heart problems, thus the problem of hyperlipidemia. It is not a small problem and must be taken seriously. What to do with

? How to reduce blood viscosity?

There are currently a wide variety of drugs on the market that reduce blood lipids . At present, there are countless drugs such as aspirin, simvastatin , Jiangzhi Ling, Zhibidu , etc. These are still relatively popular ordinary drugs. As for those that cost a few yuan or tens of Yuanyuan's medicine is not a rare item. These medicines need to be taken for a long time. After all, they are three-part poison. Many people are reluctant to take these medicines.

There is a widely circulated folk prescription called Danzhaosan . This prescription has become a magic weapon for people to lower blood lipids and dilute blood because of its economical benefits and reliable efficacy.

Danzhao powder is composed of 500 grams of hawthorn and Salvia miltiorrhiza 300 grams. Grind the two drugs into fine powder, mix them evenly and bottle them for later use. Take 1 tablespoon (15-20g) before breakfast every day, and make a paste with warm water. Take it once, and generally if you insist on taking it for more than half a year, there will be a significant improvement in the condition of hyperlipidemia.

Today, there are three major killers that affect people's health: high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If high blood pressure and diabetes are preventable and controllable, then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are very danger - DayDayNews

High blood lipids will cause the blood to become dull in color and run slowly. These symptoms are consistent with congestion in traditional Chinese medicine. According to traditional Chinese medicine, high blood lipids are caused by blood stasis, and the fundamental treatment is to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis .

Salvia miltiorrhiza and hawthorn can both activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. The congestion will disappear and the blood concentration will become normal.

Let’s first look at Salvia miltiorrhiza. Salvia miltiorrhiza is widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Salvia miltiorrhiza can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, stimulate menstruation and relieve pain. Salvia miltiorrhiza enters the heart and liver meridian. The heart governs blood vessels and the liver stores blood. This shows that the main function of Salvia miltiorrhiza in promoting blood circulation is its function In blood. It is widely used in clinical practice. As the saying goes: is the same as Salvia miltiorrhiza and drinking , and the effect is the same as Siwu Decoction. Salvia miltiorrhiza injection is a commonly used drug to treat cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

Another one is hawthorn. Many people only know that hawthorn is a good medicine for stomach and digestion. If you eat too much, it will not be digested. Eating a few hawthorn can help spleen and stomach digestion. Few people know that hawthorn can also promote qi and remove blood stasis, resolve turbidity and lower fat. Zhang Xichun, the miracle doctor of the Republic of China, recorded in "Medical Zhongzhongshenxilu" that hawthorn "is good at penetrating into the blood and is an important medicine for removing blood stasis" . This sentence means that hawthorn can remove congestion and turbidity in the blood. After taking it out, the blood will be clean, and high blood pressure and high blood fat will disappear. Not only that, hawthorn also has a good effect on protecting the heart.

Hawthorn and Salvia miltiorrhiza, two "powerful players" for removing blood stasis and lowering blood lipids, cooperate with each other. They can not only effectively reduce blood viscosity, prevent and treat hyperlipidemia, but also "remove blood stasis without damaging new blood, open up depressed qi and "Doesn't harm righteousness" is the beauty of .

Today, there are three major killers that affect people's health: high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If high blood pressure and diabetes are preventable and controllable, then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are very danger - DayDayNews

For people with high blood lipids, whether mild, moderate or severe, or with or without atherosclerosis, they can take it according to the above method. If the patient is middle-aged and elderly with high blood lipids and fat body, adding lotus leaf for digestion and weight loss will complement each other.

Hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, and diabetes are all called " diseases of wealth ". The root cause is still closely related to unreasonable diet.

Many people like to seek so-called "miraculous medical remedies" when they get sick. Little do they know that the way to get healthy is in their own hands. As long as they strictly control some of their behaviors, "Shut up and move away." "Legs" , I believe there will be no big problems for you.

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