One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies?

2024/05/2610:23:35 psychological 1350

1. One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies?

2. The three passengers A, B, and C on a certain car are of the same age as the three flight attendants (driver, conductor, and ticket inspector) on the car. Now I only know:

(1) A is 25 years old this year;

(2) The ticket inspector lost to the flight attendant of the same age as A yesterday in chess;

(3) B is going back to his hometown in Shanghai today, and the flight attendant of the same age as B happened to be They are from the same hometown as him;

(4) The driver’s age is three times that of his daughter, and she is now attending primary school at home; C’s age is 20 years older than the driver’s daughter. Based on the above conditions, infer that the age of the driver, conductor and which of the three passengers are the same year this year?

3. Miss Mei is so beautiful that she is favored by nine men in the office. Among these nine people, one is secretly dating Miss Mei. Below are the conversations of these nine men. Only four of them got it right. Based on the following conversation, please infer who Miss Mei’s lover is.

A: I think it must be G.

B: I think it's G.

C: I am Miss Mei’s lover.

D: C is lying.

E: I think it must be I.

F: Not me, not I.

G: F is telling the truth.

H: C is Miss Mei’s lover.

I: I am Miss Mei’s lover.

4. The geography teacher drew a picture of the five continents of the world on the blackboard and wrote a code name for each continent. Then, he asked each of his five classmates to identify two continents. The answers of the five students are:

A: No. 3 is Europe, No. 2 is America;

B: No. 4 is Asia, No. 2 is Oceania ;

C: No. 1 is Asia, No. 5 is Africa;

D: No. 4 is Asia. Africa, No. 3 is Oceania;

E: No. 2 is Europe, No. 5 is America.

The geography teacher said: "Each of you has only answered half of the answers correctly."

Excuse me, what continent is each number?

5. Four couples moved into a certain city, and the neighbors couldn’t tell who was a couple. He learned a few clues from the side:

(1) When C got married, B went to congratulate her, but Ding did not go.

(2) B and A have similar bodies and looks.

(3) D’s lover is B’s lover’s cousin.

(4) B, C and D lived in the same dormitory when they were studying in school.

(5) When couple B went out, the lovers of A, C and B went to the airport to see them off.

Please use the above clues to infer who is married to whom.

6. A certain family has three children studying in three universities A, B and C in the city, majoring in history, chemistry and biology. Now it is known that the eldest child is not in University A, the second child is not in University B, the one in University A is not studying history, the one in University B is studying chemistry, and the second child is not studying biology. May I ask: Which university did the third child go to and what major did he study?

7. Zhang San and Li Si are good friends. Once, two people quarreled over a trivial matter. Li Si accused Zhang San of lying, and Zhang San swore to heaven: "I absolutely did not lie today. From the time I was born to now, I have only lied three times." Li Si immediately said: "You said you only lied before? You have lied three times, which is a lie in itself. It can be said that this is your fourth lie. "Please prove that this statement of Li Si is wrong no matter what."

8. There are six brothers, arranged in order of size: Ichiro, Erlang, Sanlang, Shiro, Wulang and Liulang. When these six people ate around the round table, they all expressed that they were not on good terms with the brothers above and below them, and they would never sit with them. So, let me ask you, if Sanlang’s neighbor is not Wulang, which two brothers will be Erlang’s neighbor?

9. There is a forest where two people, old and young, live. The old man only tells lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and the young men only tell lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. At other times, they tell the truth. One day, Xiao Ming walked into the forest and got lost. He happened to meet those two people and knew that they were telling lies. So he thought that in order to find out the way, he had to first find out what day of the week it was.If it is Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, he cannot ask the elderly; if it is Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, he cannot ask the young; if it is Sunday, of course he can ask anyone. So, Xiao Ming went to ask them, and both of them answered: "Yesterday was the day I lied." Xiao Ming thought for a while and knew what day of the week it was. Do you know what day of the week it is?

10. A newspaper decided to recruit an amateur reporter, and six people, Zhao, Qian, Sun, Li, Zhou and Wu, went to take the exam. Who can be hired? A, B, C and D each made their own judgment.

A: Zhao and Qian have hope;

B: Zhao and Sun have hope;

C: Zhou and Wu have hope;

D: Zhao is impossible.

In fact, only one person's judgment is right. So, who became an amateur reporter?

11. There are five people: Zhou, Wang, Zhang, Zhao, and Li. Two of them never tell lies, and the other three sometimes tell the truth and sometimes lie. From the following conversation, please find someone who never lies.

Zhou: "Wang is not a liar."

Wang: "Zhang is a liar."

Zhang: "Zhao is a liar."

Zhao: "Li is a liar."

Li: "Wang is a liar." A liar."

Zhou: "Li is not a liar."

Li: "Zhang is a liar."

12. There are No. 1, No. 3, No. 6, and No. 9 in a professional basketball team. and No. 12, a total of six main players. After long-term training and actual games, the coach summarized the best cooperation between these main players as follows:

(1) If No. 4 comes on the field, No. 6 must also play;

(2) Only No. 1 does not If No. 3 plays, No. 3 will not play;

(3) Either No. 3 will play or No. 6 will play,

(4) If No. 9 and No. 12 play, then No. 4 will also play.

now needs No. 1 and No. 12 to play at the same time.

