#Share#20220714 #A49 Huang Zichen 31/100 Ye Wubin Time Management Procrastination: Three ways to cure procrastination Continue to share about the solution to procrastination. One of the simplest and most effective is to choose to do happy and meaningful things. Share today The mo

2024/06/2418:54:32 psychological 1487

#Share #20220714 #A49 Huang Zichen

31/100 Ye Wubin Time Management Procrastination: Three ways to cure procrastination

Continue to share the solution to procrastination. One of the simplest and most effective is to choose to do happy and meaningful things. Today, I will share the most difficult and most effective method to enhance self-control and willpower. Self-control is a scarce resource.

This is the most difficult and best method. It has three major aspects. The first system is easy to learn and summarize. Performance mode, potato Pomodoro, collection scheduling and execution, this method comes from 28 rule .

People have too many desires and too many things at the same time. It is not enough to manage them with their brains. They need to use tools to manage them. There are very few things in the schedule and fixed important things, and the others are put on the list. Schedule plus list system, the schedule is planned on a daily basis, the list is long-term and flexible, and is classified according to scenarios.

Second, don’t have the idea of ​​getting something for nothing immediately. Choose 90 days to change yourself, join the circle, start with a small thing that is unhappy and disliked but meaningful, stick to it, you can bet on self-motivation, and it will accumulate over time. Happy and meaningful things, you will gradually like them more and more, reduce the difficulty to a minimum, and love does not persist.

The third is to rebuild the online lifestyle, combine work and rest, cultivate a healthy lifestyle, regularize life, go to bed early and get up early, exercise, and make a bedtime list. Among the solutions to procrastination, there are two recommended ones. Methods, long-term solutions to procrastination, one is exercise and the other is meditation.

Research shows that after exercise, learning ability will increase by 20%. Exercise is advocated by many experts.

The second one is meditation, mindfulness meditation, which is the practice of conscious mindfulness in the present moment. This is a kind of meditation method, which is especially useful for procrastination. It emphasizes the method of maintaining non-judgment. As a method of reducing stress, mindfulness practice has Of particular great value, procrastinators live under physical and mental stress and advocate mindfulness meditation to reduce stress.

System learning is easy to perform, develop good habits through a small thing, and continue snowball effect , rebuild an online lifestyle, develop healthy living habits, and fundamentally solve procrastination through these three methods. Let’s practice together and welcome to communicate and share.

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#Share#20220714 #A49 Huang Zichen 31/100 Ye Wubin Time Management Procrastination: Three ways to cure procrastination Continue to share about the solution to procrastination. One of the simplest and most effective is to choose to do happy and meaningful things. Share today The mo - DayDayNews

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