Recently, I have been addicted to Bilibili, to be precise, it has been more than a year. Last year, with curiosity and a try mentality, I downloaded Station B to see what it was like. How to describe it, it seems like a new world has opened up. Breaking dimensions, crossing bound

Recently, I have been addicted to Bilibili. To be precise, it has been more than a year.

Last year, with curiosity and a try mentality, I downloaded Station B to see what it was like. How to describe it, it seems like a new world has opened up. Breaking dimensions, crossing boundaries, and seeing diversity suddenly enriches life and makes the already tense time even more tense.

At Station B, I fully felt everyone’s talents and novel ideas, showing the colorful world of light and shadow through the small screen. Over the past year or so, I have watched wonderful videos and followed all kinds of UP owners. Watching their videos has become a required course after get off work every day.

Among the UP owners I follow, there is one that attracts me more. First of all, her smile is contagious and every video is filled with enthusiasm, smile and hearty laughter. This true temperament is too precious for the impetuous life. Now, she has left the big city and returned to her hometown, spending time with her parents while starting her own business.

She took over her father's responsibility and started raising cattle at home. This journey was also full of twists and turns and self-doubt. Fortunately, she kept moving forward and solved every problem. Now she feels that this path is quite good. After

watched her video, I felt a bit envious. Staying by your parents' side and doing a career that you are passionate about may be the best state of life. Regarding farming and raising cattle, I am not unfamiliar with such life scenes, but I am still not completely sure about entering such a life.

has been wandering outside for many years, coupled with the major changes in his life, he yearns more and more for an idyllic life. Only in that kind of life can he feel at ease. The idea of ​​going back to start a business in agriculture and continue on the road of entrepreneurship is becoming more and more intense.

This idea was triggered when I went back to the village to visit relatives at the beginning of this year. In order to keep my grandparents warm in the winter, they moved into my old house this year. I took advantage of the holidays at the beginning of the year to go back to see the elderly and the villages I had not seen for many years.

thought that the village was still the same, with fewer people now, so it should be more dilapidated. However, I found that I was wrong. Although there are fewer people and not many young people, it is cleaner and tidier than before. While chatting with relatives and neighbors, I learned that everyone is now raising cattle. The former large sheep farmers have transformed into large cattle farmers, and some families are raising dozens of cattle.

further learned that the current transaction price of beef is not low, and there is a market and sales. In addition, compared with sheep, raising cattle is more convenient, and you don’t have to do too many trivial things. Cows also have strong resistance and are not as weak as sheep.

While chatting with everyone, I joked: How about I come back to raise cattle too! Everyone said yes, the income from raising cattle is not low, it is better than working. Although it was a joke, it was really touching. A few days ago, we saw the development trend of the county. We must vigorously develop ecological agriculture, and at the same time, we also support and encourage outstanding enterprises to develop locally.

It seems that the cattle raising business can still be carried out. I plan to use local cattle as the basis and introduce high-quality foreign breeds to form categories targeting different markets. In addition, it is necessary to breed dairy goats and optimize the "adopt a cow" plan to meet the problem of local high-quality milk sources.

While developing cattle breeding, it also expands agricultural planting and creates local characteristic agricultural and sideline products. Based on this, we can also develop rural tourism and move closer to cultural tourism.

invites popular KOLs to experience the event and publish video VLOG to create publicity. According to different nodes, the theme live broadcast is started to show the poetic farm life. And we need to send invitations to outdoor variety shows for cooperation. After gaining popularity, start your own self-media promotion matrix and provide long-term stable output in the form of pictures, texts, videos, etc.

product sales adhere to two lines in parallel, building offline flagship stores, expanding online stores, and carrying out sales work with the help of traffic popularity. These are the basic ideas of

. It’s beautiful when you think about it, and it’s even more beautiful in your dreams!