Does No. 9 have to play?

13.A, B, C and D are very good friends. They live in a city. One of them is a policeman, one is a carpenter, one is a farmer, and the other is a doctor. One day, A's son broke his leg, and A took him to see a doctor. The doctor has a sister who is C's wife. The farmer was never married and he kept many hens. B often goes to farmers’ houses to buy eggs. The police see C every day because they are neighbors. Please infer the occupations of each of the four people.

14. There are five people, A, B, C, D, and E. Each of them has a piece of black or white paper stuck on their forehead. Five people sit across from each other. Each person can see the color of the paper on the forehead of the other four people, but he does not know the color of the paper on his own forehead.

After the five people observed each other,

A said: "I saw three people had white paper on their foreheads, and one person had black paper on their foreheads."

B said: "I saw the other four people had black paper on their foreheads. "

C said: "I saw one person had white paper on their foreheads, and the other three had black paper on their foreheads."

D said: "I saw four people had white paper on their foreheads."

E. Nothing was said.

analyzes the statements of these four people and you will find that there are many contradictions here. Some of them actually told lies. It is now known that people with black paper on their foreheads are telling lies, and people with white paper on their foreheads are telling the truth. Please find the person among the five who has a white paper on his forehead.

15. There are three families A, B and C. Each family has three children. One day, nine children from three families competed in a sprint competition. It was stipulated that the first person regardless of age would get 9 points, the second place would get 8 points, and so on, and the last place would get 1 point. The result of the game is that each team has the same total score. And none of these children reached the finish line at the same time (that is, there were no tied rankings), and no two or three children from a family obtained consecutive rankings. It is known that the child who won the first place is a child of the C family, and the child who won the second place is a child of the B family. So whose child is the last place?

16. A teacher tested five students on five subjects. The teacher's scoring method is that for each subject, the person with the best score will receive 1 point, the person with the next best score will receive 2 points, and so on, and the last person will receive 5 points. After the exam, the teacher announced the following results:

(1) Each of these five students had different total scores.No one gets the same score in the same subject. But everyone has one subject in which they are the best among the five.

(2) Based on the total score, Xiao Hua ranks first, followed by Xiao Ming, Xiao Qiang, Xiao Le, and Xiao Yu (the first has the least total score, and the last has the most).

(3) Xiaohua’s total score is 12 points, and Xiaoming’s total score is 2 points more than Xiaohua;

(4) Xiaohua’s history score is the best; Xiaoming’s Chinese score is the best, and he got the first place in geography and English. Three; Xiaoqiang ranked first in geography, second in mathematics, and third in history; Xiaoyu ranked first in mathematics and second in English.

The teacher didn’t say anything about Xiaole’s grades. Based on the above situation, can you know Xiaole’s scores in each subject?

17. Four hunters A, B, C and D went hunting together. After it was over, the four people laid out their prey for evaluation. Among their prey, there was a lion, three leopards, and the rest were tigers and wolves. In order to compare their abilities, they rated various beasts. They reached an agreement: the lion had the highest score, followed by the tiger, then the leopard, and finally the wolf. Based on the scores of various beasts and the hunting status of each hunter, it is calculated:

(1) The total score of the four people is 18 points.

(2) The sum of the total scores of A and D is equal to the sum of the total scores of B and C.

(3) Among the four, Ding got the least points.

(4) When it comes to the number of prey, Ding has the most.

How many points do you get for hunting a lion, tiger, leopard and wolf? What wild animals did A, B, C, and D hunt? How many heads are there?

18.A director wants to choose an actor for a certain movie. His requirements for actors are: (A) big eyes, (B) thin body, (C) tall, (D) dark hair. Now there are four people A, B, C and D to be selected. Among them:

(1) only three of them have big eyes and thin bodies.

(2) Only two people have dark hair and are tall.

(3) Only two people are both thin and tall.

(4) Only one person has big eyes and black hair.

As for the characteristics of these four people:

(5) The eyes of A and B are about the same size.

(6) B and C have the same hair color.

(7) C and A are fatter and thinner, forming an obvious contrast.

(8) Ding and A are the same height.

One of the four people met the conditions required by the director. Who is this person?


One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

1. From the meaning of the question: one person said A lied, two people said B lied, and one person said C lied. Since both A and C say B is lying, then they both either lie or tell the truth.

If both A and C tell the truth, then C will not accuse A of lying. This is obviously contradictory to C accusing A of lying in the question. Therefore, the assumption that both A and C are telling the truth is not valid. So as long as A and C both lie, then B is telling the truth, and it is verified that B's accusation against C is also correct.

So the final judgment result is: B told the truth, and both A and C lied.

2. According to (3), the driver will not be the same age as B. The driver's age is three times that of his daughter. Then according to (1), he will not be the same age as A. Therefore, the driver is only the same age as C. Since C's age is 20 years older than the driver's daughter, it can be concluded that C's age, that is, the driver's age is 30 years old.

Since A is not the same age as the driver, and according to (2) "The ticket inspector lost to the flight attendant who is the same age as A yesterday in chess", it can be inferred that A is not the same age as the ticket inspector, so A can only be the same age as the conductor. So, the answer to the question is: the driver is 30 years old, and the conductor and passenger A are the same age.

