Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Let me tell you, I am relatively good, whether it is study, work, or life, I have procrastinated. During the study period, I will only do homework when I have to. In life, when I buy some daily necessities online, I put it off again and aga

2024/05/2605:35:32 psychological 1673

Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Let me tell you, I am relatively good, whether it is study, work, or life, I have procrastinated. During the study period, I will only do homework when I have to. In life, when I buy some daily necessities online, I put it off again and aga - DayDayNews

Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Let me tell you, I am relatively good, whether it is study, work, or life, I have procrastinated. During the study period, I will only do homework when I have to. In life, when I buy some daily necessities online, I put it off again and again and finally forget about it. At work, let’s do this tomorrow, let’s not do it for now; we don’t need this now, so we won’t do it for now; this can still be used without repair or improvement; this can be done without having to do it… just like that, the software program actually got delayed. More than a year.

This software measurement program has not been developed for a year. I usually measure each part one by one. Now the batch is large and it is too time-consuming. I recently forced myself to ask my colleagues for advice. I worked overtime for a few days and made more than a dozen changes. This time, I compared the actual measured data and ran the program and the measurement error was within the acceptable range. This simple measurement program was completed, and there was no need to measure each one one by one. When I finished it, I felt quite excited and felt like I was about to take off. Why did it take so long?

Regarding my experience of procrastination, do not define yourself as a "procrastinator" patient. People like to put labels on themselves. It seems that when you put a label, you become a maverick. However, sometimes, it is not because of who you are that you have a label, but because of what kind of person you are. Tags, what kind of person you become . There is a metaphor called "throwing the backpack over the wall" , which means that if you want to climb over a high wall that you can hardly climb over, the best way is to throw the backpack over first. As long as you throw the backpack over , no matter how difficult the wall is to climb, you will find a way to climb over it.

Sometimes, whether in study, life or work, you really need to push yourself and become a person who can throw your "backpack" over the wall, defeat procrastination, and defeat yourself.

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