Everyone experiences depression in a different way. Some people like to eat sweets, some people like to sleep, some people may like to chat a lot, and some people always watch videos, etc. Next, the editor shares several lifestyle factors that may be related to depression. Can ad

2024/05/2305:28:33 psychological 1572

Everyone experiences depression in a different way. Some people like to eat sweets, some people like to sleep, some people may like to chat a lot, and some people always watch videos, etc. Next, the editor shares several lifestyle factors that may be related to depression. Can ad - DayDayNews

Everyone may encounter depression in different ways. Some people like to eat sweets, some people like to sleep, some people may like to chat a lot, and some people always watch videos, etc.

Next, the editor will share several lifestyle factors that may be related to depression.

Addiction makes you want more

Can sweets really relieve our bad mood?

In fact, the sugar contained in refined sugars (rice, flour, white sugar, rock sugar, brown sugar, honey, maltose syrup , glucose syrup , corn syrup , fructose syrup , etc.), If consumed, our blood sugar will rise rapidly, leading to excessive secretion of insulin, which can easily lead to a lack of neurotransmitters related to happiness (serotonin, dopamine , and norepinephrine).

In other words, eating sweets doesn't make us happier. So why is it satisfying to eat sweets?

The study, published in the Annals of Nutrition Reviews, points out that these high-calorie candies not only tantalize our taste buds but also increase our appetite. Making us "compulsively" eat them without even realizing it, just like addictive drugs interfere with the brain's motivational and reward-seeking (happier) brain circuits.

Everyone experiences depression in a different way. Some people like to eat sweets, some people like to sleep, some people may like to chat a lot, and some people always watch videos, etc. Next, the editor shares several lifestyle factors that may be related to depression. Can ad - DayDayNews

If we eat sweets regularly, the strength and speed of reward signals in the brain will increase. If we overeat these ultra-processed foods, they can make us crave more and more (addictive behavior).

In brain scan studies, researchers have found similar patterns of neural activity in drug users and people diagnosed with eating addiction. Professor

noted: “Ultra-processed foods have been a key contributor to the global increase in obesity, diet-related disease and ill-health”.

Additionally, another study published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology noted that consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (referring to calorie-containing sweeteners such as sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice concentrates, and starch sugar etc. ) is related to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, gout , cancer and other diseases.

The sweets mentioned earlier are one of the ultra-processed foods. Other foods that can also make us addictive and harmful to the body include: carbonated drinks , sweet drinks, chocolate, candy, instant soup, bread, potato chips, biscuits, pizza, flavored yogurt, burgers, instant noodles, sausages, etc.

I often check social media when I feel down.

In the rapidly developing Internet era, social media has broken the boundaries of communication. It not only makes the connection between people more convenient and faster, but also brings us all kinds of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Research has found that social media use may be associated with increased depressive symptom scores.

Everyone experiences depression in a different way. Some people like to eat sweets, some people like to sleep, some people may like to chat a lot, and some people always watch videos, etc. Next, the editor shares several lifestyle factors that may be related to depression. Can ad - DayDayNews

In the study, researchers analyzed data from 5,395 adults aged 18 and older. These people did not suffer from depression at the beginning, and the first screening score on the Depression Screening Scale was below 5 points.

After participants used a photo-sharing app, a large social media platform, and a short video app for a period of time (the survey was conducted between May 2020 and May 2021), the researchers found that 482 people (8.9%) scored higher (showed mild depression) on the second screen.

Specifically, use of these three apps was associated with a 53%, 42%, and 39% increase in self-reported depression risk; and the conclusion was stable after excluding other social factors. Further analysis showed that the association between social media use and depression was age-related.

It is important to note that there may be some errors in the data from this study. For example, there is no statistics on social media usage, the groups participating in the second survey only accounted for a part of the total, etc.

The psychological motivations, behaviors and emotional experiences behind social media use are quite complex. It is recommended that you use social media reasonably and rationally.

Lazy, lazy, depressed.

ate snacks while watching dramas, played until early in the morning, and then had a good sleep.Will all the bad emotions disappear?

If you adopt unhealthy eating patterns for a long time ( high-fat diet , refined carbohydrate diet, high-salt diet), it will not only cause mitochondrial dysfunction, but also make you gain weight. Mitochondrial dysfunction and obesity have both been implicated in the development and progression of depression.

Everyone experiences depression in a different way. Some people like to eat sweets, some people like to sleep, some people may like to chat a lot, and some people always watch videos, etc. Next, the editor shares several lifestyle factors that may be related to depression. Can ad - DayDayNews

Research published in the "American Journal of Psychiatry" pointed out that long-term high-sugar and high-fat diet and lack of exercise will lead to excessive growth of abdominal fat and insulin resistance , and will not only increase the incidence of diabetes and other cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. , is also related to the occurrence and development of depression. The

study clearly pointed out that every 5cm increase in abdominal fat is related to an 11% increase in the incidence of depression, and every 1mmol/L increase in fasting blood glucose level is related to a 37% increase in the risk of depression.

Nowadays, staying up late has become the "normal" for people, especially when they are in a bad mood.

A large number of studies have shown that staying up late is harmful to the body. Staying up late makes people haggard and damages the skin and liver. People who stay up late often have a higher risk of heart disease and cancer. Although many people know that staying up late is not good, it is difficult to change this bad habit.

A study found that people who are habitual "night owls" (average sleep time is 3 a.m.) are twice as likely to suffer from depression as habitual early risers, regardless of how long they sleep. However, for every hour that you go to bed earlier, your risk of developing major depressive disorder decreases by 23%.

In other words, if a person who usually goes to bed at 1 a.m. goes to bed at 0 a.m. and gets the same amount of sleep, the risk of depression can be reduced by 23 percent. If the person goes to bed at 11 p.m., the risk of depression can be reduced by 40%.

This may be because early risers may be exposed to more sunlight, which can have a range of hormonal and mood effects, and a disrupted body clock or circadian rhythm can be frustrating. Currently, more and more studies support that circadian rhythm disruption may be one of the causes of depression.

[Note: The information and pictures used in this article are from the Internet and literature, and are only used for the popularization of medical knowledge. If there is any infringement, please contact us for deletion]

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