3.C is Miss Mei’s lover. Think about the answers other than C. Since they do not meet the condition of "only four people said it correctly", they are not correct.

4. According to A’s answer, assuming that No. 2 is America, E’s answer is correct, then E’s answer that No. 2 is Europe is wrong, and E’s other answer (No. 5 is America) is correct. In this way, both No. 2 and No. 5 are America, which is obviously contradictory, so America is not No. 2. In this way, A's other answer (No. 3 is Europe) should be correct.Since No. 2 is not Europe, then E’s second answer (No. 5 is America) is correct. Since No. 3 is Europe, D's answer that No. 3 is Oceania is wrong, so D's answer that No. 4 is Africa is correct. In the same way, since No. 4 is Africa, we can infer from C’s answer that No. 1 is Asia. Furthermore, it can be inferred from B's answer that No. 2 is Oceania.

In summary, it can be seen that: No. 1 is Asia, No. 2 is Oceania, No. 3 is Europe, No. 4 is Africa, and No. 5 is America.

5. From (4), we know that B, C and D are of the same sex. From (3), we know that D’s lover is male, so D is female. From this we can see that B, C and D are women. From (2), we know that A is female. So A, B, C, and D are all women. Naturally, A, B, C, and D are male. From (5), we know that B’s wife cannot be C or B, but can only be A or D. But from (3), we know that it cannot be D. Therefore, B's wife is A. From (5), A's wife cannot be C or B, so A's wife is D. From (1) we know that C’s wife is not B, so C’s wife is C. The remaining B and D must be husband and wife. To sum up, B and A, D and B, A and D, and C and C are four couples.

6. Since the students at University A are not studying history, but the students at University B are studying chemistry, it can be inferred that the students at University A are studying biology, and the students at University C are studying history.

From the meaning of the question, we can see that the second child is not at University B. The second child is not studying biology, so the second child can only study history at University C. And since the eldest child is not at University A, then the eldest child is obviously studying chemistry at University B, and the remaining third child must be studying biology at University A. Therefore, the third child went to University A and majored in biology.

7. If Zhang San is telling the truth, that is, he has only lied three times before, of course Li Si’s statement is wrong. If Zhang San has never lied before, or has only lied once or twice, then this is at most the third time he lied, and Li Si’s statement is not correct either. If Zhang San has lied more than three times before, then this is at least the fifth time he has lied, not the fourth time anyway. Therefore, no matter how many times Zhang San lied, Li Si's statement was wrong.

8. Because Saburo’s neighbors are not Wuro, his neighbors can only be Ichiro and Rokuro. After the sitting positions of the first, third, and sixth men were arranged, there was only one way for the other three people to sit, that is, Erlang sat opposite Sanlang, and his neighbors were Shiro and Wulang. The circular seating order is: one, three, six, four, two, five.

9. Assume that today is Sunday, then both of them should tell the truth, but the old man said that yesterday (Saturday) was the day he lied. Therefore, this is inconsistent with the meaning of the question, so that day is not Sunday. Suppose that day is Monday, then the young person should tell the truth, but he said yesterday (Sunday) was the day he lied. This is also inconsistent with the meaning of the question, so the day cannot be Monday. By the same token, it can be inferred that today is not Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. So that day can only be Thursday. Because on Thursday, the old man should tell the truth, he will say yesterday (Wednesday) was the day he lied; and Thursday is the day the younger man lied, so he will say yesterday (Wednesday) was the day he lied. This is exactly in line with the meaning of the question. Therefore, it can be seen from the above that: today is Thursday.

10. The key to reasoning about this question is "only one person's judgment is correct." If A and B both say "Zhao has hope", then Zhao is eliminated. Ding said "Zhao is impossible", which means that the other five people are possible. Then according to the meaning of the question, Qian was excluded (A said Qian has hope), Sun was excluded (B said Sun has hope), and Zhou and Wu were also excluded. Ruled out (C said they had hope). In this way, only if Li becomes a reporter, it meets the meaning of the question (only one person's judgment is correct).

11. Let’s first assume that Zhou is a person who never lies. From Zhou’s words, it can be seen that neither Wang nor Li are liars. This is inconsistent with the meaning of the question. Therefore, Zhou is not a person who never lies. Suppose Zhang is a person who never lies. Then it can be seen from Zhang's words that Zhao lied. If the king said "Zhang is a liar", then the king also lied. Zhou also said that the king did not lie, and that Zhou also lied. From this, we should infer that Zhang is a liar. Li never lies. But Li also said that Zhang lied, thus proving that Zhang is not a person who never lies.

By the same token, Li is not a person who never lies.From this we can see that the two people who never lie are Wang and Zhao, and this is not inconsistent with the meaning of the question.

12.9 cannot play. Because No. 9 is on the field, from (4) we know that No. 4 will also be on the field; from (1) we know that No. 4 is on the field, so is No. 6; and from (2) is we know from (2) that No. 1 is on the field, so is No. 3, This contradicts (3) that No. 3 and No. 6 cannot play at the same time, so No. 9 cannot play.

