Emotional Healing: Get rid of inner anxiety "Good Mood Practice Manual: 28 Habits of Not Being Swayed by Emotions" Anger, anxiety, fear, uneasiness... Now when we cannot eliminate and sort out our emotions, the final result is to make ourselves "chaotic" Unbearable" and "angsty".

2024/06/2121:43:32 psychological 1216

Emotional Healing: Get rid of inner anxiety

Emotional Healing: Get rid of inner anxiety

"Good Mood Practice Manual: 28 Habits of Not Being Swayed by Emotions"

Anger, anxiety, fear, uneasiness... Now when we cannot eliminate and organize emotions, the final result is to let go He was "confused" and "anxious". The author of this book, Masaki Nisido, is a well-known Japanese psychiatrist. He proposed 28 daily exercises that can be done on such matters as "how not to be affected by emotions" and "how to deal with negative emotions correctly". For example, set a deadline for the pressure, try your best, and give up completely if you can't do it; let yourself "pause" when your emotions reach the critical value, temporarily put aside the unpleasant mood, and just focus on the work in front of you; when you want to worry, just do it as much as you want. When other things appear in the mind, the worries are over.

"Reasons to Live"

html At the age of 124, the author Matt Haig was unfortunately chosen by fate and became a depression patient . This book tells the story of this young man, who is no stronger than anyone else, overcoming the extreme mental pain bit by bit and surviving from despair. In "Reasons to Live", Matt accurately reproduces the incomprehensible, unspeakable and heart-rending mental pain with literary techniques, and expresses the cries that have never been heard by the world on behalf of patients with depression; In a light and gentle tone, he tells his experience of fighting off darkness again and again in the company of love, and shares with readers a life journey in which despair and hope coexist, and darkness and warmth are intertwined.

"How to Live an Autonomous Life"

Many people want to please others and avoid conflicts. They often ignore their own needs because of other people's expectations. Therefore, they are at the mercy of the outside world and cannot control their own lives. This book helps people deal with their relationships with work, partners, family, time and themselves by explaining principles, analyzing cases, and designing exercises. This allows people to learn to recognize their own value, reconcile with their inner critic, trust their intuition, and ultimately live an autonomous life.

"Resolving Our Inner Conflicts"

You may feel that there are tinderboxes everywhere around you, each of which will explode at the touch of it. Communication is always inadequate, full of grievances but dare not speak out. You will eagerly hope that others will admit their mistakes and correct them, and imagine that things will change accordingly. However, if we carefully examine where the war spreads, it is not difficult to find that all conflicts stem from self-betrayal. It's not that others are struggling with you, it's you who are struggling with yourself. When reading this book, you will attend a special symposium with the father of a troubled teenager, digging into the core of the conflict layer by layer like peeling an onion, facing the original impulse in your heart, and using the pyramid model to learn from the inside Solve problems in the field. The key to resolving conflicts is not correcting behavior or managing emotions, but seeing clearly and being true to oneself, and gaining inner peace.

"Fortunately I'm Still Alive"

After entering college, I once suffered from severe "social anxiety disorder". When I walked through the endless tunnel shrouded in darkness, I wandered endlessly in the Möbius strip. I hoped that one day I could return to a normal life. With the help of doctors, family and friends, I embarked on an extremely difficult journey of rebirth... Fortunately, I did not give up!

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