/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year.

2024/05/2713:41:32 psychological 1793

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year. - DayDayNews

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis journal cover/

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD Publishing Company and publishes 4 issues per year. The ISSN number of this journal is 0002-9157, and the eISSN number is 2160-0562. The editor-in-chief of the journal is Stephen R. Lankton from the United States. Obtained the first journal impact factor (0.422) in 1997. In 2020, the impact factor is 1.075, and the latest partition is PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI Q4 area.

Database included

British Library * Health Care Information Service

•Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED)



•RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

•De Gruyter Saur

•IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes - und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur


• Family & Society Studies Worldwide




•National Library of Medicine




•Arts and Humanities Search



•Thomson Reuters

•Current Contents

•Social Sciences Citation Index

•Web of Science

Publish topic

《 American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (AJCH) is the official publication of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). The journal publishes original scientific articles and clinical case reports on hypnosis, as well as book reviews and summaries of current hypnosis literature. The range of AJCH articles includes multiple and single case studies, empirical studies of , treatment models, hypnosis theory, and the occasional feature article related to hypnosis. Members of ASCH and readers of AJCH include licensed health care professionals and university faculty in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, clinical social work, clinical psychology, dentistry, and counseling, as well as graduate students in these disciplines. AJCH is unique among other hypnosis journals in that it primarily emphasizes professional applications of hypnosis.

Publication column:

  • Article (Article)
  • Review (Review)
  • Book Review (Book Review)

Publication volume

The number of articles published in "American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" from 2012 to 2021 fluctuates around 15 to 60 articles per year, and the number of articles published in 2019 20 articles, 39 articles were published in 2020, and 35 articles were published in 2021. As of 2021, among the 2,460 articles that have been included in WOS, 1 article was published by a Chinese, accounting for 0.04%.

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year. - DayDayNews

The number of articles published in "American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" from 2012 to 2021 (the articles in 2022 are not completely completed)

Article type Article research direction

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year. - DayDayNews

As of January 2022, the research direction of "American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" has been published.

The top 10 countries in terms of circulation

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year. - DayDayNews

The top 10 countries in the publication volume of "American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" in the past three years

Impact factor

"American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" nosis》 The impact factor has ranged from 0-1 in recent years, and the latest impact factor in 2020 is 1.075.

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year. - DayDayNews

2016~2020 "American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" impact factor

Journal partition

According to the 2020 JCR report, "American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis" is located in the PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI Q4 area.

/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis cover/American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: The first issue was published in 1958. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD publishing company and publishes 4 issues every year. - DayDayNews

Submission link


Publication fee

The publication of this journal is divided into Open Access and Subscription. The access type page fee is US$3,085, approximately RMB 20,595 Yuan, subscription-based free.

acceptance rate, review speed and publication speed:

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis The acceptance rate of the paper is about 59%. It takes about 22 days from submission to the first review decision. It takes about 26 days from submission to the first blind review decision. Approximately 154 days for online publication.



2.Web of Science

3.Journal Citation Reports

psychological Category Latest News