13.A is a policeman, C is a carpenter, D is a farmer, and B is a doctor. From the meaning of the question, we know that C is not a doctor (because the doctor’s sister is his wife), not a farmer (because the farmer is never married), and not a policeman (because he and the policeman are neighbors), so he can only be a carpenter. It can also be seen that A is not a doctor (because he took his son to see a doctor), nor a farmer (because he has a son), so A can only be a policeman. And because B often goes to farmers' houses to buy eggs, it can be seen that he is not a farmer, so he can only be a doctor. In the end, the only remaining Ding could be a farmer.

14. Let’s first analyze how many of the four people A, B, C, and D have white paper on their foreheads. The people with the white paper on their foreheads should all see the same results, because according to the question, they all told the truth, so their speeches should be the same. But the speeches of A, B, C, and D were in four different ways. It can be seen that at most one of these four people had a white paper on his forehead and told the truth. Furthermore, we can infer that at least three of the five people A, B, C, D, and E have black paper on their foreheads, and it is impossible for all five people to have black paper on their foreheads (if it does, then B should lie) , which contradicts what B said in the question). This proves that one of B and C must be correct. Now assuming that B's words are correct, then B's forehead is white and the other four people are all black. Therefore, in C's view, they are one white and three black. However, because he lied, he will not say one white and three black. , which contradicts the words of C in the question, so the assumption is not valid. Since B's words are wrong, then C's words are correct (because at least one of B and C is telling the truth). Since C's words are correct, then what he has on his forehead is white paper, and from his words we can also infer that what E has on his forehead is also white paper.

15. The sum of the scores of the nine children should be the accumulation of 1 to 9, which is 45 points. It is now known that the scores of the three families are the same, so the sum of the scores of the three children of each family is 15 points. Divide the nine numbers from 1 to 9 into three groups, one group of three and one group of three, and make the sum of the three numbers in each group equal to 15. It can be found that there are only two possibilities for the scoring of each family. The first type: House A’s score is 9, 5, 1; House B’s score is 7, 6, 2; House C’s score is 8, 4, 3. The second type: House A’s score is 8, 6, 1; House B’s score is 9, 4, 2; House C’s score is 7, 5, 3. In the first case, two children from family B got consecutive rankings, which is inconsistent with the meaning of the question. Therefore, the scoring situation of each child can only be the second situation. That is, the scores of the children of family C are 9, 4, 2 (because his family has the first child); the scores of the children of family B are 8, 6, 1 (because his family has the second child), and the remaining Family A’s children’s scores can only be 7, 5, or 3. It can be seen from the above scoring situation that the child of family B won the last place.

16. First of all, it can be inferred that the total score of the five people should be 75 points. It is known that Xiao Hua's score is 12 points, and Xiao Ming has 2 points more than him, so Xiao Ming's score is 14 points. Therefore, the sum of the total scores of the other three people should be: 75-12-14=49 points. Among these three people, each of them has a total score of more than 14 points, and the scores of the three are different, so the total score of each of them can only be 15, 16, and 18 points respectively. Based on this result and other conditions given in the question.

17. From the conditions (1) and (2) of the question, we can know that the sum of the scores of A and D and the sum of the scores of B and C are both 9. From the conditions (1), (2), and (3), it can be seen that A has the most points. Then from condition (4), we know that Ding's prey must be more than 1, so Ding's score must be more than 2 points. In this way, the scores of A and D can only be 7 and 2 or 6 and 3 respectively (because if their scores are 5 and 4, B or C, who have fewer scores than A, cannot get points).

Let's prove that D has more prey than B. Since D has the most prey, when the number of his prey is two, A, B, and C can only have one prey each.

1. One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies?

2. The three passengers A, B, and C on a certain car are of the same age as the three flight attendants (driver, conductor, and ticket inspector) on the car. Now I only know:

(1) A is 25 years old this year;

(2) The ticket inspector lost to the flight attendant of the same age as A yesterday in chess;

(3) B is going back to his hometown in Shanghai today, and the flight attendant of the same age as B happened to be They are from the same hometown as him;

(4) The driver’s age is three times that of his daughter, and she is now attending primary school at home; C’s age is 20 years older than the driver’s daughter. Based on the above conditions, infer that the age of the driver, conductor and which of the three passengers are the same year this year?

3. Miss Mei is so beautiful that she is favored by nine men in the office. Among these nine people, one is secretly dating Miss Mei. Below are the conversations of these nine men. Only four of them got it right. Based on the following conversation, please infer who Miss Mei’s lover is.

A: I think it must be G.

B: I think it's G.

C: I am Miss Mei’s lover.

D: C is lying.

E: I think it must be I.

F: Not me, not I.

G: F is telling the truth.

H: C is Miss Mei’s lover.

I: I am Miss Mei’s lover.

4. The geography teacher drew a picture of the five continents of the world on the blackboard and wrote a code name for each continent. Then, he asked each of his five classmates to identify two continents. The answers of the five students are:

A: No. 3 is Europe, No. 2 is America;

B: No. 4 is Asia, No. 2 is Oceania ;

C: No. 1 is Asia, No. 5 is Africa;

D: No. 4 is Asia. Africa, No. 3 is Oceania;

E: No. 2 is Europe, No. 5 is America.

The geography teacher said: "Each of you has only answered half of the answers correctly."

Excuse me, what continent is each number?

5. Four couples moved into a certain city, and the neighbors couldn’t tell who was a couple. He learned a few clues from the side:

(1) When C got married, B went to congratulate her, but Ding did not go.

