When it comes to autism, many parents know that they don't like to talk or communicate with others. They have no friends since childhood and even just immerse themselves in their own world. However, there is an "alternative" kind of autism called Asperger's syndrome. , this group

2024/05/2619:13:32 psychological 1753

mentioned autism Many parents know that they don’t like to talk or communicate with others. They have no friends since childhood and even just immerse themselves in their own world. However, there is an "alternative" kind of autism called Asthma Burger syndrome , this group of people is similar to autism, and is harder to detect than autism!

What is Asperger syndrome?

Asperger's syndrome (Asperger's disorder) is a psychiatric disorder that affects interpersonal communication and emotional communication. It is a developmental disorder, which means the symptoms are present at birth and can affect an individual's lifelong development. Children with Asperger syndrome have the following four characteristics: obvious difficulties in interpersonal communication, poor language communication, stereotyped behavior patterns and interests, and abnormal responses to stimuli and environments.

When it comes to autism, many parents know that they don't like to talk or communicate with others. They have no friends since childhood and even just immerse themselves in their own world. However, there is an

So what are the main behavioral characteristics of Asperger syndrome?

1. Social Behavior Disorder

Children with Asperger syndrome often desire to interact with other people, but they lack social skills, cannot empathize with others, and cannot understand other people's feelings and thoughts, so they often use inappropriate actions and behaviors to They "provoke" others to the point that children don't want to come into contact with them. They have few good friends and even appear to be unsociable. Over time, some children simply indulge in their personal interests, and some will only talk to the people they are most familiar with, while remaining silent on other occasions.

2. Narrow interests and stereotyped restricted behaviors

Children with Asperger syndrome have unique interests. They often have special interests in astronomy, geographical knowledge, history, natural science, technology and computers, etc., while normal children like Things are not interesting. Some will also show some repetitive actions and stereotyped behaviors, such as walking the same route or eating the same food every day, and liking to ask questions repeatedly.

When it comes to autism, many parents know that they don't like to talk or communicate with others. They have no friends since childhood and even just immerse themselves in their own world. However, there is an

3. Language barrier

Although these children have a large vocabulary, they cannot understand the content of the joke. For example, the joke is very cold. It is difficult for them to associate the joke with coldness, and they cannot express themselves in a humorous way. The reason is that they may only understand the literal meaning and cannot understand the meaning behind the words. They will be self-centered. Regardless of whether the other party is interested in what they are talking about, they will often talk endlessly about topics that interest them. They do not know how to start a conversation and may start with a comment that has nothing to do with the situation at that time. Or it may be difficult to maintain a common topic with the other person.

4. Other manifestations

Such children often have extraordinary memory, such as recognizing directions, memorizing train timetables, subway stations, etc., but have difficulty understanding abstract concepts (such as guesses, hopes, and time sequences, etc.), and many children will have attention. They are not very focused on activities that interest them, but they are very focused on activities that interest them. Some children will develop clumsy movements since childhood. For example, they may not be able to button buttons or tie shoelaces when they were young. They may have difficulty writing when they go to school, and they may not like to attend physical education classes.

When it comes to autism, many parents know that they don't like to talk or communicate with others. They have no friends since childhood and even just immerse themselves in their own world. However, there is an

When it comes to Asperger's, the first thing many people think of is the word "genius". In fact, this is not the case. In their early stages, children with Asperger's syndrome tend to be clumsy in social skills and lack empathy. This is a common phenomenon with Asperger's syndrome.

hopes that the above content can help everyone understand more correctly the Asperger syndrome group, which has symptoms similar to autism. They also deserve to be known and understood.

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