As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the "bitter summer". The closer we enter the "bitter summer", the more we must pay attention to our diet. In additi

2024/05/1707:15:33 regimen 1560

As soon as summer comes, many friends will easily feel tired, lose their appetite, feel sleepy, etc. In traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to "bitter summer" (also called "簰夏[zhù xià]").

As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the

The more we enter the "bitter summer", the more we must pay attention to our diet. In addition to drinking more water every day, we must also slowly nourish the damage caused by high temperature through diet, nourish our own "vital energy", and enable ourselves to cope with it with full energy. In the hot summer, I feel full of energy every day.

recommends three "Yuanyuan soup" below, all of which can increase nutrition and nourish vitality while replenishing water.

Eight-treasure soup : Tonify the liver and kidneys, replenish qi and blood

Eight-treasure soup is a breakfast paste that Shi Zaixiang, a nationally renowned senior Chinese medicine doctor, and his wife have been eating for more than 20 years. It is rich in nutrients and has the functions of tonifying the liver and kidneys, replenishing qi and blood. It has the effects of strengthening the stomach, promoting body fluids, beautifying and losing weight, and is especially beneficial to people with constipation.

As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the

* Raisins nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish qi and blood, and beautify the skin;

* Milk powder supplements calcium and improves immunity;

* Honey moistens dryness and laxatives, and is beautifying and nourishing the skin;

* Lotus root powder nourishes yin, promotes body fluid, nourishes blood and stops bleeding;

* Black sesame seeds nourishes the liver and kidneys;

* walnut kernels nourish the brain and resist aging;

* oatmeal, wheat germ, control sugar cholesterol and relieve constipation.

[Tip] The dosage of each powder can be adjusted according to personal conditions:

For severe constipation, you can add more powders such as oatmeal, wheat germ, black sesame powder, and walnut powder that can help with defecation;

If you want to beautify your body, you can add more raisins. ;

Diabetic patients can reduce the amount of honey.

Tremella soup: nourishing both Qi and Yin

"Compendium of Materia Medica" once recorded: "White fungus has the moistness of Ophiopogon japonicus without the coldness, the sweetness of Polygonatum without the greasiness, and is sincerely moist. The essential ingredients for nourishing yin in the lungs are not as good as those of ginseng, velvet antler, and bird's nest."

Tremella can nourish yin and moisturize the lungs , and is rich in tremella polysaccharides, which can reduce the lipofuscin content of human heart muscle tissue and body surface skin, helping to beautify the skin.

As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the

The first master of Traditional Chinese MedicineDeng TietaoDeng Lao combined Tremella fuciformis with Shengmai Yin and made a bowl of Tremella fuciformis soup which replenishes Qi and Yin. Shengmai Yin is composed of ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus and Schisandra chinensis, which has the effect of replenishing Qi and rejuvenating pulse, The effect of nourishing yin and promoting body fluid . It is used for deficiency of Qi and Yin, palpitations, shortness of breath, weak pulse and spontaneous sweating.

As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the

Ginseng greatly nourishes vitality, Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes both Qi and Yin, and Schisandra chinensis is sour and astringent. The combination of these three medicines has the effect of "beneficial to the liver and kidneys without disturbing the heart." When paired with Tremella fungus, it can nourish the lungs while nourishing Qi and Yin. .

Two black and two white Tai Chi soup: nourishing the spleen and stomachspleen and stomach

As the saying goes, "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of acquired nature." If the spleen and stomach are not good, Qi and blood are insufficient, , the blood does not flow smoothly, all kinds of problems will come to your door!

As for nourishing the spleen and stomach, yam is recommended in many prescriptions. The "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" records: yam "is sweet and warm in taste, nourishes the weak and weak, removes cold and heat evil, builds muscles, and makes the ears and eyes bright after long-term use." It enters the spleen, lung, and kidney meridians. Regular consumption can nourish yin and qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and strengthen kidney essence.

As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the

In addition to steaming yam and adding it to soup, the waiter will also bring a new way to eat it today - two black and two white Tai Chi soup. Among them, two black refers to black sesame and black rice ; and two white refer to milk and yam.

As soon as summer comes, many friends feel tired easily, or have a loss of appetite, feel sleepy, etc. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this may be due to the

People with weak spleen and stomach , indigestion, and poor bowel movements can try it.

(CCTV home for dinner)

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