(2) B and A have similar bodies and looks.

(3) D’s lover is B’s lover’s cousin.

(4) B, C and D lived in the same dormitory when they were studying in school.

(5) When couple B went out, the lovers of A, C and B went to the airport to see them off.

Please use the above clues to infer who is married to whom.

6. A certain family has three children studying in three universities A, B and C in the city, majoring in history, chemistry and biology. Now it is known that the eldest child is not in University A, the second child is not in University B, the one in University A is not studying history, the one in University B is studying chemistry, and the second child is not studying biology. May I ask: Which university did the third child go to and what major did he study?

7. Zhang San and Li Si are good friends. Once, two people quarreled over a trivial matter. Li Si accused Zhang San of lying, and Zhang San swore to heaven: "I absolutely did not lie today. From the time I was born to now, I have only lied three times." Li Si immediately said: "You said you only lied before? You have lied three times, which is a lie in itself. It can be said that this is your fourth lie. "Please prove that this statement of Li Si is wrong no matter what."

8. There are six brothers, arranged in order of size: Ichiro, Erlang, Sanlang, Shiro, Wulang and Liulang. When these six people ate around the round table, they all expressed that they were not on good terms with the brothers above and below them, and they would never sit with them. So, let me ask you, if Sanlang’s neighbor is not Wulang, which two brothers will be Erlang’s neighbor?

9. There is a forest where two people, old and young, live. The old man only tells lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and the young men only tell lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. At other times, they tell the truth. One day, Xiao Ming walked into the forest and got lost. He happened to meet those two people and knew that they were telling lies. So he thought that in order to find out the way, he had to first find out what day of the week it was.If it is Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, he cannot ask the elderly; if it is Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, he cannot ask the young; if it is Sunday, of course he can ask anyone. So, Xiao Ming went to ask them, and both of them answered: "Yesterday was the day I lied." Xiao Ming thought for a while and knew what day of the week it was. Do you know what day of the week it is?

10. A newspaper decided to recruit an amateur reporter, and six people, Zhao, Qian, Sun, Li, Zhou and Wu, went to take the exam. Who can be hired? A, B, C and D each made their own judgment.

A: Zhao and Qian have hope;

B: Zhao and Sun have hope;

C: Zhou and Wu have hope;

D: Zhao is impossible.

In fact, only one person's judgment is right. So, who became an amateur reporter?

11. There are five people: Zhou, Wang, Zhang, Zhao, and Li. Two of them never tell lies, and the other three sometimes tell the truth and sometimes lie. From the following conversation, please find someone who never lies.

Zhou: "Wang is not a liar."

Wang: "Zhang is a liar."

Zhang: "Zhao is a liar."

Zhao: "Li is a liar."

Li: "Wang is a liar." A liar."

Zhou: "Li is not a liar."

Li: "Zhang is a liar."

12. There are No. 1, No. 3, No. 6, and No. 9 in a professional basketball team. and No. 12, a total of six main players. After long-term training and actual games, the coach summarized the best cooperation between these main players as follows:

(1) If No. 4 comes on the field, No. 6 must also play;

(2) Only No. 1 does not If No. 3 plays, No. 3 will not play;

(3) Either No. 3 will play or No. 6 will play,

(4) If No. 9 and No. 12 play, then No. 4 will also play.

now needs No. 1 and No. 12 to play at the same time.

Does No. 9 have to play?

13.A, B, C and D are very good friends. They live in a city. One of them is a policeman, one is a carpenter, one is a farmer, and the other is a doctor. One day, A's son broke his leg, and A took him to see a doctor. The doctor has a sister who is C's wife. The farmer was never married and he kept many hens. B often goes to farmers’ houses to buy eggs. The police see C every day because they are neighbors. Please infer the occupations of each of the four people.

14. There are five people, A, B, C, D, and E. Each of them has a piece of black or white paper stuck on their forehead. Five people sit across from each other. Each person can see the color of the paper on the forehead of the other four people, but he does not know the color of the paper on his own forehead.

After the five people observed each other,

A said: "I saw three people had white paper on their foreheads, and one person had black paper on their foreheads."

B said: "I saw the other four people had black paper on their foreheads. "

C said: "I saw one person had white paper on their foreheads, and the other three had black paper on their foreheads."

D said: "I saw four people had white paper on their foreheads."

E. Nothing was said.

analyzes the statements of these four people and you will find that there are many contradictions here. Some of them actually told lies. It is now known that people with black paper on their foreheads are telling lies, and people with white paper on their foreheads are telling the truth. Please find the person among the five who has a white paper on his forehead.

15. There are three families A, B and C. Each family has three children. One day, nine children from three families competed in a sprint competition. It was stipulated that the first person regardless of age would get 9 points, the second place would get 8 points, and so on, and the last place would get 1 point. The result of the game is that each team has the same total score. And none of these children reached the finish line at the same time (that is, there were no tied rankings), and no two or three children from a family obtained consecutive rankings. It is known that the child who won the first place is a child of the C family, and the child who won the second place is a child of the B family. So whose child is the last place?

