Why are we always anxious? In the journey of life, everyone has to go through different stages of growth, and at each stage they have to face different tasks and solve different problems. This process is also a process for everyone to explore and reflect on themselves. They may o

2024/05/2111:38:32 psychological 1620

Why are we always anxious?

In the journey of life, everyone has to go through different stages of growth. At each stage, they have to face different tasks and solve different problems. This process is also a process for everyone to explore and reflect on themselves. They may often realize the shortcomings in their own personality and hope to be changed and improved.

However, when most people encounter problems, they want to change but cannot. They are always troubled by the saying "it is easy to change the situation, but it is difficult to change the nature", and they feel deeply anxious and painful about this.

At this time, people around you may suggest you seek psychological counseling!

But some people think:

Only people who are weak and incompetent and mentally weak will go to psychological counseling, right?

Or have questions about psychological counseling:

Can psychological counseling make me better immediately?

Can you confide all your worries to TA at once?

TA Can you empathize and help me solve my problem?

In fact, a good psychological counseling experience will help you break these misunderstandings and prejudices.

Psychological counseling is a space where you can better understand yourself, and it is also a journey to your inner world.

The best part is: You don’t have to risk it alone. A professional psychological counselor will walk with you and support you along the way, no matter how difficult the situation is along the way.

And seeking psychological counseling should not be considered vulnerable, it should always be a sign of strength and courage to pursue. If we want to make a breakthrough, we need to confront what may be a daunting problem.

Why are we always anxious? In the journey of life, everyone has to go through different stages of growth, and at each stage they have to face different tasks and solve different problems. This process is also a process for everyone to explore and reflect on themselves. They may o - DayDayNews

If you have been in anger, sadness or anxiety for a long time, such as:

Even seemingly small things can cause mood swings...

Easily irritated, sad, and anxious...

If you are dealing with interpersonal relationships Relationship conflicts or troubles with communication, such as:

Whether you are with your partner, family, colleagues or others, you feel that it is not easy for you to communicate confidently and confidently.

Or, you may begin to realize that you tend to misinterpret what others say.

If you have just experienced a particularly painful event, such as the death of a loved one, breakup, or unemployment, for example:

The inseparable attachment keeps you awake all night, always wondering what you did wrong to make him leave you.

If you are stuck at a crossroads of choices and don’t know how to choose, for example:

Faced with the dual choice of family and career, your family does not understand, and you feel that your efforts are in vain, and you don’t know how to choose.

Or, you may start to realize that you are easily misunderstood. other people's words.

If you are very tired, your brain is still running at a high speed and it is difficult to "empty" it. For example:

You feel overwhelmed by life but have nowhere to complain. The fierce competition in the workplace makes people very tired.

At any time, when life is not what we want it to be, we should not just be vulnerable, but also dare to explore the abundance of our inner world!

Why are we always anxious? In the journey of life, everyone has to go through different stages of growth, and at each stage they have to face different tasks and solve different problems. This process is also a process for everyone to explore and reflect on themselves. They may o - DayDayNews

Jiangxi Xincheng Psychological Counseling Center conducts in-depth research on Chinese personality traits and marriage and family relationships, and has created a unique psychological counseling service model to evaluate the psychological status of visitors in multiple dimensions. The scope of psychological counseling provided includes children and adolescents. As well as individuals, partners, families, etc., they have unique insights into adolescent problems, depression, , anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, interpersonal communication disorders, social phobia, insomnia and sexual psychological disorders, sexual orientation, etc., and effectively solve the problems of visiting The psychological problems faced by patients can bring about real changes in their emotions, career and life.

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