The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation as Immortality" has been updated. From the trailer, we can see that Han Li finally went to Xin Ruyin to ask about the teleportation array. This also means that he is about to go to the Sea of ​​Ch

2024/07/0214:31:32 erciyuan 1681

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation " Mortal Cultivation of Immortality " has been updated. From the trailer, we can see that Han Li finally went to Xin Ruyin to ask about the teleportation array. This also shows that he is about to go to the Chaos Star Sea. The main plot It can finally be expanded normally.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

However, although the plot has returned to the main line, there are many flaws in this episode. Many Taoist friends said that the current modeling of mortal female characters is really dizzying. No matter how you look at it, it is all Senior Sister Chen. If you say that before, Mo Caihuan and Senior Sister Chen are still somewhat recognizable, but Xin Ruyin who appears in this episode is really not recognizable at all. You must know that the eye-catching point of Chinese comics is the exquisite modeling. If the female modeling, which is the core of attracting traffic, is templated, it will be a matter of time before the product is marginalized.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

Of course, if the production team insists on explaining, it is not unreasonable. The production team can completely throw the blame for the similarity of characters to Han Li. The characters you see now are actually the memories of Han Li in the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars 200 years later, but Han Li is face-blind, so there are only a few types of women in his memories.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

First of all, with the help of "Mo Guy", Nangong Wan, who got married. Although Han Li is face-blind, the impression was too deep, so he remembered the face very clearly.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

The second category includes beauties such as Mo Caihuan, Chen Qiaoqian, and Xin Ru. However, because Han Li is face-blind and cannot distinguish between several beauties, they are all the same in his memory. Anyway, he only remembers them as beauties.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

The third category is other senior sisters. Since they are not beautiful women, in Han Li's opinion they all look the same as ordinary people. For example, those senior sisters who were beaten away many times on the way to escape should not be beaten many times. They were beaten for the first time, but Han Li couldn't tell who was who.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

The fourth category is women who have had more contact with them. Although they may not necessarily like them, they have had more contact with them and their appearance can be remembered more clearly, such as Dong Xuan'er and Hong Fu. If it is explained in this way, then Senior Sister Chen may be reasonable in the eyes of some Taoists. As for whether it can be bought by all Taoists, it depends on what other Taoists think. Of course, if you have other opinions about modeling, you are welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

Finally, let’s talk about the woman holding the umbrella at the end. Some Taoist friends said that this is Senior Sister Chen. I think it is most likely Nangong Wan. Judging from the lines in the pilot film and Nangong Wan’s deliberate seclusion in the previous episode, Nangong Wan should be Sneaking out, and judging from the plot, Senior Sister Chen's exit has been done well and done well. Pulling Senior Sister Chen out again seems to have no plot to develop and no meaning. In comparison, Nangong has enough The reason for coming to Yellow Maple Valley, and judging from the tone in which she said the three words "Huang Maple Valley", it didn't sound like the sigh of an acquaintance revisiting Huang Maple Valley, but more like the feeling of a stranger.

The trailer for the 59th episode of the animation

But there is one thing to say. If the woman holding the umbrella is Nangong Wan, then the modeling of the three female characters appearing in this episode is really off the mark. If Xin Ruyin is a passerby, so she borrowed the modeling of Senior Sister Chen. Well, Nangong Wan is the heroine, so it doesn’t make sense that she has the same model as Senior Sister Chen, right? If fellow Taoists can find any differences between the models of Senior Sister Chen, Xin Ruyin, and Nangong Wan, you can leave a message in the comment area. Let us fellow Taoists come together to find fault among the people.

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