16. A teacher tested five students on five subjects. The teacher's scoring method is that for each subject, the person with the best score will receive 1 point, the person with the next best score will receive 2 points, and so on, and the last person will receive 5 points. After the exam, the teacher announced the following results:

(1) Each of these five students had different total scores.No one gets the same score in the same subject. But everyone has one subject in which they are the best among the five.

(2) Based on the total score, Xiao Hua ranks first, followed by Xiao Ming, Xiao Qiang, Xiao Le, and Xiao Yu (the first has the least total score, and the last has the most).

(3) Xiaohua’s total score is 12 points, and Xiaoming’s total score is 2 points more than Xiaohua;

(4) Xiaohua’s history score is the best; Xiaoming’s Chinese score is the best, and he got the first place in geography and English. Three; Xiaoqiang ranked first in geography, second in mathematics, and third in history; Xiaoyu ranked first in mathematics and second in English.

The teacher didn’t say anything about Xiaole’s grades. Based on the above situation, can you know Xiaole’s scores in each subject?

17. Four hunters A, B, C and D went hunting together. After it was over, the four people laid out their prey for evaluation. Among their prey, there was a lion, three leopards, and the rest were tigers and wolves. In order to compare their abilities, they rated various beasts. They reached an agreement: the lion had the highest score, followed by the tiger, then the leopard, and finally the wolf. Based on the scores of various beasts and the hunting status of each hunter, it is calculated:

(1) The total score of the four people is 18 points.

(2) The sum of the total scores of A and D is equal to the sum of the total scores of B and C.

(3) Among the four, Ding got the least points.

(4) When it comes to the number of prey, Ding has the most.

How many points do you get for hunting a lion, tiger, leopard and wolf? What wild animals did A, B, C, and D hunt? How many heads are there?

18.A director wants to choose an actor for a certain movie. His requirements for actors are: (A) big eyes, (B) thin body, (C) tall, (D) dark hair. Now there are four people A, B, C and D to be selected. Among them:

(1) only three of them have big eyes and thin bodies.

(2) Only two people have dark hair and are tall.

(3) Only two people are both thin and tall.

(4) Only one person has big eyes and black hair.

As for the characteristics of these four people:

(5) The eyes of A and B are about the same size.

(6) B and C have the same hair color.

(7) C and A are fatter and thinner, forming an obvious contrast.

(8) Ding and A are the same height.

One of the four people met the conditions required by the director. Who is this person?


One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

1. From the meaning of the question: one person said A lied, two people said B lied, and one person said C lied. Since both A and C say B is lying, then they both either lie or tell the truth.

If both A and C tell the truth, then C will not accuse A of lying. This is obviously contradictory to C accusing A of lying in the question. Therefore, the assumption that both A and C are telling the truth is not valid. So as long as A and C both lie, then B is telling the truth, and it is verified that B's accusation against C is also correct.

So the final judgment result is: B told the truth, and both A and C lied.

2. According to (3), the driver will not be the same age as B. The driver's age is three times that of his daughter. Then according to (1), he will not be the same age as A. Therefore, the driver is only the same age as C. Since C's age is 20 years older than the driver's daughter, it can be concluded that C's age, that is, the driver's age is 30 years old.

Since A is not the same age as the driver, and according to (2) "The ticket inspector lost to the flight attendant who is the same age as A yesterday in chess", it can be inferred that A is not the same age as the ticket inspector, so A can only be the same age as the conductor. So, the answer to the question is: the driver is 30 years old, and the conductor and passenger A are the same age.

3.C is Miss Mei’s lover. Think about the answers other than C. Since they do not meet the condition of "only four people said it correctly", they are not correct.

4. According to A’s answer, assuming that No. 2 is America, E’s answer is correct, then E’s answer that No. 2 is Europe is wrong, and E’s other answer (No. 5 is America) is correct. In this way, both No. 2 and No. 5 are America, which is obviously contradictory, so America is not No. 2. In this way, A's other answer (No. 3 is Europe) should be correct.Since No. 2 is not Europe, then E’s second answer (No. 5 is America) is correct. Since No. 3 is Europe, D's answer that No. 3 is Oceania is wrong, so D's answer that No. 4 is Africa is correct. In the same way, since No. 4 is Africa, we can infer from C’s answer that No. 1 is Asia. Furthermore, it can be inferred from B's answer that No. 2 is Oceania.

In summary, it can be seen that: No. 1 is Asia, No. 2 is Oceania, No. 3 is Europe, No. 4 is Africa, and No. 5 is America.

5. From (4), we know that B, C and D are of the same sex. From (3), we know that D’s lover is male, so D is female. From this we can see that B, C and D are women. From (2), we know that A is female. So A, B, C, and D are all women. Naturally, A, B, C, and D are male. From (5), we know that B’s wife cannot be C or B, but can only be A or D. But from (3), we know that it cannot be D. Therefore, B's wife is A. From (5), A's wife cannot be C or B, so A's wife is D. From (1) we know that C’s wife is not B, so C’s wife is C. The remaining B and D must be husband and wife. To sum up, B and A, D and B, A and D, and C and C are four couples.

6. Since the students at University A are not studying history, but the students at University B are studying chemistry, it can be inferred that the students at University A are studying biology, and the students at University C are studying history.

