"Kamen Rider Revice" has been updated to episode 44. Judging from everyone's current evaluation of him, it is really not easy to restore the reputation before the end. So today we will take a look at it together based on the plot. Those confusing settings in revice. First, he was

2024/07/0214:30:32 erciyuan 1290

"Kamen Rider Revice" has been updated to episode 44. Judging from everyone's current evaluation of him, it is really not easy to restore the reputation before the end. So today we will combine the plot and watch it together. Let’s take a look at the confusing settings in device.

First of all, he was a sophomore. In the early stage, he had a conflict of ideas with his brother. He was quite jealous of his brother and wanted to blame him. The greater the responsibility, the greater the ability. Later it was confirmed that it was a false shot, he was not jealous of his brother, he trusted his brother very much, he was a very strong and calm person, because of his admiration for his brother, Mirage was born, a demon who wanted to kill his brother to the extreme, and he suppressed Mirage for his brother's sake. If you encounter difficulties and cannot solve them, go to your brother.

In the later stage, he often had some unexplained impulses, refused to communicate with unexplained things, distrusted Akaashi at the unexplained front end, and blamed his brother for killing Zhu Mei without seeing clearly. He also kept saying that he would become Kadoda, but when Kadota came back he didn't listen to a word. He kept saying that he was for humanity, but ended up taking the demons to arrest humans. He kept saying that he couldn't defeat Keefu, but in the end he chose to be loyal to Keefe after he was able to defeat him. .

So as a sophomore, I really did it on my own. I refused to communicate and passed the blame on others. It was all their fault, and I was just for justice. But in fact, apart from shouting about justice, nothing he does can be called justice.

As for the follow-up plot, I think if sophomore really makes a contract with Keefe, he will probably be able to successfully bring Mirage back, but I suspect that Keefe may have some tricks in the contract, that is, after the contract, Keefe can take sophomore's body by force. If Mirage then If he really comes back, he might pop out of his body and dominate the sophomore season. The sophomore wore new black clothes and evil makeup. He killed everyone in the first battle. If Keefe could evolve into a knight, he would probably walk in the corner to release the transformation after the fight. The sophomore cried in despair and said: I am Keefe. It's a devil, and then Keefe said in his mind, Sophomore, now I am your family, and I will always be with you. I really don't know if Keefe had an expression, he would hug Sophomore and reveal something weird like Yaz Smile

Finally, regarding the question of whether the follow-up plot can be rounded off, in fact, I think if you want to truly round it off, you don’t need to round it out. Just change the settings. For example, Akaashi had already figured out how to defeat Keefe thousands of years ago. Since If you can't kill a complete Keef, then divide the power of Keef. Low-level demons can be dealt with by ordinary people. Then create a large number of low-level demons and continue to divide the power. One low-level demon can be dealt with, and tens of thousands of them can be destroyed. It's not impossible to spend some time.

However, if you create too many low-level demons, you will be suspected, so you need to create several high-level demons. Therefore, the Igarashi family was created as weapons to deal with high-level demons. If these demons are killed, then their existence The power will return to Kiev, so these demons cannot be killed, at least not until Kiev's consciousness dies.

This is necessary for the existence of regenerative tissue. When the power that Keefe's will can control reaches a point where it can be eliminated, Keefe can be eliminated. The Magnet Tyrannosaurus was born. The sophomore and the doctor all know this. Plan, Akaashi knows that he will definitely die, but as a container, he bears a large amount of Keefu's power, so the best way before he dies is to transfer this power to others, such as sophomore, or to consume this power, In this case, it actually rounds up the plot. What do you guys think?

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