From the meaning of the question, we can see that the second child is not at University B. The second child is not studying biology, so the second child can only study history at University C. And since the eldest child is not at University A, then the eldest child is obviously studying chemistry at University B, and the remaining third child must be studying biology at University A. Therefore, the third child went to University A and majored in biology.

7. If Zhang San is telling the truth, that is, he has only lied three times before, of course Li Si’s statement is wrong. If Zhang San has never lied before, or has only lied once or twice, then this is at most the third time he lied, and Li Si’s statement is not correct either. If Zhang San has lied more than three times before, then this is at least the fifth time he has lied, not the fourth time anyway. Therefore, no matter how many times Zhang San lied, Li Si's statement was wrong.

8. Because Saburo’s neighbors are not Wuro, his neighbors can only be Ichiro and Rokuro. After the sitting positions of the first, third, and sixth men were arranged, there was only one way for the other three people to sit, that is, Erlang sat opposite Sanlang, and his neighbors were Shiro and Wulang. The circular seating order is: one, three, six, four, two, five.

9. Assume that today is Sunday, then both of them should tell the truth, but the old man said that yesterday (Saturday) was the day he lied. Therefore, this is inconsistent with the meaning of the question, so that day is not Sunday. Suppose that day is Monday, then the young person should tell the truth, but he said yesterday (Sunday) was the day he lied. This is also inconsistent with the meaning of the question, so the day cannot be Monday. By the same token, it can be inferred that today is not Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. So that day can only be Thursday. Because on Thursday, the old man should tell the truth, he will say yesterday (Wednesday) was the day he lied; and Thursday is the day the younger man lied, so he will say yesterday (Wednesday) was the day he lied. This is exactly in line with the meaning of the question. Therefore, it can be seen from the above that: today is Thursday.

10. The key to reasoning about this question is "only one person's judgment is correct." If A and B both say "Zhao has hope", then Zhao is eliminated. Ding said "Zhao is impossible", which means that the other five people are possible. Then according to the meaning of the question, Qian was excluded (A said Qian has hope), Sun was excluded (B said Sun has hope), and Zhou and Wu were also excluded. Ruled out (C said they had hope). In this way, only if Li becomes a reporter, it meets the meaning of the question (only one person's judgment is correct).

11. Let’s first assume that Zhou is a person who never lies. From Zhou’s words, it can be seen that neither Wang nor Li are liars. This is inconsistent with the meaning of the question. Therefore, Zhou is not a person who never lies. Suppose Zhang is a person who never lies. Then it can be seen from Zhang's words that Zhao lied. If the king said "Zhang is a liar", then the king also lied. Zhou also said that the king did not lie, and that Zhou also lied. From this, we should infer that Zhang is a liar. Li never lies. But Li also said that Zhang lied, thus proving that Zhang is not a person who never lies.

By the same token, Li is not a person who never lies.From this we can see that the two people who never lie are Wang and Zhao, and this is not inconsistent with the meaning of the question.

12.9 cannot play. Because No. 9 is on the field, from (4) we know that No. 4 will also be on the field; from (1) we know that No. 4 is on the field, so is No. 6; and from (2) is we know from (2) that No. 1 is on the field, so is No. 3, This contradicts (3) that No. 3 and No. 6 cannot play at the same time, so No. 9 cannot play.

13.A is a policeman, C is a carpenter, D is a farmer, and B is a doctor. From the meaning of the question, we know that C is not a doctor (because the doctor’s sister is his wife), not a farmer (because the farmer is never married), and not a policeman (because he and the policeman are neighbors), so he can only be a carpenter. It can also be seen that A is not a doctor (because he took his son to see a doctor), nor a farmer (because he has a son), so A can only be a policeman. And because B often goes to farmers' houses to buy eggs, it can be seen that he is not a farmer, so he can only be a doctor. In the end, the only remaining Ding could be a farmer.

14. Let’s first analyze how many of the four people A, B, C, and D have white paper on their foreheads. The people with the white paper on their foreheads should all see the same results, because according to the question, they all told the truth, so their speeches should be the same. But the speeches of A, B, C, and D were in four different ways. It can be seen that at most one of these four people had a white paper on his forehead and told the truth. Furthermore, we can infer that at least three of the five people A, B, C, D, and E have black paper on their foreheads, and it is impossible for all five people to have black paper on their foreheads (if it does, then B should lie) , which contradicts what B said in the question). This proves that one of B and C must be correct. Now assuming that B's words are correct, then B's forehead is white and the other four people are all black. Therefore, in C's view, they are one white and three black. However, because he lied, he will not say one white and three black. , which contradicts the words of C in the question, so the assumption is not valid. Since B's words are wrong, then C's words are correct (because at least one of B and C is telling the truth). Since C's words are correct, then what he has on his forehead is white paper, and from his words we can also infer that what E has on his forehead is also white paper.

15. The sum of the scores of the nine children should be the accumulation of 1 to 9, which is 45 points. It is now known that the scores of the three families are the same, so the sum of the scores of the three children of each family is 15 points. Divide the nine numbers from 1 to 9 into three groups, one group of three and one group of three, and make the sum of the three numbers in each group equal to 15. It can be found that there are only two possibilities for the scoring of each family. The first type: House A’s score is 9, 5, 1; House B’s score is 7, 6, 2; House C’s score is 8, 4, 3. The second type: House A’s score is 8, 6, 1; House B’s score is 9, 4, 2; House C’s score is 7, 5, 3. In the first case, two children from family B got consecutive rankings, which is inconsistent with the meaning of the question. Therefore, the scoring situation of each child can only be the second situation. That is, the scores of the children of family C are 9, 4, 2 (because his family has the first child); the scores of the children of family B are 8, 6, 1 (because his family has the second child), and the remaining Family A’s children’s scores can only be 7, 5, or 3. It can be seen from the above scoring situation that the child of family B won the last place.

16. First of all, it can be inferred that the total score of the five people should be 75 points. It is known that Xiao Hua's score is 12 points, and Xiao Ming has 2 points more than him, so Xiao Ming's score is 14 points. Therefore, the sum of the total scores of the other three people should be: 75-12-14=49 points. Among these three people, each of them has a total score of more than 14 points, and the scores of the three are different, so the total score of each of them can only be 15, 16, and 18 points respectively. Based on this result and other conditions given in the question.

17. From the conditions (1) and (2) of the question, we can know that the sum of the scores of A and D and the sum of the scores of B and C are both 9. From the conditions (1), (2), and (3), it can be seen that A has the most points. Then from condition (4), we know that Ding's prey must be more than 1, so Ding's score must be more than 2 points. In this way, the scores of A and D can only be 7 and 2 or 6 and 3 respectively (because if their scores are 5 and 4, B or C, who have fewer scores than A, cannot get points).

Let's prove that D has more prey than B. Since D has the most prey, when the number of his prey is two, A, B, and C can only have one prey each.Now it is known that the only lion was hunted by C, so the one with the most points should be C instead of A. This contradicts the result deduced above. From this we can see that Ding’s prey should be at least three. In addition, we have proved above that Ding's score will not be more than 3 points, so his prey will not be more than three. This means that Ding's prey is three, and his score is 3 points. His prey is therefore the wolf with the lowest score (each should be worth 1 point).

So far we can see that A's score is 6 points, D's score is 3 points, B and C's scores are 5 points for one and 4 points for the other, that is, C's score is at most 5 points. Since C’s prey includes a lion, the maximum score of a lion is 5 points. And because the lion has the highest score among the four prey items, and the scores of the four prey items are different from each other, the score of a lion will not be less than 5 points. 4 points. Assuming that each lion's score is 4 points, then each tiger, leopard, and wolf can only score 3 points, 2 points, and 1 point in order. It can be seen from this that the prey of A, who scored 6 points, can only be two tigers (because his prey is no more than two, and the prey does not include lions). But in this case, it is not known whose prey the three leopards belong to. Therefore, a lion's score is not 4 points, but 5 points. It can be seen that C's prey can only be a lion, and his score is 5 points, and B's score is 4 points. Finally, let’s discuss what A and B’s prey are. Since each of A and B has no more than two preys (since both are less than D), the sum of the number of preys for both of them is no more than four. But we also know that their prey included three leopards and several tigers (because the four people’s prey included tigers and three leopards, and the prey of C and D did not include tigers and leopards), so the prey of one of them did not There will be less than four heads. That is, their prey was four in total: three leopards and one tiger. It is not difficult to determine from this that the prey of person A with the most points is one tiger and one leopard, and the prey of person B with fewer points is two leopards. Each leopard has a score of 2 points, and each tiger has a score of 4 points.

18. From conditions (1) and (7), we know that among the four people, there are three thin people and one fat person; from condition (3), we know that among the three thin people, there is also a tall person. The people who are both thin and tall are B and C respectively, and the other person who is thin but not very tall is D. From condition (1), we know that the eyes of B, C, and D are also big. Summarizing these conditions into a table gives Table 1. “√” and “×” in the table represent “yes” and “no” respectively.

ABCD has big eyes √√√ is thin × √√√ is tall √√ . It can be seen from Table l that there will not be D among these two people. It is also impossible for them to be B and C at the same time (because if they are B and C, two people will meet the director's requirements, which is contrary to the meaning of the question). So one of them is A and the other is B or C. Assume that the person who satisfies this condition is B (it does not matter whether it is B or C, the result will be the same), and from condition (4) we can know that there is only one person with big eyes and black hair. This person is obviously B. Fill in the above situation into Table 1 to get Table 2. As can be seen from Table 2, the actor who meets the director's requirements is B. Let’s analyze who B is.

ABCD has big eyes ×√√√thin body ×√√√tall person√√√×black hair√√××It can be seen from Table 2 that there is no person with the same height as D among A, B, and C, so by the condition (8 ) It can be judged that D will not be A or D, but can only be C or B. It can also be seen from condition (7) that fat A must be C or D. Suppose first that A is C, then D can only be B. However, Table 2 points out that A and D have different hair colors, which contradicts condition (6). From this we know that A is D. As can be seen from Table 2, except for D (A), the other two people with the same hair color can only be C and D. Therefore, C and D are C and B. As for who is C and who is B, it is impossible to judge here, but the remaining B is naturally A. Therefore, no matter what, it is certain that the person who meets the director's requirements is A.

One day, A, B, and C had a dispute: A accused B of lying, B accused C of lying, and C accused both A and B of lying. May I ask who is telling the truth and who is telling lies? - DayDayNews

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